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USFWS Region: 1

10/8/2015: Three Idaho Species Do Not Warrant Listing Under Endangered Species Act
10/6/2015: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes to Downlist the Columbian White-Tailed Deer from Endangered to Threatened
9/29/2015: Service Proposes Protections for 10 Animal and 39 Plant Species in the State of Hawaii
9/29/2015: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Protects 23 Species in Guam and CNMI Under the Endangered Species Act
9/28/2015: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Completes Final Bull Trout Recovery Plan
9/18/2015: Endangered Short-tailed Albatross Dies After Being Found in Ocean off Washington Coast
9/16/2015: Public Invited to Celebrate 75th Anniversary of Leavenworth National Fisheries Complex at 25th Annual Salmon Festival
9/11/2015: Tulalip Tribal Member Sentenced for Killing Bald Eagles
9/10/2015: Owyhee Watershed Council to Start Restoration of Private Lands Following Soda Fire with Assistance from U.S. Fish and W...
8/25/2015: Service Announces 2015 Expansion of Hunting and Fishing Opportunities on National Wildlife Refuges
8/25/2015: Service and Tribe Work Together to Adaptively Manage Coho Salmon in Response to Severe Drought Conditions
8/21/2015: Service Seeks Public Comments on Determination of Critical Habitat for Marbled Murrelet
8/21/2015: New Project Leader Selected for the Kootenai, Turnbull, and Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuges
8/21/2015: New Project Leader Selected for the Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuges
8/19/2015: Summer Challenges Spur Innovative Solutions at Leavenworth Fisheries Complex
8/19/2015: Pacific Region Selects Mary Abrams as New Supervisor for Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office
8/13/2015: Washington, Idaho Awarded $7 Million in State Conservation Grants
8/13/2015: Hawaii Awarded $2 Million in State Conservation Grants
8/11/2015: Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Multiple Lacey Act Violations for Trading Illegal Snakes
8/6/2015: Leavenworth Fisheries Complex Battles Heat, Saves Salmon with Partnership and Science
8/3/2015: Washington Men Sentenced and Fined for Killing Eagles
7/21/2015: Service and Partners Work to Move Salmon, Save them from Warming Temperatures
7/2/2015: Service Adapting to Warmer Riverscapes with Early Fish Releases
7/1/2015: Service Awards Grants to 35 States, District of Columbia for Work on Deadly Bat Disease
6/26/2015: Service Seeks Public Comments for Development of Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Invasive Rodent and Mongoose ...

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[News releases from other Federal agencies are available at the National Contact Center of the Federal Consumer Information Center.]