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Improved Ex-Situ Mercury Remediation

Brookhaven National Laboratory

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Technology Marketing Summary

The present invention provides a process for the treatment of mercury containing waste in a single reaction vessel. The process is effective in treating various types of mercury contaminated waste; such as elemental mercury or mercury compounds, mercury contaminated bulk material, or mercury contaminated debris. The process is also effective for the treatment of mercury containing waste that also contains radionuclides, i.e. mixed wastes.


This invention provides a process for the treatment of mercury containing waste, which includes a) stabilizing the waste with sulfur polymer cement under an inert atmosphere to form a resulting mixture and b) encapsulating the resulting mixture by heating the mixture to form a molten product and casting the molten product as a monolithic final waste form. The first step of the process (step (a)) is the stabilization of the mercury containing waste. This stabilization step includes combining mercury containing waste with sulfur polymer cement under an inert atmosphere to form a resulting mixture. Argon or nitrogen are preferred. The second step of the process (step (b)) is the encapsulation of the waste. In the encapsulation step, the resulting mixture of step (a) is heated to form a molten product, which is then cast as a monolithic final waste form. Additional sulfur polymer cement can be added in the encapsulation step if needed, and a stabilizing additive can be added in the process to improve the leaching properties of the waste form. The preferred weight ratio of SPC to mercury containing waste in step (a) is typically between about 0.2 to about 3.0, preferably about 1.0. The initial combining of mercury containing waste with the sulfur polymer cement can occur at a preferred temperature range of from about 20° C. to about 80° C. To facilitate the reaction, it is preferred that the sulfur polymer cement be reduced to a particle size of less than about 3000 microns, before being added as a reagent.


This invention satisfies the standing need for a method of stabilizing and solidifying mercury containing waste so that it can be stored or disposed of without presenting a pollution problem.

Applications and IndustriesMining and other ex situ mercury remediation projects.Patents and Patent Applications
ID Number
Title and Abstract
Primary Lab
Patent 6,399,849
Treatment of mercury containing waste
A process is provided for the treatment of mercury containing waste in a single reaction vessel which includes a) stabilizing the waste with sulfur polymer cement under an inert atmosphere to form a resulting mixture and b) encapsulating the resulting mixture by heating the mixture to form a molten product and casting the molten product as a monolithic final waste form. Additional sulfur polymer cement can be added in the encapsulation step if needed, and a stabilizing additive can be added in the process to improve the leaching properties of the waste form.
Brookhaven National Laboratory 06/04/2002
Technology Status
Technology IDDevelopment StageAvailabilityPublishedLast Updated
BSA 99-09PrototypeAvailable03/30/201503/30/2015

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To: Poornima Upadhya<>