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EnviroAtlas graphic identifier


EnviroAtlas provides interactive resources for exploring the benefits people receive from nature or "ecosystem goods and services" (EGS). EGS are critically important to human health and well-being, but they are often overlooked. EnviroAtlas allows users to access, view, and analyze diverse information to better understand the potential impacts of various decisions.

Header image showing example of EnviroAtlas national data layer

  • Ecosystem Services in EnviroAtlas

    These benefits underpin almost every aspect of human well-being, including our food and water, security, health, and economy.
  • EnviroAtlas Data

    Overview of EnviroAtlas data organization, spatial extents, & how to access.
  • How to Use EnviroAtlas

    Demo videos and training documents, including examples of how these tools can be applied in a variety of ways.

Header image showcasing EnviroAtlas rain drop tool

Header image of high mountain landscape

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