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©olegganko/iStock/Thinkstock Soil liquefaction, 2011 Christchurch earthquake, New Zealand, photo by Schwede66 ©ziss/iStock/Getty Images ©martiapunts/iStock/Getty Images

Science Museum Holiday Hours

In D.C. for the holidays? Come visit the Koshland Science Museum for interactive exhibits, hands-on science activities, puzzles, and more.


    Science Museum Holiday Hours

    In D.C. for the holidays? Come visit the Koshland Science Museum for interactive exhibits, hands-on science activities, puzzles, and more.


    Examining Earthquake-Caused
    Soil Liquefaction Assessments

    Dec. 21 – A new report from the National Academies evaluates existing methods for assessing liquefaction and its consequences.


    Sixth Biennial Report Examines Progress
    of the Everglades Restoration Plan

    Dec. 15 – Forward-looking analysis and a re-examination of Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan goals are needed, says a new Academies report.


    Manufacturing Landscape for LEDs

    Dec. 15 – A new Academies report discusses recent trends in solid-state light manufacturing and opportunities for new applications.

New 'Action Collaborative' on Clinician Well-Being

©alexandragl1/iStock/Getty ImagesIn response to alarming evidence of high rates of depression and suicide among U.S. health care workers, the National Academy of Medicine is launching a wide-ranging "action collaborative" to promote clinician well-being and resilience. Read More

NAM Foreign Secretary to Be Next AAAS President

Margaret Hamburg

Margaret Hamburg, foreign secretary of the National Academy of Medicine, has been chosen as president-elect of AAAS.  She will begin her three-year term as an officer and member of the Executive Committee of the AAAS Board of Directors at the conclusion of the 183rd AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston on Feb. 21, 2017. 

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