Operator Certification

Public water and wastewater treatment systems are operated by professionals that are certified by the State of South Dakota. Drinking water and wastewater treatment systems protect public health and the environment only if they are working and being operated correctly.  The Operator Certification Program is intended to protect public health, environmental quality, and water/wastewater systems' investment in their facilities.   A voluntary certification program was started in 1954.  The mandatory certification law was passed by the South Dakota State Legislature in 1970.  There are certifications in water treatment, water distribution, wastewater treatment, wastewater collection, stabilization ponds, small water treatment systems, and very small water systems.

Question Logo What regulations and statutes apply to this program?
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South Dakota's Water and Wastewater Operator Certification regulations are listed in the Administrative Rules of South Dakota 74:21:01-02, and the statutes are listed in South Dakota Codified Law 34A-3.

Question Logo Which water and wastewater systems need certified operators?
Answer Logo

Any wastewater treatment facility or wastewater collection facility that serves 500 or more people must employ a certified operator.

All community and nontransient noncommunity systems  must have a certified water treatment and distribution operator.

All transient water systems using surface water, using disinfection equipment, or that serve more than 500 people per day must have a certified operator.


Question Logo What is the rating of my water/wastewater system for purposes of Operator Certification?
Answer Logo

Click here to find your system classification.

Question Logo How do I become certified?
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Download  Application and Information forms.

Training courses are presented throughout the state by the Rural Water Association.  These training courses are excellent review prior to taking an exam.  Many operators go to a class before taking an exam; however, it is not required. 

Applications for exams must be submitted to the department at least two weeks in advance of the exam date.  There are education and experience requirements to take any exam.  Upon passing the exam, operators receive a certificate which must be renewed each year.  Click here to view the schedule of exams. 

Question Logo What kind of exam is given?
Answer logo The Operator Certification Program uses exams supplied by the Association of Boards of Certification (ABC).  ABC is a national organization that promotes the certification of water and wastewater professionals.
  • All exams are 100 multiple choice questions (one point per question-70% to pass) except for Stabilization Pond and Small Water Treatment System exams which are 50 multiple choice questions (two points per question-70% to pass)
  • Exam answer sheets are sent to ABC to be scored electronically with results then being sent to DENR to be relayed to the examinee
  • Cost of an exam is $10.00
  • Questions have been validated by ABC panel of experts
  • Exams have been reviewed by SD Board of Operator Certification for applicability in South Dakota
  • Primary reference materials are the California State University-Sacramento Water and Wastewater Training Manuals (aka Ken Kerri Manuals) as well as AWWA/WEF manuals


Question Logo What subject matter is covered on the various certification exams?
Answer Logo

The ABC has a "need-to-know" job analysis and references for each of the exams.  The purpose of the job analysis is to identify the essential job tasks performed by water/wastewater operators and the capabilities required to competently perform these job tasks.  They provide the foundation for exam and training development.

Download the information for:

Question logo If I fail my exam, how can I get further feedback on my mistakes other than just the score?
Answer Logo The Operator Certification Program is provided with an overall score only which is then reported to you. If you would like a more in-depth review of your exam, you need to contact the ABC at 515-232-3623. For $15.00, they will send you a break-down on which type of questions were missed. You need to provide them with the date of your exam, which exam was taken, a phone number, and a mailing address. ABC recommends the California State University-Sacramento Water and Wastewater Training Manuals (aka Ken Kerri Manuals) as well as AWWA/WEF manuals as the primary reference materials the their exams.
Question Logo Where can I obtain training materials?
Answer Logo Exam questions are primarily referenced to publications from California State University, Sacramento (916-278-6142); the Water Environment Federation (WEF) (800-666-0206); and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) (800-926-7337).  The South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems SDARWS) has some training material, however, the best training material is from the other referenced organizations.

Contact these organizations for your training materials.

For more information on references and study materials, please check The Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) web page.

Question logo How can I find out how many contact hours I have and find my operator number?
Answer Logo

A sliding scale for required contact hours is used depending on the number and type of certificates an operator holds. Click here to find your current hours.  Operators are listed in alphabetical order.  Operator ID#'s are also shown.  The contact hour requirements are as follows:


Number and Type of Certificates                                                         Contact Hours Required                            

  • Operator has one certificate (Class I or II)                      10 contact hours every three years
  • Operator has one certificate (Class III or IV)                   20 contact hours every three years
  • Operator has more than one certificate                          15 contact hours every three years

    and all are Class I and II

  • Operator has more than one certificate                          30 contact hours every three years

    and at least one certificate is a Class III or IV

Question Logo Can a water or wastewater system contract for a certified operator?
Answer Logo

Yes! Contracting for a certified operator can satisfy the state requirements for a certified operator.  The Board of Operator Certification can approve a contract where a certified operator not under the direct employment of a system can work as a system's certified operator.  The contract operator must work a minimum number of hours per week on-site and be in direct responsible charge of the water/wastewater system.  Details for a contract operator and information that must be included in your contract can be found by clicking here.

Question Logo Can I get a list of certified operators in my area?
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Click here to lookup operators in your area.

Question Logo Is there any way I can find out about water or wastewater jobs available in South Dakota?
Answer Logo

The South Dakota Water and Wastewater Association (SDWWA) maintains a clearinghouse of water and wastewater jobs available in South Dakota.  To get more information, email  Al Erickson with SDWWA.

Question Logo I am a water and wastewater trainer. How can I get the Operator Certification Program to approve my training class so that contact hours can be awarded to South Dakota operators?
Answer Logo

Submit a detailed agenda of your class (times, subjects, instructors, etc.) plus a biography for each instructor to Rob Kittay-Secretary to the Board. It can be submitted by fax at 605-773-5286 or email as noted below.

Question Logo When does the Board of Operator Certification meet?
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The board usually meets twice per year - in September during the SD Water and Wastewater Association (SDWWA) Conference and during the winter or spring. 

The agenda for the next Board of Operator Certification Meeting (April 30 in Pierre) can be found by clicking this link.

The public is always welcome at all meetings.

Question Logo Can I get a copy of the minutes from the Board of Operator Certification meetings?
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Yes, click on a date below:


Question Logo Where do I get more information on Operator Certification?
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Information on operator certification can be received by contacting Rob Kittay in the Drinking Water Program at (605) 773-3754.  Most general information questions are answered in a pamphlet called Water and Wastewater Operator Certification (pdf).

Picture of Mr. Rob Kittay

For more drinking water information, visit the Drinking Water Program webpage.  There is information on regulations, bottled water, consumer confidence reports, information for water system operators and a whole lot more!