Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge

Pacific Region

American white pelican / © Ingrid Taylar

Use this link to e-mail your comments to us NOW!

Address comments and questions to:
Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge
961 E. Minidoka Dam Road
Rupert, Idaho 83350-9471

E-mail comments to:
(Please use Minidoka NWR in the subject.)

Comprehensive Conservation Plan


May 2012 - Planning Update 2 is available. The Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge planning team identified management issues in public comments submitted during the public scoping period, and categorzied and summarized them in Planning Update 2, with more detailed information available in the Public Scoping Report.

October 2011 - The Refuge announced the beginning of a planning process to develop a Comprehensive Conservation Plan (see Planning Update 1). Public comments were requested to help us identify management issues for the Refuge. The comment period ended January 31, 2012.

Visit the Refuge's website

CCP Planning Documents Available Online:
You can read, print, or download the following documents online using Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF). A free copy of the Adobe software is available from the Adobe website.

Planning Updates:

Planning Update 1, October 2011 (pdf 3,563 kb)

Planning Update 2 (pdf 600 kb)