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Climate Change

What EPA Is Doing about Climate Change

EPA is taking a number of common-sense steps to address the challenge of climate change.

Collecting Emissions Data

EPA collects various types of greenhouse gas emissions data. This data helps policy makers, businesses, and the Agency track greenhouse gas emissions trends and identify opportunities for reducing emissions and increasing efficiency.

Getting Reductions

EPA is reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a clean energy economy through highly successful partnerships and common-sense regulatory initiatives.

Evaluating Policy Options, Costs and Benefits

EPA conducts economy-wide analyses to understand the economic impacts and effectiveness of proposed climate policies. Learn more about EPA's economic analyses on climate policies and the associated costs and benefits.

Advancing the Science

EPA contributes to world-class climate research through the U.S. Global Change Research Program and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Exit. EPA's Office of Research and Development conducts research to understand the environmental and health impacts of climate change and to provide sustainable solutions for adapting to and reducing the impact from a changing climate.

Partnering Internationally

EPA is engaged in a variety of international activities to advance climate change science, monitor our environment, and promote activities that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. EPA establishes partnerships, provides leadership, and shares technical expertise to support these activities. Learn more about EPA's International Climate Partnerships.

Partnering With States, Localities, and Tribes

EPA's State and Local Climate and Energy Program provides technical assistance, analytical tools, and outreach support on climate change issues to state, local, and tribal governments. See the progress made by our pilot communities.

Helping Communities Adapt

EPA's Climate Ready Estuaries and Climate Ready Water Utilities programs help coastal resource managers and water utility managers, respectively, plan and prepare for climate change. Learn more about EPA's efforts on adapting to climate change.

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