Reason for the Seasons (The Four Seasons)

Activity in which students investigate what causes the seasons by doing a series of kinesthetic modeling activities and readings. Activity includes educator background information about how to address common misconceptions about the seasons with students.

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Teaching Tips

Teaching Tips

Assess student preconceptions by having them write them down beforehand, and after the activity, they should return to their preconceptions and modify them.

Instead of having students read the text material in the introductory activity "Reason for Seasons" (which gives much of the information away), direct the student action orally and have students come to their own conclusions.

Some good follow-up lessons are suggested.

The activity states that a common misconception regarding the seasons is not mentioned in Benchmarks for Science Literacy. It is however covered in depth in the AAAS Atlas for Science Literacy, Vol 2. Weather and Climate Map. This map and supporting maps from the Atlas can be reviewed under: