Connecticut Green Bank


Goals Progress
$25 Million Goal Achieved

The Connecticut Green Bank is the nation’s first green bank. We’re creating a thriving marketplace to accelerate green energy adoption in Connecticut by making green energy financing accessible and affordable for homeowners, businesses and institutions.

We are committed to making green energy accessible and affordable to everyone in the state. By creating a flourishing green energy marketplace, we contribute to a better quality of life, a better environment and a better future for all. We create jobs. We grow businesses. We help people thrive.

We innovate, educate and activate to accelerate the growth of green energy.

For more information about the Connecticut Green Bank, visit the website.

Markets Served: 

The Connecticut Green Bank finances projects located in Connecticut serving the following sectors:

  • Residential (both single-family and multifamily)
  • Commercial and industrial
  • Nonprofit
  • Municipal and state buildings
  • Institutional (educational facilities, healthcare, etc.)
  • Grid-scale

We finance all types of clean energy projects, from residential solar installations and boiler conversations to commercial efficiency and CHP projects to full building retrofits to grid-scale clean energy deployment. Although focused on traditional clean energy and efficiency technologies, the Connecticut Green Bank also supports projects deploying newer commercially viable technologies such as storage solutions and EV chargers.

Products and Services: 

The Connecticut Green Bank works directly with building owners, contractors, and project developers – as well as private capital providers – to offer a wide range of solutions including:

  • Pre-development financing for multifamily building retrofits
  • Low-cost, long-term loans for residential upgrades
  • Solar leases for LMI customers
  • C-PACE for C&I and nonprofit building owners
  • ESPC financing support for cities and towns, as well as state buildings
  • Customized capital markets and project finance solutions
  • And much more
To Learn More, Contact: 

Name: Ben Healey
Title: Director, Clean Energy Finance