Bentley Mills


Challenge Commitment
Goals Progress
25%Reduction in Energy Intensity

Located in Los Angeles, Bentley Mills is a brand firmly rooted in California’s environmental culture. As a result, Bentley whole-heartedly embraces environmental sustainability in all measures of its business. Bentley manufactures and delivers carpet products that consistently exceed state and industry standards. Bentley products carry certifications, such as Cradle to Cradle™ that underscore the company’s approach to continuous improvement in energy efficiency and sustainability and its efforts to safeguard the health and wellness of its clients. Additionally, Bentley obtained LEED® EBOM (Existing Buildings: Operation and Maintenance) Gold Certification for its carpet manufacturing facility another achievement that supports the company’s mission to produce carpet in the most environmentally sustainable way.

In 1999, Bentley was one of the first private owners to invest heavily in solar panels as an alternative energy source. Through on-site photovoltaics and Renewable Energy Credits, or RECs (Green Tags), Bentley utilizes 100% renewable energy each year.

Bentley’s sustainability efforts to date have helped the company improve energy intensity by 25% since 2010. In 2014 alone, Bentley saw a 10% improvement compared to 2013. By joining the Better Plants Challenge, Bentley has set a new goal to achieve an additional 25% improvement in energy intensity over a ten-year period.