Dynamic Device

Any part of the device that moves.

Dynamic Device


Any part of a renewable energy device that moves has the potential to have a deleterious effect on both resident and migratory organisms. Collisions between animals and tidal or wind turbine blades could result in injury or death, either by direct contact with the device or by pressure changes created around the moving parts. The consequence of a collision with a blade may vary based on the rotational or mechanical speed of the moving parts, the presence and density of animals in the area, the time of day, weather conditions, and the ability of animals to sense and evade the device. Carcasses found around land-based wind turbines provide an estimate of bird and bat fatalities, while it is much more difficult to estimate the effect of collisions with offshore wind turbines.  To date there have been no observed collisions of marine animals or diving seabirds with tidal turbines. Wave devices also have moving parts such as heave plates, flaps, and other large heavy components that could potentially cause harm, although the likelihood is thought to be extremely small. Collisions resulting in injury and death of individual animals with moving parts of devices become particularly important if the loss of those individuals affect the stability and sustainability of the population in the area.


Photo Credit: "Wind Turbine Close-Up" by Jorge Láscar

Total Results: 614
Title Author Research Start Datesort ascending Type of Content Technology Type Stressor Receptor
Computational Prediction of Pressure Change in the Vicinity of Tidal Stream Turbines and the Consequences for Fish Survival Rate Zangiabadi, E., et al. February 2017 Journal Article Tidal Dynamic Device, Static Device Fish
Bird Migration Intensity and Number of Collision Victims at the Wind Power Plant Le Peuchapatte (Switzerland) Aschwanden, J., Liechti, F. November 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Collision and Displacement Vulnerability Among Marine Birds of the California Current System Associated with Offshore Wind Energy Infrastructure Adams, J, et al. October 2016 Report Offshore Wind Dynamic Device Seabirds
A Coordinated Action Plan for Addressing Collision Risk for Marine Mammals and Tidal Turbines Hutchison, I., Copping, A. August 2016 Workshop Article Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Multiple Mortality Events in Bats: A Global Review O'Shea, T., et al. July 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Informing a Tidal Turbine Strike Probability Model through Characterization of Fish Behavioral Response using Multibeam Sonar Output Bevelhimer, M., et al. July 2016 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
A Review on the Technology, Performance, Design Optimization, Reliability, Techno-Economics and Environmental Impacts of Hydrokinetic Energy Conversion Systems Kumar, D., Sarkar, S. June 2016 Journal Article Marine Energy general Dynamic Device
Guidelines for Conducting Bird and Bat Studies at Commercial Wind Energy Projects New York State Department of Environmental Conservation June 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Hydrokinetic Energy Conversion: Technology, Research, and Outlook Laws, N., Epps, B. May 2016 Journal Article Marine Energy general Dynamic Device
Assessing collision risk between underwater turbines and marine wildlife Scottish Natural Heritage May 2016 Report Tidal Dynamic Device
Assessing Collision Risk between Underwater Turbines and Marine Wildlife Band, W. May 2016 Report Tidal Dynamic Device
Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., et al. April 2016 Report Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
Reducing the Collision Risk for Bats at Onshore Wind Turbines (RENEBAT II) Behr, O., et al. April 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Wind Energy Industry Eagle Detection and Deterrents: Research Gaps and Solutions Workshop Summary Report Sinclair, K., DeGeorge, E. April 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Raptors
Framework for Testing the Effectiveness of Bat and Eagle Impact-Reduction Strategies at Wind Energy Projects Sinclair, K., DeGeorge, E. April 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Raptors
Brims Tidal Array Collision Risk Modelling - Atlantic Salmon Xodus Group March 2016 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
The expected efficiency and coastal impact of a hybrid energy farm operating in the Portuguese nearshore Onea, F., Rusu, E. February 2016 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Dynamic Device Nearfield Habitat
Refining Estimates of Collision Risk for Harbour Seals and Tidal Turbines Band, B., et al. January 2016 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
A Self-Contained Subsea Platform for Acoustic Monitoring of the Environment Around Marine Renewable Energy Devices - Field Deployments at Wave and Tidal Energy Sites in Orkney, Scotland Williamson, B., et al. January 2016 Journal Article Tidal, Wave Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Avian Collision Risk Models for Wind Energy Impact Assessments Masden, E., Cook, A. January 2016 Journal Article Wind Energy general Dynamic Device Birds
Data Based Estimates of Collision Risk: An Example Based on Harbour Seal Tracking Data around a Proposed Tidal Turbine Array in the Pentland Firth Thompson, D., et al. January 2016 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Evaluating Threats in Multinational Marine Ecosystems: A Coast Salish First Nations and Tribal Perspective Gaydos, J., Thixton, S., Donatuto, J. December 2015 Journal Article Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Noise Ecosystem, Navigation
Three Dimensional Tracking of a Wide-Ranging Marine Predator: Flight Heights and Vulnerability to Offshore Wind Farms Cleasby, I., et al. December 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device Seabirds
Synopsis des internationalen Kenntnisstandes zum Einfluss der Windenergie auf Fledermäuse und Vögel und Spezifizierung für die Schweiz Muller, J., et al. November 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Developing an Avian Collision Risk Model to Incorporate Variability and Uncertainty Masden, E. September 2015 Report Offshore Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Impacts of Wind Energy on Environment: A Review Wang, S., Wang, S. September 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Towards a Cumulative Collision Risk Assessment of Local and Migrating Birds in North Sea Offshore Wind Farms Brabant, R., et al. September 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device Passerines, Seabirds
Evaluation of the Impact of Wind Farms on Birds: The Case Study of Lebanon Al Zohbi, G., Hendrick, P., Bouillard, P. August 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
A Collision Risk Model to Predict Avian Fatalities at Wind Facilities: An Example Using Golden Eagles, Aquila chrysaetos New, Leslie, et al. July 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Raptors
Estimating Wind-Turbine Caused Bird and Bat Fatality when Zero Carcasses are Observed Huso, M., et al. July 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Bird Movements at Rotor Heights Measured Continuously with Vertical Radar at a Dutch Offshore Wind Farm Fijn, R., et al. July 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device Passerines, Seabirds
ORJIP Ocean Energy: The Forward Look; an Ocean Energy Environmental Research Strategy for the UK ORJIP July 2015 Report Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, Noise, Static Device Socio-economics
MR7.2.1 Collision Risk: A Brief Review of Available Information on Behaviour of Mammals and Birds in High Tidal Energy Areas Onoufriou, J., Thompson, D. July 2015 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Birds, Marine Mammals
MR7.2.2 Collision Risk and Impact Study: Examination of Models for Estimating the Risk of Collisions Between Seals and Tidal Turbines Lonergan, M., Thompson, D. July 2015 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
MR7.2.3 Collision Risk and Impact Study: Field Tests of Turbine Blade-Seal Carcass Collisions Thompson, D., et al. July 2015 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Do Habitat Characteristics Determine Mortality Risk for Bats at Wind Farms? Modelling Susceptible Species Activity Patterns and Anticipating Possible Mortality Events Ferreira, D., et al. July 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Game Birds do not Surrogate for Raptors in Trials to Calibrate Observed Raptor Collision Fatalities Urquhart, B., Hulka, S., Duffy, K. June 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Raptors
Curtailing Wind Turbine Operations to Reduce Avian Mortality Singh, K., Baker, E., Lackner, M. June 2015 Journal Article Wind Energy general Dynamic Device Ground-Nesting Birds
Repowering Smøla Wind-Power Plant: An Assessment of Avian Conflicts Dahl, E., et al. June 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Raptors
Advancing a Key Consenting Risk for Tidal Energy: The Risk of Marine Mammal Collision for In-Stream Tidal Energy Devices Booth, C., et al. April 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Understanding the Risk to Marine Mammals from Collision with a Tidal Turbine Copping, A., et al. April 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Improvements to Probabilistic Tidal Turbine-Fish Interaction Model Parameters Tomechik, C., Colby, J., Adonizio, M. April 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
Fish Behavioral Response during Hydrokinetic Turbine Encounters Based on Multi-Beam Hydroacoustics Results Bevelhimer, M., et al. April 2015 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Dynamic Device Fish
Insufficient Sampling to Identify Species Affected by Turbine Collisions Beston, J., Diffendorfer, J., Loss, S. April 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Ecological Impacts of Wind Farms on Birds: Questions, Hypotheses, and Research Needs Wang, S., Wang, S., Smith, P. April 2015 Journal Article Wind Energy general Dynamic Device Birds
Wildlife and Renewable Energy: German Politics Cross Migratory Bats Voigt, C., et al. April 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Proceedings of the Wind-Wildlife Research Meeting X American Wind Wildlife Institute April 2015 Conference Paper Wind Energy general Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Design and Testing of an Integrated Wildlife-Wind Turbine Interactions Detection System Flowers, J. March 2015 Thesis Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
A Probabilistic Model for Hydrokinetic Turbine Collision Risks: Exploring Impacts on Fish Hammar, L., et al. March 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general Dynamic Device Fish
Environmental Issues Associated with Wind Energy - A Review Dai, K., et al. March 2015 Journal Article Wind Energy general Dynamic Device, EMF, Noise, Static Device
Estimates and Correlates of Bird and Bat Mortality at Small Wind Turbine Sites Minderman, J., et al. March 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Analysis of Wind Farm Effects on the Surrounding Environment: Assessing Population Trends of Breeding Passerines Garcia, D., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Camera-Trapping as a Methodology to Assess the Persistence of Wildlife Carcasses Resulting from Collisions with Human-Made Structures Paula, J., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device
Evaluation of Behavior and Survival of Fish Exposed to an Axial-Flow Hydrokinetic Turbine Amaral, S., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
Deriving an Avoidance Rate for Swans Suitable for Onshore Wind Farm Collision Risk Modelling Whitfield, D., Urquhart, B. February 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Mitigating Wind-Turbine Induced Avian Mortality: Sensory, Aerodynamic and Cognitive Constraints and Options May, R., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device Birds
How to Mitigate Impacts of Wind Farms on Bats? A Review of Potential Conservation Measures in the European Context Peste, F., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Animal Reactions to Oncoming Vehicles: A Conceptual Review Lima, S., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Dynamic Device Birds, Marine Mammals
First Report on Bat Mortalities on Wind Farms in Chile Escobar, L., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Birds and Wind-Energy Best-Practice Guidelines: Best-Practice Guidelines for Assessing and Monitoring the Impact of Wind Energy Facilities on Birds in Southern Africa Jenkins, A., et al. January 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Observations from the Use of Dogs to Undertake Carcass Searches at Wind Facilities in Australia Bennett, E. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Fauna Collisions with Wind Turbines: Effects and Impacts, Individuals and Populations. What Are We Trying to Assess? Smales, I. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Results and Analysis of Eagle Studies from the Bluff Point and Studland Bay Wind Farms 2002-2012 Hull, C., et al. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Adaptable Monitoring Package (AMP) Polagye B., et al. January 2015 Research Study Annex IV Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
Environmental Risk Evaluation System - An Approach to Ranking Risk of Ocean Energy Development on Coastal and Estuarine Environments Copping, A., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Tidal, Wave, Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Energy Removal Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
First Year Post-Construction Monitoring of Bats and Birds at Wind Turbine Test Centre Therkildsen, O., Elmeros, M. January 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Assessing the Influence of Wind Turbines and Land-use on Mortality Risk of Avian Species on the Llano Estacado with Emphasis on Birds of Prey Linner, K. December 2014 Thesis Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Nest Survival of Red-Winged Blackbirds in Agricultural Areas Developed for Wind Energy Gillespie, M., Dinsmore, S. December 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Wind Energy: A Reference Handbook Newton, D. November 2014 Book Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Noise, Static Device Socio-economics
Detecting Potential and Actual Turbine-Marine Life Interactions: A Call for the Development of Best Practices Redden, A. November 2014 Presentation Tidal Dynamic Device, Static Device Fish, Marine Mammals
Estimates of Collision Risk of Harbour Porpoises and Marine Renewable Energy Devices at Sites of High Tidal-Stream Energy Wilson, B., et al. November 2014 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Activity of Tree Bats at Anthropogenic Tall Structures: Implications for Mortality of Bats at Wind Turbines Jameson, J., Willis, C. November 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Understanding Bird Collisions at Wind Farms: An Updated Review on the Causes and Possible Mitigation Strategies Marques, A., et al. November 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Simulating Blade-Strike on Fish Passing Through Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines Romero-Gomez, P., Richmond, M. November 2014 Journal Article Riverine, Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
Warning Sounds and Color for Reducing Bird and Bat Mortality at Wind Turbines Khan, S. October 2014 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Behavior of Bats at Wind Turbines Cryan, P., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats
Predicting the Weather-Dependent Collision Risk for Birds at Wind Farms Skov, H., Heinänen, S. October 2014 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Wind and Wildlife Fauna Collisions with Wind Turbines: Effects and Impacts, Individuals and Populations. What Are We Trying to Assess? Smales, I. October 2014 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Massive Bat Migration Across the Alps: Implications for Wind Energy Development Bontadina, F., et al. October 2014 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
An International Assessment of the Environmental Effects of Marine Energy Development Copping, A., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, Energy Removal, Noise Fish, Marine Mammals
What Flight Heights Tell Us About Foraging and Potential Conflicts with Wind Farms: A Case Study in Lesser Black-Backed Gulls (Larus fuscus) Corman, A., Garthe, S. October 2014 Journal Article Wind Energy general Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
A Special Purpose: The Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Wind Energy Rose, R. October 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds, Socio-economics
A Comprehensive Analysis of Small-Passerine Fatalities from Collision with Turbines at Wind Energy Facilities Erickson, W., et al. September 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Assessing Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Future Bailey, H., Brookes, K., Thompson, P. September 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device, Noise Birds, Ecosystem, Marine Mammals
Mapping Seabird Sensitivity to Offshore Wind Farms Bradbury, G., et al. September 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Origins and Migratory Patterns of Bats Killed by Wind Turbines in Southern Alberta: Evidence from Stable Isotopes Baerwald, E., Patterson, W., Barclay, R. September 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats
Wind Farm Facilities in Germany Kill Noctule Bats from Near and Far Lehnert, L., et al. August 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Historical Challenges of Wind Energy/Wildlife Interactions: How This May Affect Distributed Wind Sinclair, K. August 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Red Aviation Lights on Wind Turbines do not Increase Bat-Turbine Collisions Hale, A., Bennett, V. August 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Lighting Bats
Assessing Bat and Bird Fatality Risk at Wind Farm Sites using Acoustic Detectors Heist, K. August 2014 Thesis Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Demonstrating a New Framework for the Comparison of Environmental Impacts from Small- and Large-Scale Hydropower and Wind Power Projects Bakken, T., et al. July 2014 Journal Article Dynamic Device, Static Device Farfield Environment
Fuzzy Clustering in Avian Infrared Imagery Application Mirzaei, G., et al. June 2014 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Whale To Turbine Impact Using The GPU Based SPH-LSM Method Longshaw, S., Stansby, P., Rogers, B. June 2014 Conference Paper Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Wind Turbine Bird Strike Prevention System Method and Apparatus Piesinger, G. June 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Quantifying Barotrauma Risk to Juvenile Fish during Hydro-Turbine Passage Richmond, M., et al. June 2014 Journal Article Riverine Dynamic Device Fish
Searches for Dead Birds in Smøla Wind-Power Plant Area 2011-2013 Reitan, O. June 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
A Comment on "Bats Killed in Large Numbers at United States Wind Energy Facilities" Huso, M., Dalthorp, D. June 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Lalamilo Wind Farm Repowering Project: Draft Environmental Assessment Tetra Tech, Inc. June 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Avian and Bat Survey Protocols For Large Wind Energy Conversion Systems in Minnesota Mixon, K., et al. June 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Applying Research to Conservation: Science-Based Strategies Can Save Bats at Wind Farms Baerwald, E., Barclay, R. June 2014 Magazine Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats


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