Table 7.6. Receipts, Average Cost, and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Electric Utilities, 2005 - 2015 (continued)

  Petroleum Coke Natural Gas All Fossil Fuels
  Receipts Average Cost   Receipts Average Cost   Average Cost

Average Sulfur Percent by Weight Percentage of
Percentage of
(Dollars per MMBtu)
Annual Totals
2005 102,450 3,632 1.29 36.31 5.16 87.9 1,835,221 1,780,721 8.32 8.57 83.4 2.38
2006 99,471 3,516 1.49 42.21 5.11 97.2 2,222,289 2,163,113 7.36 7.56 87.3 2.45
2007 84,812 2,964 1.73 49.57 5.09 105.6 2,378,104 2,315,637 7.47 7.67 84.6 2.61
2008 80,987 2,843 2.13 60.51 5.36 123.8 2,856,354 2,784,642 9.15 9.39 102.0 3.33
2009 109,126 3,833 1.68 47.84 5.02 138.8 3,033,133 2,962,640 5.50 5.63 101.8 2.87
2010 103,152 3,628 2.38 67.65 5.03 109.1 3,395,962 3,327,919 5.43 5.54 101.1 2.99
2011 99,208 3,445 3.08 88.73 5.17 99.9 3,571,348 3,507,613 5.00 5.09 101.8 3.08
2012 72,782 2,521 2.30 66.40 5.46 119.8 4,083,579 4,003,457 3.74 3.81 97.6 2.86
2013 99,088 3,463 2.11 60.30 5.34 101.6 3,939,408 3,851,241 4.49 4.59 97.0 2.99
2014 123,793 4,349 1.89 53.77 5.56 126.3 3,876,549 3,772,596 5.17 5.31 96.7 3.16
2015 115,929 4,069 1.77 50.44 5.23 130.1 4,717,748 4,565,040 3.52 3.64 96.0 2.67
Year 2013
January 6,816 237 1.97 56.67 5.52 93.7 308,726 302,282 4.35 4.44 97.5 2.95
February 7,272 254 2.05 58.54 5.32 115.4 276,355 270,729 4.29 4.38 97.3 2.92
March 5,449 190 2.00 57.27 5.37 80.5 292,291 285,901 4.44 4.54 97.4 2.99
April 8,309 291 2.23 63.79 5.23 133.8 267,830 262,122 4.88 4.99 97.6 3.03
May 8,610 301 2.28 65.22 5.28 83.5 298,278 291,130 4.84 4.96 98.4 3.06
June 8,302 291 2.36 67.19 4.88 83.7 360,943 352,719 4.65 4.75 97.1 3.06
July 9,006 314 2.25 64.47 5.35 93.2 427,831 417,585 4.38 4.48 96.6 3.01
August 7,910 274 2.15 62.01 5.24 82.6 436,060 426,576 4.15 4.24 96.3 2.97
September 10,687 373 2.09 59.92 5.32 114.6 360,603 352,812 4.35 4.44 96.7 2.97
October 9,457 333 2.06 58.58 5.37 114.9 309,544 302,556 4.40 4.50 96.9 2.95
November 7,486 262 1.87 53.23 5.41 120.6 281,343 274,910 4.44 4.55 96.6 2.92
December 9,784 343 1.93 54.95 5.75 125.9 319,604 311,919 4.93 5.05 96.3 3.10
Year 2014
January 8,753 309 1.79 50.66 5.22 88.7 322,118 314,783 6.23 6.37 96.8 3.45
February 8,883 312 2.01 57.15 5.47 113.1 261,721 255,665 7.00 7.16 96.1 3.56
March 11,235 396 1.94 54.97 5.85 119.1 269,374 263,288 5.93 6.06 96.8 3.24
April 11,184 394 2.07 58.69 5.98 186.0 270,455 264,009 5.34 5.47 97.6 3.14
May 10,813 383 2.13 60.11 5.57 121.8 324,319 316,054 5.26 5.40 97.7 3.18
June 9,321 325 1.97 56.35 5.85 95.9 346,749 337,837 5.17 5.31 96.9 3.19
July 9,697 339 1.79 51.25 5.70 113.6 390,076 379,146 4.84 4.98 96.4 3.12
August 10,451 365 1.85 52.89 5.51 122.5 424,307 412,297 4.47 4.60 96.6 3.05
September 9,844 345 1.81 51.54 5.40 122.6 353,112 342,647 4.63 4.77 96.2 3.05
October 9,240 326 1.65 46.75 5.25 182.8 323,101 313,490 4.55 4.69 96.8 2.93
November 10,079 354 1.70 48.51 5.43 154.6 288,185 279,556 4.75 4.90 96.6 2.94
December 14,294 499 1.90 54.38 5.40 149.0 303,034 293,825 4.61 4.76 96.6 3.13
Year 2015
January 11,509 404 1.94 55.36 5.21 129.1 345,262 334,921 4.24 4.37 96.3 2.84
February 8,617 301 1.72 49.17 5.31 90.5 325,811 315,866 4.57 4.72 95.1 2.95
March 7,949 283 1.95 54.67 5.16 144.7 343,696 333,075 3.78 3.90 95.6 2.74
April 8,845 313 1.95 55.11 4.92 146.8 331,639 321,268 3.48 3.60 97.3 2.65
May 10,125 357 1.98 56.26 5.21 136.5 364,935 353,283 3.50 3.61 97.6 2.69
June 7,485 262 1.73 49.60 5.62 111.4 444,769 429,988 3.47 3.59 96.1 2.72
July 11,256 395 1.86 52.91 5.04 118.3 509,115 491,495 3.46 3.59 96.2 2.69
August 9,787 342 1.76 50.54 4.92 109.8 492,323 476,327 3.46 3.57 95.7 2.67
September 12,216 429 1.72 49.08 5.09 145.7 428,044 413,887 3.40 3.52 95.5 2.63
October 9,567 334 1.77 50.64 5.05 147.2 380,675 367,001 3.25 3.37 96.2 2.52
November 10,082 354 1.46 41.65 5.64 196.4 365,361 354,358 2.97 3.07 96.5 2.47
December 8,492 297 1.35 38.62 5.76 128.1 386,119 373,572 2.93 3.03 94.8 2.47

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.

Beginning in January 2013, the threshold for reporting fuel receipts data was changed from 50 megawatts to 200 megawatts of nameplate capacity for plants primarily fueled by natural gas, petroleum coke, distillate fuel oil, and residual fuel oil. In addition, the requirement to report self-produced and minor fuels, i.e., blast furnace gas, other manufactured gases, kerosene, jet fuel, propane, and waste oils was eliminated. The threshold for coal plants remained at 50 megawatts. The following caveats for each fuel type should be noted:
PETROLEUM COKE - includes petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas. Prior to 2011, petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas was included in Other Gases.
NATURAL GAS - includes natural gas only. Prior to 2011, includes Other Gases.

- Values are final.
- See Glossary for definitions.
- Starting in January 2013, there may have been a shift in the continuity of Chapter 7 tables due to changes in the sample design of Form EIA-923 and the imputation process.
- See the EIA-923 section of the Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923 and predecessor forms.
- See the Technical Notes for fuel conversion factors.
- Totals may not equal the sum of components because of independent rounding.

Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report" and predecessor forms including Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report" and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants."