Table 2.9. Revenue from Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector,
by State, 2015 and 2014 (Million Dollars)

  Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation All Sectors
Census Division
and State
Year 2015 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2014
New England 9,227 8,414 8,255 7,806 2,312 2,263 58 58 19,852 18,541
Connecticut 2,699 2,523 2,070 2,005 445 454 25 22 5,239 5,004
Maine 728 712 501 506 290 300 0 0 1,519 1,518
Massachusetts 4,000 3,491 4,136 3,827 1,069 1,014 27 32 9,232 8,364
New Hampshire 838 791 672 640 252 235 0 0 1,762 1,666
Rhode Island 605 527 584 533 110 114 5 4 1,304 1,178
Vermont 357 371 292 296 146 145 0 0 795 811
Middle Atlantic 21,487 21,649 20,937 21,572 5,331 5,621 457 489 48,212 49,331
New Jersey 4,607 4,400 4,952 5,016 779 856 31 32 10,370 10,303
New York 9,456 10,031 11,786 12,341 1,141 1,184 365 394 22,747 23,951
Pennsylvania 7,423 7,218 4,199 4,216 3,412 3,581 61 63 15,095 15,078
East North Central 23,730 23,784 18,252 18,328 13,690 14,179 41 46 55,713 56,337
Illinois 5,581 5,481 4,540 4,688 2,875 3,037 36 40 13,033 13,246
Indiana 3,753 3,862 2,349 2,403 3,295 3,419 2 2 9,399 9,686
Michigan 4,811 4,846 4,057 4,060 2,155 2,491 0.49 0.40 11,023 11,398
Ohio 6,591 6,598 4,743 4,618 3,549 3,441 3 4 14,886 14,661
Wisconsin 2,994 2,996 2,562 2,558 1,816 1,791 0.03 0 7,372 7,345
West North Central 11,654 11,860 9,431 9,319 6,289 6,295 4 4 27,379 27,477
Iowa 1,604 1,610 1,077 1,070 1,255 1,167 0 0 3,936 3,847
Kansas 1,635 1,666 1,553 1,558 854 897 0 0 4,042 4,120
Minnesota 2,631 2,738 2,207 2,249 1,506 1,552 2 2 6,346 6,541
Missouri 3,800 3,808 2,798 2,729 1,096 1,106 2 2 7,696 7,644
Nebraska 1,011 1,043 807 831 809 797 0 0 2,627 2,671
North Dakota 468 490 555 475 564 570 0 0 1,586 1,535
South Dakota 507 505 435 406 205 206 0 0 1,146 1,118
South Atlantic 42,175 41,752 29,576 29,710 9,421 9,569 109 113 81,280 81,144
Delaware 651 617 433 441 201 214 0 0 1,285 1,272
District of Columbia 324 264 987 1,042 21 20 30 29 1,362 1,356
Florida 14,217 13,855 9,106 9,170 1,388 1,306 9 9 24,719 24,339
Georgia 6,511 6,659 4,663 4,827 1,887 2,116 9 12 13,070 13,614
Maryland 3,787 3,746 3,296 3,325 331 348 45 46 7,458 7,465
North Carolina 6,532 6,511 4,210 4,158 1,804 1,752 1 1 12,547 12,422
South Carolina 3,778 3,824 2,240 2,226 1,774 1,840 0 0 7,792 7,890
Virginia 5,221 5,155 3,970 3,893 1,219 1,220 16 17 10,425 10,284
West Virginia 1,153 1,120 672 629 796 753 0 0 2,621 2,502
East South Central 12,796 13,100 9,458 9,284 6,133 6,589 0 0.10 28,387 28,973
Alabama 3,732 3,782 2,539 2,474 2,021 2,131 0 0 8,292 8,386
Kentucky 2,680 2,785 1,848 1,808 1,661 1,833 0 0 6,189 6,425
Mississippi 2,092 2,141 1,518 1,525 1,033 1,077 0 0 4,643 4,744
Tennessee 4,292 4,392 3,553 3,477 1,418 1,549 0 0.10 9,263 9,418
West South Central 23,870 23,818 15,880 16,228 10,025 10,869 11 10 49,786 50,925
Arkansas 1,794 1,753 1,011 965 999 1,002 0.05 0.05 3,804 3,721
Louisiana 2,944 3,005 2,166 2,229 1,901 2,100 1 1 7,011 7,336
Oklahoma 2,294 2,343 1,588 1,654 964 1,039 0 0 4,846 5,036
Texas 16,838 16,716 11,115 11,380 6,161 6,727 10 9 34,124 34,832
Mountain 11,264 10,946 9,212 9,058 5,583 5,650 13 14 26,073 25,669
Arizona 4,023 3,849 3,043 2,968 933 948 1 0 7,999 7,764
Colorado 2,228 2,204 2,017 2,029 1,129 1,129 6 7 5,380 5,369
Idaho 800 791 489 476 576 574 0 0 1,865 1,841
Montana 525 506 501 473 239 232 0 0 1,264 1,211
Nevada 1,574 1,541 889 892 949 977 1 1 3,413 3,411
New Mexico 828 812 915 922 480 498 0 0 2,223 2,232
Utah 992 954 1,002 943 580 606 6 6 2,579 2,510
Wyoming 294 289 358 355 698 686 0 0 1,349 1,330
Pacific Contiguous 20,234 19,507 22,443 22,380 8,332 8,492 78 77 51,088 50,456
California 15,188 14,517 18,627 18,663 6,394 6,526 75 74 40,285 39,780
Oregon 1,948 1,949 1,410 1,404 773 755 2 2 4,134 4,110
Washington 3,098 3,041 2,406 2,314 1,165 1,211 0.43 0.40 6,669 6,566
Pacific Noncontiguous 1,187 1,348 1,337 1,568 1,048 1,328 0 0 3,572 4,244
Alaska 405 391 482 472 196 213 0 0 1,083 1,076
Hawaii 782 957 855 1,095 852 1,115 0 0 2,489 3,167
U.S. Total 177,624 176,178 144,781 145,253 68,166 70,855 771 810 391,342 393,096

See Technical notes for additional information on the Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation sectors.
Notes: - See Glossary for definitions. - Values are final.
See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-826.
Utilities and energy service providers may classify commercial and industrial customers based on either NAICS codes or demands or usage falling within specified limits by rate schedule.
Changes from year to year in consumer counts, sales and revenues, particularly involving the commercial and industrial consumer sectors, may result from respondent implementation of changes in the definitions of consumers, and reclassifications.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861, Monthly Electric Sales and Revenue Report with State Distributions Report.