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Compliance Assistance Support for Services to the Regulated Community and Other Assistance Providers

Compliance Assistance Centers
Number: 66.305
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Office: Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

Program Information 

Program Number/Title (010):
66.305 Compliance Assistance Support for Services to the Regulated Community and Other Assistance Providers
Federal Agency (030):
Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Environmental Protection Agency
Authorization (040):
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, Section 8001, Public Law 94-580, 42 U.S.C 6981; Clean Air Act of 1970, Section 103, Public Law 91-604, 42 U.S.C 7403; Clean Water Act of 1972, Section 104, Public Law 92-500, 33 U.S.C 1254.
Objectives (050):
The EPA has sponsored partnerships with industry, academic institutions, environmental groups, and other agencies to launch sector-specific Compliance Assistance Centers. Each Compliance Assistance Center addresses real world issues in language that is used by the regulated entities.

This program's objective is to provide financial assistance to private nonprofit institutions, universities, and public agencies to develop and maintain Compliance Assistance Centers to improve environmental compliance within an identified industrial/government sector or environmental topic.

Funding Priority - Fiscal Year 2016: Funding will support the web-based Compliance Assistance Centers. Through Internet Websites, e-mail discussion groups and more, the Centers will help businesses, local governments, and federal facilities understand federal environmental requirements and save money through pollution prevention techniques.
Types of Assistance (060):
Uses and Use Restrictions (070):
FY 16 funds will support ongoing Center work, with an emphasis on maintaining and updating the existing Center Websites.

It is expected that common communications channels used by the industry/government will continue to quickly distribute information to the targeted audience. The sector entry pages will serve as portals to relevant information developed by the Centers and other organizations as appropriate (e.g. EPA). Individual sector entry pages will use navigation structures specific to the sector thereby providing easy access to relevant environmental content. EPA funding must be used only for activities specified in the approved scope of work; discretionary funding will not be provided.

Grant recipients and sub-recipients are encouraged to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving company-owned or -rented vehicles or government-owned vehicles, or while driving privately-owned vehicles when on official government business or when performing any work for or on behalf of the government. Grant recipients and sub-recipients are encouraged to conduct initiatives of the type described in section 3(a) of the Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving Executive Order that was signed on October 1, 2009. Generally this program makes Federal awards on a discretionary basis. For further information, please contact the Headquarters or regional office.
Eligibility Requirements (080)
Applicant Eligibility (081):
Applicants must be nonprofit organizations as that term is defined in Section 4(6) of the Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act of 1999, Public Law 96-107, 31 U.S.C. 6101 Note. Colleges, universities, and community colleges are eligible to apply. EPA will also accept applications from state, tribal and local governments. However, nonprofit organizations described in Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code that engage in lobbying activities as defined in Section 3 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 are not eligible to apply. For certain competitive funding opportunities under this CFDA description, the Agency may limit eligibility to compete to a number or subset of eligible applicants consistent with the Agency's Assistance Agreement Competition Policy. Additionally, for certain funding opportunities under this CFDA, applicants may have to demonstrate how they meet the following factors for threshold eligibility purposes: 1) That they have an indirect cost rate that has been approved or is pending approval by a federal agency or has a cost allocation system that meets the requirements in the applicable OMB Circular; 2) That they have had a previous working relationship(s) with experts and national organizations devoted to the relevant industrial, commercial or governmental sector, or intends to partner with an organization with such expertise; 3) An understanding of the environmental needs of the relevant industrial, commercial or governmental sector through past activities, or intends to partner with an organization with such expertise; 4) That they, or a partnering organization, has familiarity with applicable federal, state and local environmental regulations and experience in developing tools (e.g., training, plain-language guides, fact-sheets, Agency contact locators, etc.) to improve the audiences' understanding of their regulatory obligations; 5) Previous experience (or intends to partner with an organization with experience) in developing and maintaining web-based services.
Beneficiary Eligibility (082):
The primary beneficiaries are small businesses, local governments and colleges/universities that are being serviced by the grantees. Other beneficiaries include state, local, general public, and the regulated business community.
Credentials/Documentation (083):
EPA may request that applicants document their non profit status. The Agency may also request that applicants demonstrate they have appropriate background, experience in the field, organizational capacity and necessary equipment to carry out projects. 2 CFR 200, Subpart E - Cost Principles applies to this program.
Application and Award Process (090)
Preapplication Coordination (091):
Regarding pre-application/pre-proposal assistance with respect to competitive funding opportunities under this program description, EPA will generally specify the nature of the pre-application/pre-proposal assistance, if any, that will be available to applicants in the competitive announcement. For additional information, contact the individual(s) listed as "Information Contacts" or see Appendix IV of the Catalog. Environmental impact information is not required for this program. This program is eligible for coverage under E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review.
Application Procedures (092):
2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards applies to this program. Applicants, except in limited circumstances approved by the Agency, must submit all initial applications for funding through

Award Procedure (093):
For competitive awards, EPA will review and evaluate applications, proposals, and/or submissions in accordance with the terms, conditions, and criteria stated in the competitive announcement. Competitions will be conducted in accordance with EPA policies/regulations for competing assistance agreements.
Deadlines (094):
Contact the headquarters or regional office, as appropriate, for application deadlines.
Range of Approval/Disapproval Time (095):
Approximately 60 days from the date of submission of the final proposal.
Appeals (096):
Assistance agreement competition-related disputes will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures published in 70 FR (Federal Register) 3629, 3630 (January 26, 2005). Copies of these procedures may also be requested by contacting the individual(s) listed as "Information Contacts." Disputes relating to matters other than the competitive selection of recipients will be resolved under 2 CFR 1500 Subpart E, as applicable.
Renewals (097):
None. Generally, cooperative agreements will be awarded for a five year project period. EPA will partially fund each budget period and will consider funding the balance of budget requests contingent upon satisfactory progress as certified by the EPA Project Officer, the availability of funds, and EPA priorities.
Assistance Consideration (100)
Formula and Matching Requirements (101):
This program has no statutory formula.
Matching Requirements: EPA's Appropriation Act requires that applicants submitting unsolicited research grant proposals share in the cost of conducting research. The amount of the cost share will be based on the mutuality of interest between the Government and the applicant. Applicants will be advised of other matching requirements, if any, in Requests for Applications or Requests for Initial Proposals. Although EPA may not require matching funds, applicants may be encouraged to provide information regarding resources (cash/in-kind services) that they would commit to manage a Compliance Assistance Center.
This program does not have MOE requirements.
Length and Time Phasing of Assistance (102):
EPA generally funds grants and cooperative agreements on a 12-month basis. However, EPA can negotiate the project period with each applicant based on project requirements. Incremental funding may be available. EPA generally limits project periods to 5 years. EPA will partially fund each budget period and will consider funding the balance of budget requests contingent upon satisfactory progress as certified by the EPA Project Officer, the availability of funds, and EPA priorities. See the following for information on how assistance is awarded/released: Other.
Post Assistance Requirements (110)
Reports (111):
EPA includes reporting requirements for grants and cooperative agreements in the terms and conditions of the agreements. Agreements may require semi-annual, annual and final progress reports, and financial, equipment, and invention reports. Reporting requirements are also identified in the Grant Regulations at 2 CFR 200 and 1500, as applicable. Program reports are required.

. No cash reports are required. Progress reports are required. No expenditure reports are required. Performance monitoring is required under this program.
Audits (112):
In accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements, non-Federal entities that expend financial assistance of $750,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a program-specific audit conducted for that year. Non-Federal entities that expend less than $750,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in 2 CFR 200.503. Grants and cooperative agreements are subject to inspections and audits by the Comptroller General of the United States, the EPA Office of Inspector General, other EPA staff, or any authorized representative of the Federal government. Reviews by the EPA Project Officer and the Grants Specialist may occur each year.
Records (113):
Financial records, including all documents to support entries on accounting records and to substantiate changes to each grant must be kept available to personnel authorized to examine EPA grant accounts. All records must be maintained until expiration of three years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report. If questions still remain, such as those raised as a result of audit, related records must be retained until the matter is completely resolved.
Financial Information (120)
Obligations (122):
(Project Grants) FY 15 $260,000; FY 16 est $220,000; and FY 17 est $220,000 - FY 13: $275,000, FY 14: $360,000, FY 15: $260,000, FY 16: $220,000, FY 17: $220,000.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance (123):
$5,000/year - $110,000/year. Generally, individual Centers will receive between $5,000 - $10,000 this fiscal year to continue maintenance and operation of the Web site. An approximate average of the annual financial assistance awards that will be made this current fiscal year is $27,000.
Program Accomplishments (130):
Fiscal Year 2015: The Compliance Assistance Centers realized 400,235 user sessions and 1,575,787 page views in FY15. Fiscal Year 2016: Results are not yet available for FY16. Fiscal Year 2017: No Current Data Available
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature (140):
Compliance Assistance Centers are subject to Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Costs will be determined in accordance with 2 CFR 200 Subpart E.for State and local governments and Indian Tribes and for educational institutions, 2 CFR 200 Subpart E for non-profit institutions, and FAR Part 31 for profit makers. Additional information pertinent to the Centers program can be found at Centers brochures and/or fact-sheets can be obtained by calling the EPA Compliance Assistance Centers Team Leader at (202) 564-7076

Information Contacts (150)
Regional or Local Office (151) :
See Regional Agency Offices. Kenneth Harmon, Local Government Center Lead, Education Sector Lead, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20460, Tele: (202) 564-7049, Fax: (202) 564-0037, email:
Headquarters Office (152):
Tracy Back, USEPA Headquarters, Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W. Mail Code: 2224A , Washington, District of Columbia 20460 Email: Phone: (202) 564-7076.
Website Address (153):
Examples of Funded Projects (170):
Fiscal Year 2015: Center Website content continued to be updated. Other examples include: Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center partnered with AGC, a redesigned; Healthcare Environmental Resource Center created content for Assisted Living facilities; Transportation Environmental Resource Center created content for the Intermodal sector. Fiscal Year 2016: Center Website content continued to be updated. Other examples include: Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center continues to partner with AGC; Healthcare Environmental Resource Center seeks third party partnerships; Transportation Environmental Resource Center created a greenhouse gas calculator; the Center Platform created a hazardous waste portal. Fiscal Year 2017: No Current Data Available
Criteria for Selecting Proposals (180):
The evaluation and selection criteria for competitive awards under this CFDA description will be described in the competitive announcement. Non-competitive proposals are judged for (a) technical merit in terms of: (1) strengths and weaknesses of the project; (2) adequacy of overall project design; (3) competency of proposed staff; (4) suitability of applicant's available resources; (5) appropriateness of the proposed project period and budget; and (6) probability that the project will accomplish stated objectives; and, for (b) program interest in terms of: (1) the need for the proposed project; and (2) relationship to program objectives.