LINC Housing Corporation & SEED Partners


Challenge Commitment
1.5Million Square Feet
Goals Progress
20%Reduction in Energy Intensity4%Cumulative (vs. Baseline)

LINC Housing has a 30-year history of creating communities for limited-income families, seniors, and people with special needs throughout California. LINC provides housing for people underserved by the marketplace. With a commitment to building housing that is affordable, environmentally sustainable, and a catalyst for community improvement, LINC communities are known for excellent design, outstanding management, and life-enhancing services.

SEED Partners, LLC is a mission-driven energy company established in 2012 by LINC Housing. SEED's mission is to bring sustainability to existing multifamily housing communities throughout the country.

LINC is committed to transforming currently owned existing multifamily housing communities through sustainable retrofits. Each retrofitted property will become more energy efficient, and support a "quadruple bottom line" that reduces residents' utility costs and creates healthier living conditions, saves money on operations, benefits the environment by reducing each building's carbon footprint, and helps California meet its goal of reducing greenhouse gases to 1990 levels.