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USDOT Small Business Day – Opportunity Knocks, Transportation is the Answer

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USDOT OSDBU: Small Business Day

On March 2, 2016 over 350 Small Businesses and 38 Prime Contractors attended the “Opportunity Knocks, Transportation is the Answer” event hosted by Director Brandon Neal and the Office of Small Business (OSDBU) in recognition of Women’s History Month. The event featured the rollout of a Small Business Sustainability Toolkit from the White House’s Council on Environment Quality (CEQ).

Christy Goldfuss, the Managing Director of the White House’s CEQ and Christine Harada, the Administration’s Federal Chief Sustainability Officer, CEQ were at the event to announce the rollout of the Toolkit.

Small businesses can have a huge impact on national sustainability. Implementing sustainable business practices can help small businesses save money, meet consumer demand, and contribute to the sustainability of the Nation. Greening your small business can lead to positive recognition from customers, employees, regulators, and the media. Green businesses often experience benefits for brand image, customer loyalty, community relations, and appeal to socially responsible investors and portfolio managers. Small businesses should consider strategies to reduce pollution, conserve energy and water, and use green power and renewable energy. For more information on the Small Business Sustainability Toolkit please visit:

Updated: Wednesday, May 4, 2016
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