Migratory Birds
Conserving the Nature of America in the Southwest region
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Spread Your Wings For Bird Conservation  
2016 Migratory Bird Day Poster

The IMBD 2016 poster highlights the importance of international efforts to conserve through agreements, laws treaties and collaborations. This year marks the Centennial of the Migratory Bird Treaty a landmark agreement betweeen the U.S., Canada and Mexico to protect migratory birds.
Canadian Artist - Lionel Worrell


2016 International Migratory Bird Day will focus on the importance of Treaties, Agreements, Laws and Collaborations for the preservation of Migratory Birds. This year marks the Centennial of the Migratory Bird Treaty. The work of Canadian Artist - Lionel Worrell represents the importance among governments and illustrates the ways, as citizens, to be involved to ensure the protections which are in place.

Events for the Southwest Region





Look for the National Wildlife Refuge IMBD event nearest you!

Other Events within the United States


Last updated: March 21, 2016