Industrial - Better Plants Challenge

Sector: Industrial - Better Plants Challenge

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge (Challenge) is working with 33 leading organizations to improve energy efficiency in the industrial sector. In addition to setting an energy-saving goal, industrial organizations committing to the Challenge share their energy performance data and energy-effciency solutions so that others can emulate their pathways to savings; learn more about some of these solutions below.



Better Plants Progress Update

Discover how Better Plants partners have racked up $2.4 billion in cumulative energy cost savings in five years.

Partners in the News

Better Plants partners are profiled in national and trade articles for their leadership and innovation in saving energy.

Partner Map

Better Plants includes more than 170 partners from almost every manufacturing sector and represents more than 11 percent of the U.S. manufacturing energy footprint.

Featured Solutions

Ford Motor Company launched a national Go Green Sustainability Program that has helped identify 27% savings opportunities in participating Ford dealerships.
Supplier Efficiency Program Implementation Model
JCI helps small- and medium-sized suppliers improve the energy efficiency of their plants through tools, training and on-site technical assistance.
Fan System Upgrade Showcase Project
Spurred by a successful pilot project at its facility in West Virginia, Toyota implemented a comprehensive heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system upgrade at its Georgetown, Kentucky plant.
Alcoa developed a comprehensive energy efficiency questionnaire to help employees identify opportunities for energy savings and avoid locking in energy waste when purchasing long-lived capital assets.
Water use has long been an important part of UTC’s sustainability goals. UTC provided its employees the tools and resources that resulted in a 33% absolute reduction in global water use.

Other Resources


Volvo's Bert Hill shares his energy efficiency pitch.
Logan Olds of Victor Valley Wastewater Reclemation Authority shares some of the efficiency solutions currently in use at the wastewater plant.
United Technologies Corporation's Sean West shares his energy efficiency pitch.
Legrand's Susan Rochford shares her energy efficiency pitch.

White Paper

This paper summarizes insights from Better Plants partners with well-developed water management programs and serves as a resource to others developing new, or seeking to improve existing, water management programs.


Meet the Sector Committee Chair