DON Secretariat Spend Plan Guidance

DON CIO Memo - Publish Date: 04/23/13

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This memo provides guidance for requests for information technology procurements within the Department of the Navy.


Ref: (a) UNSECNAV memo of 19 Sep 2011, Subj: DON Secretariat Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority (ITEAA)
(b) UNSECNAV memo of 11 Apr 2012, Subj: Information Technology Efficiencies Impact to Information Technology Support Throughout the DON Secretariat

Department of the Navy (DON) Secretariat organizations are directed to submit all information technology (IT) procurement requests, regardless of the amount, via the Navy Information Dominance Approval System (NAV-IDAS). IT procurement requests must be approved by the designated approval authority prior to expenditure. IT-related supplies are exempt from this requirement.

Requests for procurement of IT one hundred thousand dollars or more (=$100K) will be submitted annually as a detailed NAV-IDAS Spend Plan no later than 31 July for the following fiscal year. Per reference (a), the DON Chief Information Officer is the IT Expenditure Approval Authority for the Secretariat, and is responsible for approving requests $100K or more. The NAV-IDAS Spend Plans will be consistent with each organization’s approved IT budget for the execution year as reflected in Program Budget Information System – Information Technology (PBIS-IT). However, these Spend Plans will identify specific detail (e.g., make, model, version, estimated cost, contract vehicle, purpose, etc.) for each IT hardware, software and service for which approval is requested. If sufficient detail is not provided in the NAV-IDAS Spend Plan, the procurement request will be disapproved.

Requests for procurement of IT less than one hundred thousand dollars (<$100K) will be submitted individually via NAV-IDAS (not as a Spend Plan). Per reference (b), the DON Assistant for Administration (DON/AA) is responsible for approving Secretariat procurement requests less than $100K. If sufficient detail is not provided in the procurement request, it will be disapproved.

Additional information specific to the DON Secretariat is available at: S:\DONCIO\ITEAA_Secretariat. Points of contact are: Mr. Donald Jean (DON CIO), 703-695-1967,; Mr. Russell Smith (DON/AA), 703-614-3273,

Signed By:
Barbara Hoffman
Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (Acting)

TAGS: Efficiencies, ITEAA