Featured Articles

A microscopic image of one of the bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide samples the scientists studied using a new high-speed imaging technique. 12.21.16User Facility

Laser Pulses Help Scientists Tease Apart Complex Electron InteractionsExternal link

Time-resolved "stop-action" measurements identify an unusual form of energy loss. Read MoreExternal linkage

This diagram shows the setup for an imaging method that mapped electrical signals using a sheet of graphene and an infrared laser. 12.20.16User Facility

New Graphene-Based System Could Help Us ‘See’ Electrical Signaling in Heart and Nerve CellsExternal link

Berkeley-Stanford team creates a system to visualize faint electric fields. Read MoreExternal linkage

Project director Buddy Bland stands by Titan, the hybrid-architecture Cray XK7 system at Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility. 12.14.16Profile

Meet the Director: Buddy Bland

Project director Buddy Bland lives the DOE’s computing mission: to discover, develop, and use computers to solve the biggest problems in science, industry, and government. Read More »

The AMS is visible on the ISS just after being installed, with a US Space Shuttle docked on the far right, a Russian Soyuz capsule docked on the far left.12.08.16Article

A Syllabus in Cosmic Rays

What have scientists learned in five years of studying cosmic rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment? Read More »

Andrew Hutton, associate director of Jefferson Lab’s Accelerator Division, looks over prototype particle accelerating devices – called cavities – in the lab’s Superconducting Radiofrequency Institute.12.07.16Profile

Meet the Director: Andrew Hutton

Director of the CEBAF user facility Andrew Hutton’s love for accelerators started at age 17. Read More »

Researchers have developed a specialized type of glowing metal organic framework, or LMOF (molecular structure at center), that is designed to detect and remove heavy-metal toxins from water. 11.30.16User Facility

Glowing Crystals Can Detect, Cleanse Contaminated Drinking WaterExternal link

X-ray study at Berkeley Lab explores atomic structure of tiny traps for heavy metals. Read MoreExternal linkage

X-rays capture unprecedented images of photosynthesis in action. 11.21.16User Facility

X-Rays Capture Unprecedented Images of Photosynthesis in ActionExternal link

Berkeley Lab-led scientists illuminate protein as it splits water to create oxygen. Read MoreExternal linkage

Supercomputers provide the computational horsepower to understand single atoms or supernovae. 11.15.16Article

Supercomputers’ Pit Crews

Smart, tough teams help scientists get the best performance from supercomputers to provide the insights needed to understand how everything from clouds to supernovae works. Read More »

The Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC, which weighs 1,200 tons and is as large as a house, is used to search for signatures of the quark-gluon plasma, and to measure the behavior of other exotic matter. 11.14.16User Facility

Simulations Show Swirling Rings, Whirlpool-Like Structure in Subatomic ‘Soup’External link

International team including Berkeley Lab researcher surprised by complex dynamics in model of quark-gluon plasma. Read MoreExternal linkage

NERSC, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 11.07.16User Facility

SLAC and Berkeley Lab Researchers Prepare for Scientific Computing on the ExascaleExternal link

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is developing cutting-edge scientific applications in two computing projects for future exascale supercomputers that can perform at least a billion billion operations per second. Read MoreExternal linkage

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Last modified: 1/5/2016 2:13:57 PM