Better Plants

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Better Buildings, Better Plants Program and Challenge (Better Plants) is working with leading manufacturers to improve energy efficiency in the industrial sector. Better Plants is part of DOE’s Better Buildings Initiative, a multi-sector effort with the overarching goal of significantly improving the energy efficiency of commercial, residential, and industrial buildings in the United States. Through the Better Plants program, manufacturers set a specific goal, typically to reduce energy intensity by 25% over a 10-year period across all their U.S. operations. Industrial organizations may also commit to the higher-level Better Plants Challenge and share their energy performance data and energy-efficiency solutions—in addition to setting an energy-saving goal—so that many more companies can see a pathway to savings. Read the 2016 Progress Update to learn how program participants are saving $3 billion in cumulative energy cost savings in six years.

DOE supports these efforts with technical assistance and national recognition. Better Plants has grown in participation, scope, and impact. Over the last year, the program has welcomed 25 new partners.