Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Pacific Region

White-faced Ibis / © Dave Menke

Use this link to e-mail your comments to us NOW!

Address comments and questions to:
Bill Smith, Refuge Manager
Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge
74 Grays Lake Road
Wayan, Idaho 83285

E-mail comments to:
(Please use Grays Lake NWR in the subject.)

Comprehensive Conservation Plan

Status: as of February 2013

February 2013 - The Refuge continues to develop a CCP and has released a Scoping Report containing public comments and Refuge responses, and Planning Update 2 which includes a summary of public comments and a schedule of upcoming milestones.

July 2012 - The Refuge announced the beginning of a planning and public involvement process to develop a 15-year Refuge management plan—Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (CCP/EIS). See Planning Update 1 for information about the planning process, the Refuge, preliminary goals, and habitat and public use issues and opportunities.

Visit the Refuge's website for more information

CCP Planning Documents Available Online:

You can read, print, or download the following documents online using Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF). A free copy of the Adobe software is available from the Adobe website.

Public Scoping Report

Planning Updates:

Planning Update 1, July 2011
(pdf 345kb)

Planning Update 2, February 2013 (pdf 3,725kb)

Federal Register Notices:

Notice of Intent, June 22, 2012

Information Updated as of: October 2012