Current Status:
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has completed the final Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) for the Steigerwald Lake, Franz Lake, and Pierce National Wildlife Refuges (Gorge Refuges). The Service decided to adopt Alternative B from the Environmental Assessment for implementation. The decision is documented in the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The CCP and FONSI are available on the right. A brief summary of the decision is provided in Planning Update #4.

Project Contact:
Jim Clapp, Refuge Manager
Steigerwald Lake, Franz Lake, and Pierce NWRs
PO Box 1136
Washougal, WA 98671
Phone: 360/835-8767
FAX: 360/835-9780

E-mail Questions Now

Steigerwald Lake, Franz Lake, and
Pierce National Wildlife Refuges

Comprehensive Conservation Plan

Documents Available Online:
The following documents may take a few minutes to download using Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF). A free copy of the Adobe software is available from the Adobe website.

Links to the Refuges' final CCP, FONSI, and related documents
are provided in the following table of contents formatted in pdf:
Final CCP

The Refuges' draft CCP/EA and related documents follow:
Draft CCP/EA (HTM 23 kb)

Two documents often referred to in the CCP follow:
Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge Gateway Center Environmental Assessment issued June 1999 (116kb)

Draft Fire Management Plan for the Steigerwald Lake, Franz Lake, and Pierce National Wildlife Refuges (PDF 62 KB)

The CCP planning updates are listed below according to date:
Planning Update #1, issued September 2000 (PDF 413kb)

Planning Update #2, issued May 2001 (PDF 573kb)

Planning Update #3, issued August 2004 (PDF 590kb)

Planning Update #4, issued January 2006 (PDF 760kb)

Public Federal Register notices are listed below according to date:
Notice of Intent to Prepare a Draft CCP and EA, and Notice of Public Meetings, issued August 2000 (HTML 15kb)

Notice of Availability of the Draft CCP and EA issued August 2004 (PDF 15kb)

Notice of Decision and FONSI issued January 2006 (PDF 15kb)

The Refuges' official website:
The Gorge Refuges are part of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Complex and are included on Ridgefield's website. Link to the Website

Information Updated: January 2006