

NCAR Graphics

NCL Examples






Relevant Links

This page provides links to several sites that may be of interest to you.


The planetWRF model is a planetary and global adaptation of the NCAR Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) meso/micro-scale model ( Developed with NASA Applied Information Systems Research (AISR) funding, the first public release of the Martian General Circulation Model (GCM) based on WRF is now available. The code can be downloaded from the planetWRF website: and following the link "get planetWRF". Instructions for downloading the code and running a benchmark simulation are included. This initial release includes a full set of basic Mars physics.

As a Mars GCM, the model has been validated by comparison with spacecraft data and other global models. The version included in the initial public release contains a basic set of Martian physics: MGS surface input data (topography, thermal inertia, albedo), a subsurface heat diffusion and surface energy balance scheme, a prescribed distribution of atmospheric dust, broadband radiative heating due to dust and CO2 gas in the visible and infrared, and a planetary boundary layer vertical diffusion scheme.

CWRF by University of Maryland:

CWRF is a climate extension of WRF, developed and maintained by University of Maryland.


If you use graphic tools like RIP4, you may need to acquire NCAR Graphics library.

NCL Example Page:

If you are using NCL (NCAR Graphics Command Language) or would like to learn more about NCL, you may want to visit this page, which provides many examples of ncl scripts which may be used to generate publication quality graphics.


This site provides resources for using netcdf library.


NCAR CISL provides computing support on NCAR's major frames (such as IBMs) and data support.

Account: If you would like to compute on NCAR's computers, you can visit this page to find out your eligibilty and how you might apply for an account.

Data Support: CISL's Data Support Section (DSS) provides archive for many meteorological datasets. You can use these data for free if you have an computing account with CISL. If you don't have one, you can contact DSS for acquiring data (with a fee).

Documents: If you do computing on NCAR's main frames, documents are available from this link.

MMM Web Site:

This is the home page for Mesoscale and Microscale Division, NCAR, the institution where the WRF support is provided.




Home -- Model System -- User Support -- Doc / Pub -- Links -- Download -- WRF Real-time Forecast