Better Buildings, Better Plants: Resources

Tools and Trainings
Better Plants provides partners with a variety of resources to help them improve internal expertise and achieve their energy savings goals. Technical assistance is delivered through technical account managers who help companies develop energy management plans, identify energy-saving opportunities, and track energy performance metrics. 

Implementation Models
Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge partners create unique, replicable implementation models for overcoming common energy efficiency barriers, so other organizations can apply these strategies and achieve similar savings. Each implementation model offers real life resources that you can download and use to help your organization implement a similar strategy.

Showcase Projects
Better Plants Challenge partners share details on their energy savings projects, which apply cutting-edge energy efficiency measures to single facilities taking a multi-measure, whole-building approach to achieve comprehensive energy and cost savings. Showcase projects are available for a variety of building types and sizes, and typically show savings of 20% or more.

Other Resources
Better Buildings, Better Plants partners test and demonstrate new and existing technologies and market strategies. Case studies, fact sheets, FAQs, guides and technical reports document best practices and opportunities to optimize and improve building energy efficiency.

Financing Navigator
The Navigator is an online tool that helps public and private sector organizations find financing solutions for energy efficiency projects. There are many ways to finance energy efficiency projects in buildings you own or occupy.

Better Buildings programs host interactive webinars featuring a variety of topics that leading businesses, manufacturers, local and state governments, face when exploring cost-effective ways to integrate energy savings into their daily building operations. Presenters share best practices, lessons learned, and participants have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss strategies with experts.

At the 2016 Better Buildings Summit over 225 speakers shared successful strategies for driving greater energy efficiency across their building portfolios. Presentations cover a variety of topics including financing, high impact technologies, data driven results, partnerships, portfolio-wide, behavior change strategies and more.

Better Buildings videos feature the people behind the buildings, and the energy strategies and policies undertaken to complete upgrade projects. Additional videos are available on the U.S. Department of Energy's YouTube channel.

Solutions at a Glance
Better Plants partners share these practical and ready to replicate solutions. Designed to be quick reads and to help you not recreate the wheel, these solutions include checklists, questionnaires, calculators, and other tools for use in your energy savings projects and programs.Toolkits

Better Buildings partners are exchanging best practices, and documenting their results by developing unique resources designed to address a specific barrier to energy efficiency. Case studies, checklists, reports, and other technical guidance can be easily found in these toolkits.