The Model Group, Inc.


Challenge Commitment
1.2Million Square Feet
Goals Progress
20%Reduction in Energy Intensity

The Model Group, Inc. is an integrated development, construction, and property management company with a vision to positively transform communities. As a recognized, award winning leader in historic preservation, mixed use urban development and affordable housing, The Model Group stakes their reputation on the ability to effectively design and implement innovative real estate solutions for customers and partners. Brickstone Properties, the property management arm of The Model Group, is focused on providing premium affordable housing services to over 3000 residents in revitalized neighborhoods in Ohio and Kentucky.

As long-term owners and operators of affordable housing, The Model Group understands the critical role that energy efficiency and durable materials play in the long term viability of affordable developments. The Model Group has completed 9 LEED for HOMES projects and has several more projects in development for both new construction and historic rehabilitation and is committed to weaving energy efficiency principles throughout operations.

The Model Group pledges to reduce energy costs 20% by 2023. The Model Group will conduct an analysis of the major energy components of each property, including lighting, appliances, windows, and building HVAC systems to identify inefficiencies in equipment or product design. Staff members will also examine how site improvements, including landscape enhancements and integrated design features, can save on energy costs.

A two-fold approach will then be used to reduce energy consumption. First, lighting, appliances, and other key equipment will be upgraded, where financially feasible, with energy efficient products and design. Second, The Model Group will develop resident and staff energy awareness and education programs to help reduce costs. A key part of the staff education program will be to develop and implement systems for measuring energy usage across the entire portfolio.