Partner Support

Link to Partner Portal Page

The Department of Energy provides a variety of resources to Home Energy Score Partners to make their programs successful. Partners have access to account management and technical support in addition to the materials and information provided below. Once a partnership is established, organizations will have access to U.S. Department of Energy Home Energy Score logos to brand your materials.

"The Home Energy Score is a low input tool with high output. I'm happy it is provided free and with the DOE's logo on it."

- Benjamin K. from Community Housing Partners, Virginia

Quality Assurance

All Home Energy Score Partners must meet quality assurance requirements to participate in the program. Requirements include rescoring a random sample of at least 5% of homes and mentoring new Assessors. The individuals conducting quality assurance can work for an independent third party provider or for the Partner directly as approved by DOE. DOE works with intersted Partners to develop quality assurance plans after their intitial submission, including suggesting collaborators for partners that cannot internally develop a quality assurance structure. 

Marketing Materials

The Department of Energy created flyers, brochures, and factsheets for Assessors and Partners to use in order to promote and explain the Home Energy Score. Visit the Resources page to download these documents.

Meetings with the Department of Energy

In addition to account management calls and technical assistance calls that can be arraigned individually, the Department of Energy (DOE) hosts bimonthly webinars for all Partners. Every other month, DOE gathers Home Energy Score Partners to share updates on the program and to host speakers. It is also an opportunity for Partners voice concerns and share best practices. 

Compatible Software

Software providers interested in linking their software to the Home Energy Scoring Tool can do so via an application programming interface (API). By licensing the Home Energy Score API, third-party software can generate a Home Energy Score along with any other outputs the software already produces. This capability reduces data entry burdens for Assessors already using other software tools. Interested API users will need to satisfy DOE testing requirements to ensure that scoring through the API results in the same score outputs as scoring directly through the Home Energy Scoring Tool interface online. Interested users can learn more by visiting the API developers' website.

A number of companies have successfully integrated their software with the Home Energy Score API.

Get Started

DOE is recruiting Partners throughout the country to offer the Home Energy Score to help homeowners, homebuyers, and renters learn about home energy performance and reduce energy costs through energy efficiency upgrades. 

Visit the Become a Parter page to learn more about Partner requirements and the benefits of joining. If you think your organization can meet the requirements listed and is interested in becoming a Home Energy Score Partner, send us a completed Implementation Plan. Use the Implementation Plan to explain how your organization will use the Score, conduct quality assurance, and manage your Home Energy Score program. Email the completed Implementation Plan to


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