#‎birdyear‬ Flickr Group

Add your great bird photos and help us celebrate #birdyear

Group Description

2016 marks the 100 year anniversary for when the first Migratory Bird Treaty was signed. This was the first step to protecting our birds. In honor of this, we'd like to encourage others to  share photos of birds so that we can continue to spread awareness around the importance of these animals.

Group Rules

Please carefully read these details before submitting your photo: By submitting your photo you agree to let USFWS distribute your photo under the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial license [creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/]. This license allows anyone to use your photo with credit to you, but not for commercial purposes. Please keep photos free of any watermarks or date/time stamps. When we use your photo we will credit you as the photographer in the caption along with which state you’re from. If you are not comfortable with these terms, please do not participate. If you have any questions, please let us know!

Let’s join together and make this a true “Year of the Birds”!

Last Updated: March 24, 2016