Track your operations processes

JIRA Core gives you X-ray vision into your business so you know what’s happening, who’s involved, and most importantly, when it will be done. Hidden blockers are hidden no more.

Keep on track with JIRA Core

"The biggest benefit of consolidating our platform on Atlassian products has been providing a single point of visibility over our projects. Now we can see what everybody else is doing, and understand each project's status in great detail." — Daniele Farnedi, CTO

Publish standards and share documentation

Create, publish, share, and maintain operations documents with ease. Have lots of documentation locked in files that are hard to share and update? Adding the file to a Confluence page makes it simple to add context and share with others.

Publish more with Confluence

"People are practicing more knowledge-sharing than ever before, resulting in more transparency and efficiency." — Martin Binder, Business Analyst

Team communication that actually works

HipChat connects teams in real-time and integrates with your other software so you can get things done with speed.

Start chatting with HipChat

Integrate, automate, customize

The Atlassian Marketplace has hundreds of integrations, plug-ins, and add-ons that enable your operations team

to be more efficient, creative, and effective. Integrate with the powerful enterprise tools your team knows and loves.  

Automate the operational workflows and permissions that matter most to your business.  Customize your intranet,

wiki, and documentation to create consistency across global teams. And so much more.

Check it out