Press Room


April 15, 2013

Note to Editors:

EIA launches full release of Annual Energy Outlook 2013

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) today begins the full release of Annual Energy Outlook 2013 (AEO2013), expanding on the AEO2013 Reference case highlights that were issued in December 2012. Today's release includes a Legislation and Regulations section that discusses evolving legislative and regulatory issues, a Market Trends section that highlights and summarizes selected aspects of the projections for energy markets, and a comparison of AEO2013 with projections from other organizations.

Today's release will be followed by additional Issues in Focus articles on the dates indicated:

Oil price and production trends in AEO2013 (release on April 17, 2013)
This article discusses the key factors determining long-term supply, demand, and prices for petroleum and other liquids and summarizes three price cases that examine the potential impacts of different oil price paths on U.S. energy markets.

U.S. reliance on imported liquid fuels in alternative scenarios (release on April 17, 2013)
This article discusses the dramatic changes that have occurred in U.S. oil net import dependence since 2005, the factors driving these changes and how these factors might evolve over time. Using several alternative cases, it explores how different assumptions about liquid fuel resources, production, and consumption could increase, reduce, or even eliminate U.S. reliance on net imports of liquid fuels.

Competition between coal and natural gas in the electric power sector (release on April 23, 2013)
This article discusses the ongoing competition between coal and natural gas in power generation. Using several alternative cases with higher and lower coal and natural gas prices and variations in the rate of electricity demand growth it illustrates the influence of relative fuel prices and electricity demand growth on electricity fuel use and capacity planning decisions.

Nuclear power in AEO2013 (release on April 25, 2013)
This article discusses the projections for U.S. nuclear power in AEO2013 and includes several alternative cases that examine the impacts of different assumptions about the long-term operation of existing nuclear power plants, new facilities, deployment of new technologies, and the effects on electricity markets of different assumptions about future nuclear capacity.

No Sunset and Extended Policies cases (release on April 30, 2013)
This article discusses two alternative cases that make different assumptions about the extension and expansion of current codes and regulations. In one case, certain codes that are currently scheduled to sunset are assumed to be extended, as history shows has often occurred. Another case assumes the extension or expansion of a selected group of existing policies—vehicle fuel economy standards, appliance standards, and production tax credits—in addition to the elimination of sunset provisions.

Impact of natural gas liquids growth (release on May 2, 2013)
This article discusses recent changes in U.S. natural gas liquids (NGL) markets and how they might evolve. The future disposition of U.S. NGL supplies, particularly in international markets, is also discussed.

A complete version of Annual Energy Outlook 2013 with all components included will be available on May 2, 2013.

The product described in this press release was prepared by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. By law, EIA's data, analysis, and forecasts are independent of approval by any other officer or employee of the United States Government. The views in the product and press release therefore should not be construed as representing those of the Department of Energy or other federal agencies.

EIA Press Contact: Jonathan Cogan, 202-586-8719,
