Better Buildings Alliance: Get Involved

Events Calendar
Better Buildings Alliance partners participate in webinars, peer-exchange calls, meetings, and industry workshops and conferences. Browse upcoming events and opportunities to participate by month.

Webinar Series
Better Buildings Alliance technology and market solutions teams host interactive webinars featuring a variety of topics that leading businesses, manufacturers, local and state governments, face when exploring cost-effective ways to integrate energy savings into their daily building operations. Presenters share best practices, lessons learned, and participants have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss strategies with experts.

Better Buildings Summit
The Better Buildings Summit is a national meeting where leading organizations across key sectors showcase solutions to cut energy intensity in their buildings portfolio-wide by 20% over the next ten years. This Summit is designed for partners and stakeholders to exchange best practices and highlight demonstrated market solutions with an equal emphasis on discussing future opportunities for greater energy efficiency in America’s homes, plants, and buildings.

Better Buildings Alliance partners and their energy savings solutions are featured in national media, trade journals, newsletters and social media.