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Chalo Flores
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Good night

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The number one treasure in the world is your mom and dad because they were the one's that saw you grow to what ever you have become. They will always be there for you through good and bad times to help you out on what ever seems to be bothering you. It's funny how life has it's changes to take good care of them because our love has no boundries and we have to do what is expected of us to care for our loved ones. Cause once there gone there is no coming back. So on my behalf i just ask to spend as much time as you can with your mom and dad because they won't always be there for you. Your pal Chalo.
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Vietnam was the first foreign land many US soldiers had seen. Marine Mike Bailey shared these memories. During the war American soldiers had a hard time telling the Viet Cong from the civilians. American soldiers had to burn villages down. They could not tell them apart. Woman and children were killed. Some of the soldiers found it hard to forgive themselves for these actions. Private George Williams wrote to his mother two months after he arrived in Vietnam. It was April 1967 how are things back in the world, he says to his mother. He hopes all was well. Things are pretty much the same. He say's Vietnam has his feelings on a see saw. He also states about the country being so beautiful when the sun is shining on the mountains. He can see farmers in their rice paddies with their, water buffalo. He likes the palm trees. He also says that for a moment he wasn't in a war zone at at all, just on vacation. There was a few kids who were hanging around him, some with no parents. He felt so sorry for them. He would do things to make them laugh. They called him dinky dow. That means "crazy." But it maKes him feel good. He hopes that's one reason why we're here, to win a future for them. It seems to be the only excuse i can think of for the things that he has done! 
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Shania Twain
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This soldier was shot down over Hanoi, the capital of North Vietnam after he was captured he spent five and a half year's as a prioner. He later wrote about what happened in a book called "Faith of my fathers." Most americans learned of his heroism. He goes on to say he knew he was hit His plane was spiraling to earth. He reacted the moment he took tge hit. He saw that his wing was gone. He radioed. "I'm hit," he reached and pulled the ejection seat handle. He struck the airplane breaking his right arm in three places, and his right knee. He was knocked out by the force of the ejection. He landed in the middle of lake of the city in the middle of the day. He came to when he hit the water then blacked out again. When he came to the second time, he saw he was being hauled to shore by a group of about 20 angry Vietnamese. A crowd gathered around him. They shouted wildly at him, stripping his clothes off, spitting on him, kicking and striking him with sticks. A woman who saw the way he was started to yell at the crowd. "His guardian angel." She then applied bamboo splints to his leg and his right arm. He thought i had been shot down a short walk from the prison that the POWS (prisoners of war) had named the " the Hanoi Hilton." it had two massive steel doors clanked shut behind him. For four days he was taken back and forth to different rooms. Unable to use his arms. He was fed twice a day by a guard. He vomitted after the meals unable to hold down anything but a little tea. He remembers being thisty all the time. But he could only when a guard was present for his twice daily feedings. He remain in solitary confinement for over two years. He states how awful solitary confinement is. It crushes your soirit, having no one else to talk to you begin to doubt your judgement and your courage. But you adjust to solitary as you can to almost any hardship. You devise ways to keep your mind off your troubles. You grasp for any human cantact. This prisoner of war was released from prison in 1973. In 1986 voters in Arizona elected him to the US Senate. Our hero Senator John Mc Cain.
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Taylor Swift
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Nothing much just thinking about my stories and i've just had a couple of stories to write but i thought it over and it would not be fair to the families of these individuals. So i decided not to write anything because deep inside i still like these people. And i like them alot.

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I'm reposting just to see if i'm correct.

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This is a very beautiful picture. (Thanks pal)

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God is the one who sent his son to die for me and my brothers and sisters. He did not have to do that but he loved his creation so much that he sacrificed his own son.

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