
ICE Futures Canada

While you’re working to feed the world’s communities, we’re working to help you manage the price and counterparty risks associated with your business. ICE Futures Canada is designed for effective agricultural hedging with futures and options contracts on canola, milling wheat, durum wheat and barley.

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ICE Futures Canada has been helping companies like yours manage price risk effectively so you can focus on growth opportunities since it was established in 1887. The first new wheat futures contract in almost 70 years was introduced to the Canadian market through this exchange, and it’s now home to the global benchmark canola contract.

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Clearing House

ICE Clear Canada provides secure, capital-efficient counterparty risk management and post-trade services for ICE Futures Canada agricultural futures contracts, including clearing for canola futures and options and Canada’s first wheat futures contracts.

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Related Information

Today's Deliveries
Take a look at a summary of today's deliveries for the ICE Futures Canada market.

End-of-Day Reports for Canadian Contracts
See daily market data including closing price, total volume traded and open interest for Canadian contracts on canola, barley, durum wheat and milling wheat.

The Latest Canola Crush Margin Data
The canola crush margin is a reflection of the price difference between the purchase price at processing and the price at which processors are able to sell canola byproducts. See the latest numbers.