Table 3.4.A. Net Generation by Energy Source: Commercial Sector, 2005 - 2015
(Thousand Megawatthours)

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Distributed Generation Net Generation From Utility Scale Facilities and Distributed Generation
Period Coal Petroleum
Nuclear Hydroelectric
Solar Renewable
Hydroelectric and Solar
Other Total Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Estimated Distributed Solar Photovoltaic Generation Estimated Total Solar Photovoltaic Generation Estimated Total Solar Generation
Annual Totals
2005 1,353 368 7 4,249 0 0 86 0 1,673 0 756 8,492 N/A N/A N/A
2006 1,310 228 7 4,355 0.04 0 93 0 1,619 0 758 8,371 N/A N/A N/A
2007 1,371 180 9 4,257 0 0 77 0 1,614 0 764 8,273 N/A N/A N/A
2008 1,261 136 6 4,188 0 0 60 0.08 1,555 0 720 7,926 N/A N/A N/A
2009 1,096 157 5 4,225 0 0 71 0.04 1,769 0 842 8,165 N/A N/A N/A
2010 1,111 117 7 4,725 3 0 80 5 1,709 0 834 8,592 N/A N/A N/A
2011 1,049 86 3 5,487 3 0 26 84 2,392 0 950 10,080 N/A N/A N/A
2012 883 191 6 6,603 0 0 28 148 2,397 0 1,046 11,301 N/A N/A N/A
2013 839 118 5 7,154 0 0 44 294 2,662 0 1,118 12,234 N/A N/A N/A
2014 595 247 9 7,227 0 0 38 371 2,862 0 1,171 12,520 5,146 5,516 5,516
2015 509 183 8 7,471 0 0 35 416 2,803 0 1,170 12,595 5,689 6,106 6,106
Year 2013
January 89 19 1 562 0 0 4 9 212 0 85 981 N/A N/A N/A
February 81 14 1 512 0 0 4 15 187 0 74 888 N/A N/A N/A
March 78 7 1 574 0 0 4 22 220 0 90 995 N/A N/A N/A
April 63 7 0.03 541 0 0 4 25 210 0 95 946 N/A N/A N/A
May 69 8 0 546 0 0 5 27 229 0 97 981 N/A N/A N/A
June 75 7 0 593 0 0 5 30 223 0 93 1,026 N/A N/A N/A
July 76 13 0.05 779 0 0 5 28 235 0 100 1,236 N/A N/A N/A
August 71 7 1 697 0 0 4 29 238 0 101 1,147 N/A N/A N/A
September 60 6 1 652 0 0 3 30 222 0 99 1,073 N/A N/A N/A
October 49 7 1 550 0 0 2 32 226 0 96 961 N/A N/A N/A
November 60 8 0.46 525 0 0 2 24 223 0 92 936 N/A N/A N/A
December 68 16 1 623 0 0 3 23 236 0 95 1,064 N/A N/A N/A
Year 2014
January 76 102 1 651 0 0 4 16 264 0 104 1,218 300 316 316
February 79 37 1 533 0 0 3 20 216 0 71 961 322 342 342
March 66 30 1 529 0 0 4 29 230 0 84 972 432 461 461
April 47 9 1 509 0 0 4 33 229 0 96 927 467 499 499
May 39 8 0.32 557 0 0 4 38 238 0 102 986 512 550 550
June 42 8 0 605 0 0 3 39 245 0 99 1,041 510 549 549
July 50 9 0.05 701 0 0 3 38 263 0 109 1,173 529 567 567
August 42 7 1 722 0 0 3 39 256 0 110 1,181 520 559 559
September 36 8 1 657 0 0 3 35 243 0 104 1,086 469 504 504
October 31 9 1 601 0 0 2 36 230 0 97 1,008 419 455 455
November 44 9 1 560 0 0 2 28 218 0 98 960 338 366 366
December 45 10 1 602 0 0 2 20 230 0 97 1,007 329 349 349
Year 2015
January 56 22 1 564 0 0 3 20 225 0 88 981 327 347 347
February 59 72 1 499 0 0 3 23 198 0 77 932 356 379 379
March 52 11 1 560 0 0 3 33 227 0 91 977 479 512 512
April 38 8 1 513 0 0 3 39 231 0 98 931 525 564 564
May 32 10 0.03 583 0 0 3 46 237 0 101 1,013 574 619 619
June 45 10 0 662 0 0 4 43 232 0 102 1,098 571 614 614
July 44 12 0 769 0 0 3 45 256 0 108 1,238 596 641 641
August 39 12 1 760 0 0 2 46 243 0 104 1,206 575 621 621
September 33 7 1 716 0 0 2 37 242 0 106 1,145 515 553 553
October 34 6 1 643 0 0 3 32 234 0 95 1,049 455 488 488
November 35 6 1 583 0 0 3 27 236 0 102 992 367 394 394
December 41 7 1 617 0 0 4 24 242 0 98 1,033 349 373 373

Coal includes anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, and waste coal; synthetic coal and refined coal; and beginning in 2011, coal-derived synthesis gas. Prior to 2011 coal-derived synthesis gas was included in Other Gases.
Petroleum Liquids includes distillate and residual fuel oils, jet fuel, kerosene, waste oil, and beginning in 2011, propane. Prior to 2011 propane was included in Other Gases.
Petroleum Coke includes petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas. Prior to 2011, petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas was included in Other Gases.
Other Gas includes blast furnace gas and other manufactured and waste gases derived from fossil fuels. Prior to 2011, Other Gas included propane and synthesis gases.
See the Technical Notes for fuel conversion factors.
Renewable Sources include wood, black liquor, other wood waste, biogenic municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, agriculture byproducts, other biomass, geothermal, solar thermal, photovoltaic energy, and wind.
Other includes non-biogenic municipal solid waste, batteries, hydrogen, purchased steam, sulfur, tire-derived fuel, and other miscellaneous energy sources.
Notes: Beginning with 2001 data, non-biogenic municipal solid waste and tire-derived fuels are reclassified as non-renewable energy sources and included in Other. Biogenic municipal solid waste is included in Other Renewable Sources.
See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923 and predecessor forms.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. NM=Not meaningful due to large standard error. W=Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 Combined Heat and Power Plant Report; and predecessor forms.
Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report, replaced the following: Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; Form EIA-920, Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;
Form EIA-423, Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report; and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants.
Estimated distributed solar photovoltaic generation and distributed solar photovoltaic capacity are based on data from Form EIA-826, Form EIA-861 and from estimation methods described in the technical notes.