Wind Energy

 US Fish & Wildlife Service Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines These voluntary Guidelines provide a structured, scientific process for addressing wildlife conservation concerns at all stages of land-based wind energy development. They also promote effective communication among wind energy developers and federal, state, and local conservation agencies and tribes. When used in concert with appropriate regulatory tools, the Guidelines form the best practical approach for conserving species of concern.

 US Fish & Wildlife Service Wind Energy Website This website provides information and guidance to wind energy developers for gaining a better understanding of the Wind Energy Guidelines, along with other resources and tools available to help avoid and minimize impacts to birds during the project siting, operation and maintenance process.

 Eagle Conservation Plan Guidance This document provides specific in-depth guidance for conserving Bald and Golden eagles in the course of siting, constructing, and operating wind energy facilities.

 Developing Power Pole Modification Agreements for Compensatory Eagle Mitigation for Wind Energy Projects  The guidance document at the bottom of the page provided at this link was developed by APLIC to help provide considerations and guidance for electric utilities, wind companies, and agencies working on power pole modification agreements for compensatory mitigation for eagle take at wind facilities.

Last Updated: May 24, 2016