"Nohwike' Bagowa"
(House of Our Footprints)

Apache Cultural Center & Museum

Apache Culture Center logo, Designed by Michael Lacapa

 Originally established in 1969, the White Mountain Apache Cultural Center stands as a monument to the Tribe's historical resiliency and ongoing commitment to celebrate and perpetuate Apache heritage. 

The Cultural Center serves as a repository for the Tribe's cultural heritage through the preservation of oral histories, archival materials and objects of cultural, historical and artistic significance to the White Mountain Apache people.

It is the mission of the Apache Culture Center to foster an appreciation for the history and cultural traditions of the White Mountain Apache, within the reservation community and beyond, through exhibits and educational programs.

Initiatives: Supporting Local Artists

In 1999 the Apache Culture Center established an artist in residence program to provide opportunities for promising local artists to develop their skills and present their work to the public.  The first residency, awarded to Barnarski Declay, was sponsored by Chairman Dallas Massey.  During his residency Mr. Declay produced several significant works including the painting "Mysterious Ways", shown here.

Apache Crown Dancer,(acrylic on canvas)
Painting by Lorenzo Cosay,(oil on canvas)

Lorenzo Cosay, a White Mountain Apache, began painting at the age of six, and knew then that he wanted to pursue a career in painting.  He is self taught and has developed his own unique style.

Lorenzo draws his inspiration from other local artists.  He paints only Western Apache Tribes and Wildlife.  "It's a beautiful and unique culture, with beautiful people."  Lorenzo wants to raise awareness of his heritage and teach people about Apache Tradition and Culture.

He is married and is teaching art to his children, who have shown interest at an early age as well.

Exhibits:  Exhibit Schedule

TUS AND TATS'AA: Apache Basketry Through Time (Continuing)
An Exploration of the role of baskets in the lives of the White Mountain Apache people.

Apache Culture Center
     Historically the Apache used baskets for many practical purposes, and they continue to play an important part in the ceremonial life of the White Mountain Apache, serving as a traditional link to an earlier way of life.  The exhibit features more than 50 historic and modern Western Apache baskets on loan from the Arizona State Museum.  Apache concepts of space were used to inform the layout of the exhibit, which is color coded to the four directions (East-Black, South-Green, West-Yellow and North-White)  Audio recordings of Apache stories, songs and interviews.

Between Worlds: Apache Responses to Military Occupation (Continuing)
The changing role of the White Mountain Apache people after contact with the Military.

This exhibit (located in the log cabin) looks at the impact of the development of Fort Apache on the local community. Walk through this restored cabin with period furnishings and hear the sounds of old Fort Apache surround you.  A special visitor comments section allows you to tell us your thoughts about the topics and stories you want to see told at the new Fort Apache Historic Park.

Apache Culture Center and Museum

Hours:  The Culture Center and Museum is open Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Summer Hours:  Monday - Saturday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Fees:  Adults $3.00 - Students $2.00, Children Under 10 Free

For More Information Call:  (928) 338 - 4625

Visit Us At...  Directions ?
You'll find the historic Park a mile high at the Foot of Arizona's White Mountains, 150 miles Northeast of Phoenix and 30 miles South of Pinetop.  Reach Fort Apache by traveling State Route 73, from either Pinetop or Carrizo Junction, to its intersection with Indian Route 46, about 5 miles South of Whiteriver.  Signs at the intersection guide visitors the 1/2 mile East to the Park.

The Nohwike'Bagowa Museum Shop
Open during regular museum hours.  The Museum Shop offers the finest White Mountain Apache Basketry, Beadwork, Crown Dancer figures and other Apache arts, a wide selection of books, and Fort Apache and White Mountain Mementos.

Visitor Recommendation A visit to the Culture Center also entitles visitation to the Historic Park and Kinishba Ruins National Historic Landmark, also administered by the Tribe's Heritage Program and located five miles west of Fort Apache.  There are no camping facilities available on immediate grounds.  Lodging and dining are available in Whiteriver and Hon-Dah, both located North of Fort Apache on State Route 73.

Living History Walking Tours -

They start June 7th -- Thursday's, Friday's and Saturday's at 2:00p.m., thru August. Come discover the cultural , natural and historical wonders of Fort Apache and the Apache Village just outside the Apache Cultural Center & Museum.  Call the Cultural Center for information at (928) 338-4625.

Enjoy Canyoneering
Wet and Wild adventure sport of hiking, swimming, rock climbing and rappelling often over waterfalls.  Join us in a trip through our incredibly beautiful Cibecue Canyon and we will give you memories.  Call Hon-Dah Ski & Outdoor sport at 877-226-4868.

Tribal Email © 2011 White Mountain Apache Tribe (928) 338-4346

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