‹ Consumption & Efficiency

Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS)

1994 MECS Survey Data 2010 | 2006 | 2002 | 1998 | 1994 | 1991 | Archive

Consumption of Energy for All Purposes (First Use)
Total First Use (formerly Primary Consumption) of Energy for All Purposes by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS 
Total First Use (formerly Primary Consumption) of Energy for All Purposes by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 2 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Total First Use (formerly Primary Consumption) of Energy for All Purposes by Value of Shipment Categories, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Total First Use (formerly Primary Consumption) of Energy for All Purposes by Employment Size Categories, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS 
Total First Use (formerly Primary Consumption) of Energy for All Purposes by Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Total First Use (formerly Primary Consumption) of Energy for All Purposes by Selected Energy Sources, 1994 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Energy Used as a Nonfuel (Feedstock)
Total First Use (formerly Primary Consumption) of Combustible Energy for Nonfuel Purposes by Census Region, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Total First Use (formerly Primary Consumption) of Combustible Energy for Nonfuel Purposes by Census Region, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 2 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Number of Establishments by Total First Use (formerly Primary Consumption) of Combustible Energy for Nonfuel Purposes, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 3 XLS
Total First Use (formerly Primary Consumption) of Combustible Energy for Nonfuel Purposes by Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Energy Consumption as a Fuel
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 2 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Number of Establishments by Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 3 XLS
Total Inputs of Selected Byproduct Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Value of Shipment Categories, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Total Inputs of Selected Wood and Wood-Related Products for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Billion Btu) XLS
Offsite-Produced Fuel Consumption
Total Consumption of Offsite-Produced Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Total Consumption of Offsite-Produced Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 2 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Number of Establishments by Total Consumption of Offsite-Produced Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 3 XLS
Total Consumption of Offsite-Produced Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Employment Size Categories, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Energy Consumed as a Fuel by End Use
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Fuel Type, Industry Group, Selected Industries, and End Use, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Fuel Type, Industry Group, Selected Industries, and End Use, 1994: Part 2 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Fuel Type, Census Region, Census Division, and End Use, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Fuel Type, Census Region, Census Division, and End Use, 1994: Part 2 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Selected Combustible Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation and Net Demand for Electricity by Fuel Type and End Use, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Selected Combustible Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation and Net Demand for Electricity by Fuel Type and End Use, 1994: Part 2 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Selected Combustible Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation and Net Demand for Electricity by Fuel Type, Census Region, Census Division, and End Use, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Ratio of Mfg. Fuel Consumption to Economic Characteristics
Selected Energy Operating Ratios for Total Energy Consumption for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Value of Shipment Categories, 1994 XLS
Selected Energy Operating Ratios for Total Energy Consumption for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Employment Size Categories, 1994 XLS
Selected Energy Operating Ratios for Total Energy Consumption for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 XLS
Selected Energy Operating Ratios for Total Energy Consumption for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994 XLS
Average Prices of Purchased Energy Sources
Average Prices of Selected Purchased Energy Sources by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Dollars per Physical Units) XLS
Average Prices of Selected Purchased Energy Sources by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 2 (Estimates in Dollars per Million Btu) XLS
Average Prices of Selected Purchased Energy Sources by Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Dollars per Physical Units) XLS
Average Prices of Selected Purchased Energy Sources by Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994: Part 2 (Estimates in Dollars per Million Btu) XLS
Average Prices of Purchased Energy Sources by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Dollars per Physical Units) XLS
Average Prices of Purchased Energy Sources by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 2 (Estimates in Dollars per Million Btu) XLS
Average Prices of Purchased Electricity and Steam by Type of Supplier, Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Dollars per Physical Units) XLS
Average Prices of Purchased Electricity and Steam by Type of Supplier, Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994 (Estimates in Dollars per Physical Units) XLS
Quantity of Purchased Energy
Table A32. Total Quantity of Purchased Energy Sources by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Total Quantity of Purchased Energy Sources by Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Quantity of Purchased Electricity and Steam by Type of Supplier, Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Quantity of Purchased Electricity and Steam by Type of Supplier, Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994 (Estimates in Btu or Physical Units) XLS
Expenditures for Purchased Energy (Millions of Dollars)
Total Expenditures for Purchased Energy Sources by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Million Dollars) XLS
Total Expenditures for Purchased Energy Sources by Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994 (Estimates in Million Dollars) XLS
Total Expenditures for Purchased Electricity, Steam, and Natural Gas by Type of Supplier, Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Million Dollars) XLS
Total Expenditures for Purchased Electricity and Steam by Type of Supplier, Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994 (Estimates in Million Dollars) XLS
Energy Management Activities & Energy-Savings Technologies
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Program Sponsorship, Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Type of Energy-Management Program, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Number of Establishments by Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation, by Program Sponsorship, Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Type of Energy-Management Program, 1994: Part 2 XLS
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Type of Energy-Management Program, 1994 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Number of Establishments by Sponsorship of Any Programs of Demand-Side Management through Electric Utility and Natural Gas Utility, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994 XLS
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Presence of General Technologies, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Number of Establishments by Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation, by Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Presence of General Technologies, 1994: Part 2 XLS
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Presence of Cogeneration Technologies, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Number of Establishments by Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation, by Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Presence of Cogeneration Technologies, 1994: Part 2 XLS
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Presence of Industry-Specific Technologies for Selected Industries, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Number of Establishments by Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation, by Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Presence of Industry-Specific Technologies for Selected Industries, 1994: Part 2 XLS
Total Inputs of Energy for Heat, Power, and Electricity Generation by Employment Size Categories and Presence of General Technologies and Cogeneration Technologies, 1994 (Estimates in Trillion Btu) XLS
Floorspace & Building Counts
Enclosed Floorspace and Conditioned Floorspace by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994 XLS
Fuel Switching
Nonswitchable Minimum Requirements and Maximum Consumption Potential by Census Region and Census Division, 1994 (Estimates in Physical Units) XLS
Percent of Establishments that Actually Switched Fuels from Natural Gas to Residual Fuel Oil and from Residual Fuel Oil to Natural Gas, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994 XLS
Capability to Switch from Natural Gas to Alternative Energy Sources by Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Selected Characteristics, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Billion Cubic Feet) XLS
Number of Establishments by Capability to Switch from Natural Gas to Alternative Energy Sources, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 2 XLS
Number of Establishments that Actually Switched Fuels from Natural Gas to Residual Fuel Oil, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994 XLS
Percent of Establishments by Primary Reasons for Actually Switching Fuels from Natural Gas to Residual Fuel Oil, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994 XLS
Percent of Establishments by Levels of Price Difference between Natural Gas and Less Expensive Residual Fuel Oil that Would Cause Fuel Switching from Natural Gas to Residual Fuel Oil, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994 XLS
Capability to Switch from Residual Fuel Oil to Alternative Energy Sources by Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Selected Characteristics, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Thousand Barrels) XLS
Number of Establishments by Capability to Switch from Residual Fuel Oil to Alternative Energy Sources, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994: Part 2 XLS
Number of Establishments that Actually Switched Fuels from Residual Fuel Oil to Natural Gas, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994 XLS
Percent of Establishments by Primary Reasons for Actually Switching Fuels from Residual Fuel Oil to Natural Gas, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994 XLS
Percent of Establishments by Levels of Price Difference between Residual Fuel Oil and Less Expensive Natural Gas that Would Cause Fuel Switching from Residual Fuel Oil to Natural Gas, by Industry Group and Selected Industries, 1994 XLS
Capability to Switch from Electricity to Alternative Energy Sources by Industry Group, Selected Industries, and Selected Characteristics, 1994: Part 1 (Estimates in Million Kilowatthours) XLS
Total Consumption of Electricity
Components of Total Electricity Demand by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Million Kilowatthours) XLS
Components of Total Electricity Demand by Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994 (Estimates in Million Kilowatthours) XLS
Components of Onsite Generation of Electricity
Components of Onsite Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Million Kilowatthours) XLS
Components of Onsite Electricity Generation by Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994 (Estimates in Million Kilowatthours) XLS
Electricity Sales to Utility & Nonutility Purchasers
Quantity of Electricity Sold to Utility and Nonutility Purchasers by Census Region, Census Division, Industry Group, and Selected Industries, 1994 (Estimates in Million Kilowatthours) XLS
Quantity of Electricity Sold to Utility and Nonutility Purchasers by Census Region, Census Division, and Economic Characteristics of the Establishment, 1994 (Estimates in Million Kilowatthours) XLS

Specific questions on this product may be directed to:

Tom Lorenz
Phone: 202-586-3442
Fax: 202-586-0018

Robert Adler
Phone: 202-586-1134
Fax: 202-586-0018