About EIA

About EIA.gov

Screen capture of www.eia.gov

Our website, EIA.gov, is the primary communication channel for the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and serves as the agency’s worldwide energy information point of contact for:

  • Federal, state, and local governments
  • The academic and research communities
  • Businesses and industry
  • Foreign governments and international organizations
  • The news media
  • Financial institutions
  • The general public

From January-December 2014, there were nearly 30 million visitor sessions to EIA.gov, averaging about two million visits per month. The site consists of approximately 207,000 web pages, 41 email subscription lists, 11 RSS feeds, and more than 1.2 million data series in our Application Programming Interface (API).

EIA has forged a tradition of excellence for its public website, thanks to a solid vision for a high-quality presence on the web and hard work throughout the agency. The EIA website has become the public face of the agency and its information, data, analysis, and services have informed policy and programmatic decisions at all levels in regards to energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment. Key indicators of the site’s success in serving our customers include:
  • 451,491 people were subscribed to one or more of our email update lists in December 2014.
  • Major search engines (like Google and Bing) refer to us more than one million visitors a month searching for energy topics.
  • Search engine rankings of EIA on Google indicate very strong performance on relevant key topics.
  • 95% of our customers say they are satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of the information on our website.
  • 78% said they found what they were looking for on our site.
  • 63% of the first-time visitors said they were very likely or somewhat likely to return to our website.
  • 82% said the level of detail on the site was just right; 7% said the content was not detailed enough. Less than 1% said the content was too detailed.
  • # 1 task people said they were doing when they came to our website was researching a topic.

In 2011 we introduced a new look for EIA.gov

On February 8, 2011, EIA launched the first phase of a comprehensive website redesign effort. All of the information that more than 2 million visitors find each month at EIA.gov continued to be available, along with notable additions:

  • Today in Energy — a new energy education product published every weekday that features timely and topical bites of our information in plain language, and allows us to highlight current issues, topics, and data trends.
  • New homepage and improved navigation to make it easier for customers to find the abundance of EIA information and data and better showcase the breadth and depth of EIA content.
  • Updated logo and dramatic new visual identity to help re-introduce EIA, its initiatives, and its programs.


Content page with rollover navigation

Today in Energy

Content page

EIA's new website was one of a series of initiatives that improved the agency's capacity to meet the evolving needs of our diverse customers. Further improvements to the site continue. This was the first major redesign of EIA.gov in six years and the third since its inception in 1995.

Latest website enhancements

On September 17, 2014, EIA introduced further website enhancements designed to make it easier for users to find information, including the agency's latest content on trends and developments occurring in the nation's rapidly changing energy sector.

To help the website's users more quickly find topical information, we organized EIA's vast collection of reports and other analytic content by keyword. This use of site-wide "tagging," similar to what we implemented previously for Today in Energy, helps users locate EIA information based on the energy topic that is of particular interest to them. The enhancements also include a new layout for the website's major landing (Sources & Uses and Topics) pages that prominently features the agency's timely analysis, current data, and recently released data series.

As depicted in the diagram below, the enhanced layout highlights and tags information to enable users to quickly see and locate:

  • The most recent EIA data, analysis, and projections that cover current energy issues and trends
  • Recently updated data series
  • EIA's data browsers, visualizations, and multimedia tools

Watch a video demonstration and let us know what you think of the changes.

Screen capture of www.eia.gov/naturalgas


How to link to EIA.gov

EIA.gov is a public domain website, which means you may link to it at no cost and without specific permission.