Table 3.11. Utility Scale Facility Net Generation from Natural Gas
by State, by Sector, 2015 and 2014 (Thousand Megawatthours)

All Sectors Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector

Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Census Division
and State
Year 2015 Year 2014 Percentage
Year 2015 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2014
New England 53,961 47,880 12.7% 414 343 51,527 44,990 946 962 1,073 1,584
Connecticut 17,362 14,684 18.2% 13 11 16,487 13,811 385 394 477 468
Maine 2,952 4,344 -32.1% 0 0 2,517 3,352 27 26 408 966
Massachusetts 21,007 18,498 13.6% 378 299 20,012 17,594 461 485 157 119
New Hampshire 6,052 4,388 37.9% 22 30 5,976 4,312 22 15 31 31
Rhode Island 6,586 5,963 10.4% 0 0 6,536 5,920 50 43 0 0
Vermont 1 2 -39.4% 1 2 0 0 0.13 0 0 0
Middle Atlantic 153,353 138,811 10.5% 12,145 11,998 138,287 123,946 1,090 1,010 1,831 1,857
New Jersey 36,974 31,410 17.7% 78 76 36,350 30,757 206 183 340 394
New York 56,923 54,380 4.7% 12,062 11,914 43,811 41,550 760 688 290 228
Pennsylvania 59,455 53,021 12.1% 4 9 58,127 51,639 123 139 1,201 1,235
East North Central 88,604 59,251 49.5% 39,198 24,274 46,414 32,392 1,355 1,346 1,637 1,238
Illinois 10,864 5,465 98.8% 629 383 9,276 4,167 446 490 513 425
Indiana 16,263 9,572 69.9% 13,021 6,951 2,532 2,055 167 111 543 455
Michigan 20,045 12,523 60.1% 6,320 3,325 12,896 8,500 555 518 273 180
Ohio 28,034 23,636 18.6% 6,884 6,590 20,948 16,901 117 95 84 51
Wisconsin 13,399 8,054 66.4% 12,342 7,025 762 769 70 132 224 127
West North Central 17,472 11,844 47.5% 14,663 9,753 2,194 1,697 227 206 388 189
Iowa 2,398 1,373 74.7% 2,164 1,277 0 0.01 45 38 190 58
Kansas 1,174 1,453 -19.2% 1,138 1,412 0 0 0 0 36 41
Minnesota 7,389 3,870 91.0% 6,392 3,140 771 554 105 110 122 65
Missouri 4,596 4,044 13.7% 3,077 2,842 1,424 1,143 76 57 20 3
Nebraska 431 406 6.2% 430 405 0 0 1 0.34 0.47 0.35
North Dakota 711 234 203.5% 690 213 0 0 0 0 21 22
South Dakota 773 465 66.2% 773 465 0 0 0 0 0 0
South Atlantic 305,242 251,545 21.3% 251,847 208,804 49,108 39,508 537 473 3,751 2,759
Delaware 6,689 6,297 6.2% 39 34 5,684 5,624 0 0 967 639
District of Columbia 23 68 -66.5% 0 0 0 0 23 68 0 0
Florida 155,824 140,034 11.3% 145,887 131,477 8,513 7,258 33 32 1,392 1,267
Georgia 50,469 40,961 23.2% 37,264 29,754 12,615 10,830 0 0 590 377
Maryland 4,555 2,506 81.8% 0 0 4,031 2,089 466 364 59 53
North Carolina 36,545 28,738 27.2% 32,567 25,224 3,794 3,419 8 0.41 176 94
South Carolina 16,549 11,407 45.1% 14,571 10,087 1,939 1,286 2 3 38 30
Virginia 33,284 20,882 59.4% 21,401 12,047 11,346 8,530 6 5 531 299
West Virginia 1,304 653 99.5% 119 181 1,185 472 0 0 0.01 0.01
East South Central 116,235 89,575 29.8% 69,949 50,980 44,223 36,779 151 141 1,913 1,674
Alabama 55,844 48,270 15.7% 14,691 14,388 40,126 32,907 0 0 1,027 975
Kentucky 5,950 2,500 138.0% 5,135 2,104 574 151 0 0 241 244
Mississippi 45,117 32,606 38.4% 41,175 28,539 3,523 3,714 7 21 411 331
Tennessee 9,324 6,200 50.4% 8,947 5,949 0 6 143 120 233 124
West South Central 353,095 297,097 18.8% 104,963 83,866 182,641 149,151 823 868 64,668 63,212
Arkansas 14,866 9,614 54.6% 4,476 2,025 10,068 7,307 2 3 320 279
Louisiana 66,211 56,121 18.0% 37,283 27,878 4,001 2,266 176 190 24,751 25,786
Oklahoma 34,286 26,641 28.7% 22,087 17,485 12,019 9,022 0.01 0.04 180 135
Texas 237,731 204,721 16.1% 41,117 36,478 156,552 130,556 645 675 39,417 37,013
Mountain 97,008 83,134 16.7% 69,836 57,626 25,359 23,856 418 396 1,394 1,256
Arizona 33,657 27,242 23.5% 18,497 13,251 15,030 13,859 130 132 0 0
Colorado 11,644 11,954 -2.6% 9,391 9,273 2,230 2,656 NM 7 19 18
Idaho 3,804 2,553 49.0% 2,128 1,246 1,606 1,276 15 0 55 30
Montana 599 515 16.2% 534 471 65 44 0 0 0 0
Nevada 29,000 22,961 26.3% 26,428 20,253 2,200 2,406 69 64 302 238
New Mexico 9,365 8,976 4.3% 5,190 5,802 4,052 3,035 121 109 1 30
Utah 8,218 8,376 -1.9% 7,527 7,307 176 526 78 83 436 460
Wyoming 722 557 29.6% 139 23 1 55 0 0 582 479
Pacific Contiguous 145,423 144,184 0.9% 51,784 50,551 80,085 79,438 1,924 1,822 11,630 12,372
California 116,140 120,426 -3.6% 37,076 36,002 65,695 70,438 1,853 1,733 11,516 12,253
Oregon 16,237 12,699 27.9% 6,599 4,917 9,532 7,636 52 77 55 70
Washington 13,046 11,059 18.0% 8,109 9,632 4,859 1,364 19 12 59 50
Pacific Noncontiguous 3,090 3,288 -6.0% 3,019 3,219 0 0 0.00 2 70 67
Alaska 3,090 3,288 -6.0% 3,019 3,219 0 0 0.00 2 70 67
Hawaii 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. Total 1,333,482 1,126,609 18.4% 617,817 501,414 619,839 531,758 7,471 7,227 88,355 86,209

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.