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Composition and Method for Rapid and Equimolar CO2 Capture

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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PDF Document Publication11-G00233_ID2434.pdf (627 KB)

Technology Marketing SummaryThe emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) from burning of fossil fuels has received worldwide attention because of its implication in climate change, which threatens economies and environments. Accordingly, new materials that can efficiently, reversibly, and economically capture CO2 must be developed. Currently, the goal is to design and prepare sorbent materials with high capacities and rapid absorption rate for CO2 capture.DescriptionA key problem associated with current capture systems is their high viscosity, which slows absorption kinetics and increases operating costs. Herein, the invention is directed to a novel strategy for CO2 capture by a diverse group of functionalized ionic liquids (ILs). We show that high CO2 capacity (about 1 mol per mole of IL) and rapid absorption rates can be achieved.Benefits•Ionic liquids enable capture of CO2
•Ionic liquids allow rapid absorption rate and high absorption capacity
•Process is equimolar, rapid, and reversible
Applications and IndustriesCapture of CO2 worldwideMore InformationPatent application in preparation: Sheng Dai, Chemical Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryTechnology Status
Technology IDDevelopment StageAvailabilityPublishedLast Updated
UT-B ID 201002434ProposedAvailable11/21/201110/25/2011

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To: Jennifer Tonzello Caldwell<>