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Utility Potential Calculator

BPA developed the Utility Potential Calculator (UPC) based on the Seventh Power Plan. The UPC can provide customized savings potential for specific service areas.

EE Maximization Tool
BPA has developed the EE Maximization tool to allow for a quantitative comparison of various measures to help our customers to maximize the effectiveness of their energy efficiency portfolio. It is our hope that the EE Maximization Tool can act as a guide for our utility customers to best allocate their conservation dollars in terms of maximizing kWh saved and or maximizing reimbursements.
Case for Conservation

​An examination of the regional, utility, and consumer perspectives of the economic impact of energy efficiency.


Conduit ( is a web-based resource that facilitates information-sharing, coordination and collaboration among energy efficiency professionals in the Northwest.

EE Financial Assistance Application

​BPA developed the Utility Potential Calculator (UPC) based on the Sixth Power Plan. The UPC can provide customized savings potential for specific service areas.

Utility Sounding Board

​The USB was created to inform BPA on the implementation of energy efficiency programs throughout BPA’s service territory. The USB is an entity reflective of the many diverse public utilities, cooperatives and municipalities engaged in energy efficiency.

Residential Segmentation

The research allows BPA and its customer utilities to understand residential customer decision making related to energy efficiency. The research results will facilitate development of appropriate marketing and messaging.​

Six Going On Seven

​The goal of Six Going on Seven is to collect regional savings achievements from 2010-2012 to facilitate discussion during the development of the Council's 7th Power Plan. Over the past few months, BPA has collected and analyzed this regional data and we are now excited to share the results of this effort with the region.