
Building expertise within my organization, Identifying or evaluating energy-saving technologies
Tool type:
Energy Management Guides
Building Type:
K-12 schools
Plug loads, Advanced Power Strips, Electronics and Appliances, Refrigeration

Solution at a Glance:
One Behavioral “Switch” At a Time


Alachua County Public Schools developed a process to manage plug loads at their schools to save energy and instill efficiency measures into the students, faculty and staff. These efforts included managing plug loads for computers by setting them to be turned off or unplugged when not in use, creating an unplug or clean out for small appliances and refrigerators, and balancing air-conditioning loads during unoccupied times including holidays and breaks. The county also started to benchmark and track utility energy data (electric, natural gas, propane, and water), thus realizing the savings of energy and money from these initiatives. The district leveraged the "Facing the Future" curriculum to engage students and faculty in the classroom.

Additional District Energy Links Include:
