Table 3.3.A. Net Generation by Energy Source: Independent Power Producers, 2005 - 2015
(Thousand Megawatthours)

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Period Coal Petroleum
Nuclear Hydroelectric
Solar Renewable
and Solar
Other Total
Annual Totals
2005 507,199 37,096 9,664 445,625 3,767 345,690 21,486 535 51,173 -1,174 6,285 1,427,346
2006 498,316 10,396 8,409 452,329 4,223 361,877 24,390 493 58,853 -1,277 6,412 1,424,421
2007 507,406 13,645 6,942 500,967 3,901 378,869 19,109 601 65,150 -1,569 6,191 1,501,212
2008 502,442 8,021 6,737 482,182 3,154 381,952 23,451 847 84,928 -1,145 6,414 1,498,982
2009 419,031 6,306 4,288 491,839 2,962 381,579 24,308 863 100,997 -1,259 6,146 1,437,061
2010 449,709 5,117 3,497 508,774 2,915 382,126 22,351 1,105 119,851 -1,035 6,345 1,500,754
2011 416,783 3,655 3,431 511,447 2,911 374,906 26,117 1,511 140,442 -928 7,059 1,487,335
2012 354,076 2,757 1,758 627,833 2,984 374,509 20,923 3,525 156,539 -748 7,030 1,551,186
2013 379,270 3,761 1,780 527,522 3,524 382,902 22,018 7,782 181,263 -908 6,742 1,515,657
2014 395,701 6,789 1,410 531,758 3,246 377,295 19,861 16,086 196,723 -1,030 6,690 1,554,530
2015 342,608 6,240 1,601 619,839 3,517 380,498 17,996 22,962 202,858 -987 6,838 1,603,971
Year 2013
January 33,416 635 149 40,509 313 34,658 1,938 269 15,567 -61 545 127,938
February 31,100 346 132 36,722 261 30,340 1,736 374 14,766 -50 497 116,224
March 31,794 187 151 39,104 259 31,522 1,878 531 16,778 -80 574 122,699
April 26,434 206 144 37,081 284 27,776 2,189 573 17,890 -60 528 113,045
May 28,327 228 101 39,353 306 29,871 2,194 643 17,152 -74 574 118,674
June 32,481 241 141 46,520 280 31,926 2,365 745 15,065 -97 586 130,253
July 37,252 460 167 58,993 315 33,807 2,224 710 12,812 -103 605 147,241
August 34,371 239 211 57,526 300 34,167 1,525 813 11,692 -47 587 141,386
September 32,990 262 141 48,349 298 31,340 1,297 819 12,955 -92 561 128,919
October 28,248 202 149 41,022 343 31,578 1,339 849 14,846 -66 558 119,069
November 27,712 212 144 39,663 289 32,037 1,494 718 16,558 -82 554 119,297
December 35,144 544 151 42,679 274 33,881 1,839 738 15,181 -95 574 130,911
Year 2014
January 40,054 3,281 109 41,761 253 34,316 1,837 681 18,727 -72 533 141,480
February 37,580 698 123 35,129 204 29,702 1,316 753 15,039 -84 472 120,930
March 37,333 880 129 35,402 206 29,785 1,715 1,196 18,569 -66 571 125,720
April 30,554 160 141 34,693 211 26,072 2,332 1,355 19,166 -77 516 115,124
May 28,635 203 125 40,419 271 29,187 2,477 1,596 16,817 -95 569 120,205
June 31,947 193 108 46,588 252 32,240 1,850 1,755 17,275 -96 565 132,678
July 35,597 236 128 56,400 276 33,909 1,641 1,618 14,183 -100 584 144,474
August 34,761 261 123 59,357 309 33,946 1,458 1,709 12,495 -101 594 144,913
September 30,580 171 145 52,430 293 32,238 1,091 1,670 13,267 -81 562 132,366
October 27,332 209 51 47,693 331 30,374 1,200 1,556 15,642 -97 566 124,857
November 31,053 268 88 39,234 292 30,589 1,155 1,260 19,441 -90 578 123,869
December 30,274 228 139 42,652 349 34,935 1,787 939 16,102 -71 580 127,913
Year 2015
January 36,595 701 128 46,877 368 34,893 1,491 1,066 16,096 -92 560 138,685
February 35,196 3,049 132 40,256 305 29,984 1,104 1,372 15,785 -69 489 127,602
March 28,865 306 141 46,138 306 31,218 1,625 1,911 16,184 -90 527 127,131
April 21,519 170 140 42,762 269 28,732 2,175 2,193 18,393 -62 528 116,818
May 24,330 257 144 47,242 318 30,737 1,515 2,300 18,059 -78 561 125,387
June 30,878 215 138 56,098 282 33,366 1,867 2,359 15,117 -98 574 140,797
July 33,932 314 140 67,295 295 34,357 1,892 2,425 15,512 -101 617 156,677
August 33,522 250 142 66,938 311 33,933 1,216 2,481 14,856 -113 624 154,160
September 31,074 273 140 58,525 311 31,442 954 2,047 15,075 -67 571 140,345
October 24,463 216 149 52,489 216 28,685 1,135 1,762 16,981 -79 589 126,607
November 22,171 235 140 46,542 233 29,513 1,301 1,599 20,046 -67 591 122,304
December 20,063 254 67 48,676 302 33,637 1,721 1,448 20,754 -71 607 127,458

Coal includes anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, and waste coal; synthetic coal and refined coal; and beginning in 2011, coal-derived synthesis gas. Prior to 2011 coal-derived synthesis gas was included in Other Gases.
Petroleum Liquids includes distillate and residual fuel oils, jet fuel, kerosene, waste oil, and beginning in 2011, propane. Prior to 2011 propane was included in Other Gases.
Petroleum Coke includes petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas. Prior to 2011, petroleum coke-derived synthesis gas was included in Other Gases.
Other Gas includes blast furnace gas and other manufactured and waste gases derived from fossil fuels. Prior to 2011, Other Gas included propane and synthesis gases.
See the Technical Notes for fuel conversion factors.
Renewable Sources include wood, black liquor, other wood waste, biogenic municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, agriculture byproducts, other biomass, geothermal, solar thermal, photovoltaic energy, and wind.
Other includes non-biogenic municipal solid waste, batteries, hydrogen, purchased steam, sulfur, tire-derived fuel, and other miscellaneous energy sources.
Notes: Beginning with 2001 data, non-biogenic municipal solid waste and tire-derived fuels are reclassified as non-renewable energy sources and included in Other. Biogenic municipal solid waste is included in Other Renewable Sources.
See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923 and predecessor forms.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. NM=Not meaningful due to large standard error. W=Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 Combined Heat and Power Plant Report; and predecessor forms.
Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report, replaced the following: Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; Form EIA-920, Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;
Form EIA-423, Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report; and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants.