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Semipermeable Membranes for Micromachined Silicon Surfaces

Sandia National Laboratories

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PDF Document PublicationMarket Sheet  (701 KB)

Technology Marketing SummarySandia National Laboratories has developed semipermeable silicon nitride membranes using an etch process to be co-manufactured on a micromachined silicon surface.DescriptionThere is a need for a co-fabricated filtration system for enhancement of reliability and functionality in micro fluidic devices.   Common polymer-based and metal based membranes are often incompatible with micromachining methods and requirements for packaging and chemical compatibility.  The ability to utilize the benefits of a semi-permeable membrane without a secondary manufactured component increases functionality and integrability of micro fluidic devices and lab-on-chip applications.Benefits
  • Monolithic integration of filters for lap-on-a-chip products
  • Eases cost and complexity of manufacturing
  • Robust
  • Permeability control at time of manufacture
  • Compatible with a wide range of silicon
Applications and Industries
  • Lab-on-a-Chip
  • Micro Fluidics (gas and liquid)
  • Sample Filtration
  • Fuel Cells
Patents and Patent Applications
ID Number
Title and Abstract
Primary Lab
Patent 6,660,648
Process for manufacture of semipermeable silicon nitride membranes
A new class of semipermeable membranes, and techniques for their fabrication, have been developed. These membranes, formed by appropriate etching of a deposited silicon nitride layer, are robust, easily manufacturable, and compatible with a wide range of silicon micromachining techniques.
Sandia National Laboratories 12/09/2003
Technology Status
Technology IDDevelopment StageAvailabilityPublishedLast Updated
US Patent# 6,660,648/ SD# 6474Prototype - Sandia estimates this technology at TRL 5. Key elements of this technology have been demonstrated in relevant environments. Available - Various licensing and partnering options are available. Please contact the Intellectual Property Department to discuss.09/07/201103/19/2013

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