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USFWS Region: 2

12/29/2016: Cibola National Wildlife Refuge Seeking Public Input For Update to Refuge Hunt Plan
12/28/2016: Collaborative Research and Monitoring Efforts Lead to Proposed Downlisting of Tobusch Fishhook Cactus
12/19/2016: Service and Binational Team Draft Path to Recover Jaguar
12/19/2016: First Ocelot Den Discovered in 20 Years at Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge
12/14/2016: Three Decades of Conservation Efforts Lead to Recovery, Proposed Delisting of Texas, Oklahoma Songbird
12/5/2016: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge Hosts Annual Christmas Bird Count
10/24/2016: Mexican Wolf Recovery Program Finds Evidence of Cross-Fostering Success
10/5/2016: Conservation efforts pay off — relict leopard frog does not need ESA protection
10/5/2016: Louisiana Pinesnake Proposed to be Added as Threatened Under the Endangered Species Act
10/5/2016: Southern Arizona’s Stephan’s Riffle Beetle Believed Extinct
10/5/2016: Huachuca-Canelo Hills Population of Arizona Tree Frog Not Recognized
9/20/2016: Tiny Southern Arizona Springsnail Not Threatened With Extinction
9/20/2016: Sonoyta Mud Turtle Proposed for Endangered Species Protection
9/15/2016: Public Invited to Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge Birthday Party
9/7/2016: Anderson Man Sentenced for Smuggling Orangutan Skulls
8/26/2016: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Evaluating Safe Harbor Agreement for the Houston Toad
8/23/2016: Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge and the Barry M. Goldwater Range East Proposes Visitor Use Changes in the Childs...
8/17/2016: Critical Habitat Finalized for Two Arizona Cacti
8/17/2016: New Deputy Wildlife Refuge Manager at Southwest Arizona National Wildlife Refuge Complex
8/15/2016: Removed
8/10/2016: Service Announces Availability of the Recovery Plan for the Ocelot, First Revision
8/9/2016: Last Remaining Native Mussel in New Mexico Proposed for Protection Under the Endangered Species Act
8/9/2016: Fisheries Production to Restart at Willow Beach National Fish Hatchery
8/8/2016: Mission Possible: FWS Partners with Local Austin Preserve

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