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Energy Analysis Models, Tools and Software Technology Marketing Summaries

Here you’ll find marketing summaries of energy analysis models, tools, and software available for licensing from U.S. Department of Energy laboratories and participating research institutions. The summaries provide descriptions of the models, tools, and software including their benefits, applications and industries, and development stage.

118 Technology Marketing Summaries
CategoryTitle and AbstractLaboratoriesDate
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SpinDx™ Lab on a Disk

Currently, when a patient arrives at the hospital or doctor’s office feeling ill, they are first examined by the doctor, sent to a blood lab where vials of blood are taken, and then sent home to wait for results. This approach often means patients must wait days or weeks, to get results. During that waiting period, they are not receiving treatment, which can be a critical factor for cancer, heart attack, or stroke patients. 

Sandia researchers have developed a break-through... read more

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Rapid Solar Mirror Characterization with Fringe Reflection Techniques

This technology is an automated system in which the reflection of a mirror, typically for solar applications, is characterized by the slope and slope errors. The system uses a video camera and a PC to create fringe patterns from the reflection of the mirror. These patterns can characterize and better assess the quality of the mirrors for solar applications in a more automated process.

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High Speed, High Current Pulsed LED Driver

Sandia’s LED Pulser drives high-power LEDs to generate light pulses with shorter duration, higher repetition frequency, and higher intensity than is possible with commercially available LED drivers. This technology utilizes specially designed electronic circuitry that allows it to create intense pulses as short as ten nanoseconds that can illuminate extremely fast processes, such as fuel injection. The LED Pulser can emit up to four colors, each with independent timing and from a... read more

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Optimal Power Flow Pursuit

The desire to improve grid resiliency and enable a sustainable capacity expansion has led to the growth of distributed energy resources (DERs) and the utilization of renewable energy sources. DER allows for smaller amounts of aggregate energy to meet the regular demand of the commercial, industrial, and domestic consumers. When combined with renewable energy sources, the distribution network supplying power is transformed into a smarter and more sustainable grid.

One major challenge in a... read more

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Solar Glare Hazard Analysis Tool (SGHAT)

With growing numbers of solar energy systems being proposed and installed throughout the United States, the potential impact of glint and glare from photovoltaic modules, concentrating solar collectors, receivers, and other components is receiving increased attention as a potential hazard or distraction for pilots, air-traffic control personnel, motorists, and residents. Hazards from reflection of solar radiation from solar power plants include the potential for permanent eye injury (e.g.,... read more

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System and Method for Vehicle Energy Estimation, Adaptive Control and Routing

In the fields of vehicle telematics and navigation, there are algorithms for recommending potential travel routes from a given origin to a desired destination. Such potential routes may be presented as candidate routes from which a vehicle user may choose to travel. Further, in the field of vehicle energy use prediction, there are techniques for estimating vehicle energy consumption as a function of the vehicle’s driving cycle/speed profile. To predict vehicle energy consumption over a... read more

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A Proactive Learning Framework for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring

Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is an emerging class of load-disaggregation technology that promises to replace expensive submetering. NILM systems perform analysis on whole-building data taken at the main power panel to accurately estimate the energy consumption of individual appliances. Existing NILM technology requires extensive user inputs which result in inconvenience and low rate of adoption.


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Fast All-sky Radiation Models for Solar applications (FARMS)


Radiative transfer (RT) models simulating broadband solar radiation have been widely used by atmospheric scientists to model solar resources for various energy applications such as operational forecasting. Due to the complexity of solving the RT equation, the computation under cloudy conditions can be extremely time consuming though many approximations (e.g. two-stream approach and delta-M truncation scheme) have been utilized. Thus, a more efficient RT model is crucial for model... read more

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Device and Software to Measure Thermal Impedance of Electrochemical Systems


Different components within an electrochemical system (e.g., a battery) can generate heat due to inefficiencies in transport of the charges or exothermal reactions at different rates. For example, the joule heating of the connectors happens at a much shorter time period compared to the heat generated due to some of the reactions. By introducing current or voltage signals as input at the appropriate frequency and by carefully measuring the heat generated from the system (e.g.,... read more

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Adaptive Pitch Control for Variable Speed Wind Turbines

Wind energy is increasingly recognized as a viable option for complementing and even replacing other types of energy such as fossil fuels. In the early development of wind energy, the majority of wind turbines or wind turbine generators were constructed for operation at a constant speed, but more recently, the trend is toward using variable-speed wind turbines to better capture available wind power. In most cases, wind turbine pitch angles can be adjusted to control the operation of the... read more

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Membrane Permeation Testing System

A simple and rapid method for the screening of the permeability and selectivity of membranes for gas separation has been developed. A high throughput membrane testing system permits simultaneous evaluation of multiple membranes under conditions of moderate pressure and temperature for both pure gases and gas mixtures. The modular design, on-line sample analysis, and automation-competence of the technology provides a cost-effective approach to identify the optimal membrane for a given gas... read more

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High Speed Particle Image Velocimetry

This patent application discloses a novel method to simultaneously track the motion of high numbers of object images under extreme, high concen-tration conditions. Although the software is designed to simultaneously track large numbers of particle images in flow fields, it can track any type of object whose locations are available at consecutive time increments (e.g., consecutive video frames).

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Variable Grid Method for Visualizing Uncertainty Associated with Spatial Data

This is a decision-making tool for industry, government, academia, and scientists that addresses uncertainity inherent in data interpretation, enhances accuracy and effective communiciation associated with data interpretation, and provides an updated method to use spatial data.

Research is active on the patent pending technology, and is available for licensing and/or further collaborative research from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory... read more

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Home Energy Management System - Stochastic Optimal Scheduling of Residential Appliances with Renewable Energy Sources

Future sustainable electricity systems will consist of billions of smart devices and millions of actors such as homes, buildings, microgrids, utilities, electric vehicles, etc. At the same time that the associated infrastructure is being instrumented with sensors and communications, appliances and distributed energy resources are being deployed with embedded computers, which are enabling distributed energy intelligence – thus enhancing the capability of these actors in energy... read more

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Non-contact Electroluminescence Imaging of Outdoor Modules (ROI 14-95)


Photovoltaic (PV) module performance can be characterized by imaging using baseline and periodic images to track defects and degradation. Both thermal images, which can be acquired during sunny operating conditions, and photoluminescence (PL) images, which could be acquired at night, can be collected without electrical connection. Electroluminescence (EL) images, which are useful to detect many types of defects such as cracks, interconnect and solder faults, and resistances, have... read more

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Energy Audit (SWR 12-15)


In order to increase the speed and scale of energy efficiency (EE) project deployment in buildings, energy savings analysis and a strong business case is required. This software provides an analysis for energy conservation measures (ECMs) and calculates energy savings, demand reduction, cost savings, and building life cycle costs including: simple payback, discounted payback, net-present value, and savings to investment ratio. This tool combines the capabilities of previously... read more

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Distant Observer

As we pursue efforts to lower the capital and installation costs of parabolic trough solar collectors, it is essential to maintain high optical performance. The Distant Observer (DO) tool, developed by engineers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), is a fast and highly accurate tool that provides complete characterization of the performance of the optical components which include the mirror panels and thermal receiver. This tool is very useful for testing both prototype and... read more

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Simergy: Practitioner-Oriented Graphical User Interface for EnergyPlus

Simergy is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the DOE building energy simulation program EnergyPlus for modeling building heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation and other energy flows. 

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HELM™ Flow


HELM™ Flow is a simulation and analysis tool for transmission and distribution power systems. It provides the analyst with unique powerful capabilities thanks to the underlying algorithms based on HELM™, the Holomorphic Embedded Load flow Method. Unlike other methods, HELM™ power flow is non-iterative and always guarantees finding the correct operational solution (and unambiguously detects when there is no solution). With HELM™ you will never have to worry... read more

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Thermal Imaging Technique for Measuring Mixing of Fluids

There are multiple methods for measuring fluid flow. Current methods rely on different physical principles such as: pressure measurement, particle tracking using images, heat removal from a wire and Doppler shift measurements. However, infrared images are not used to quantitatively measure flow properties, fluid mixing, or mass concentration of fluids.

These existing techniques for measuring two dimensional velocity fields, such as particle image velocimetry (PIV), require expensive and... read more

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Predictive Control of Hot Water Heaters

Water heating in residential homes can account for as much as 15% of total energy use. It is the second largest end use after space heating and cooling. With a renewed interest in energy efficiency for both financial and environmental reasons, water heater companies have seen increased demand from consumers for more efficient water heaters. While various technologies have been developed, control systems can add significant savings to the best technologies.

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Data Center Alternative Cooling Analysis Tool

Data centers use large amounts of energy. Consistent large loads of energy are required for data center efficiency and reliability. Four different cooling technologies, including direct expansion (DX), the air-side economizer, the direct evaporative cooler, and the multistage indirect evaporative cooler, are examined for climate appropriateness and cooling energy reduction in data centers.

These technologies are examined individually and in combination with others to categorize seven... read more

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dlCC Opt: Optimization Software for Renewable Energy Projects

There are numerous options for renewable energy systems development. Location, size, type of system, and a number of other criteria need to be considered. The objective of this program is to determine the optimal size (capacity, Kilowatt (kW)) of a renewable energy generator, based on minimizing life cycle cost (LCC).

The reason for developing such a program is driven by three major issues. First, the need to evaluate a very large number (tens of thousands) of project opportunity sites.... read more

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Renewable Energy Load Matching Software

The most common way of describing the quality of an existing or potential wind or solar power generation site is the total amount of energy expected to be generated based on typical weather patterns. This total amount of energy is characterized by the capacity factor (the ratio between the expected generated amounts to the maximum possible amount for hypothetical conditions of constantly blowing wind or sunshine for a 24 hour period). The capacity factor gives a correct estimate for the... read more

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Solar and Moon Position Algorithm (SAMPA)

This algorithm calculates the solar and lunar zenith and azimuth angles in the period from the year -2000 to 6000, with uncertainties of +/- 0.0003 degrees for the Sun and +/- 0.003 degrees for the Moon, based on the date, time, and location on Earth.

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PROTECT: Enhanced Technology to Protect Against Chemical and Biological Terrorism

Ever since the 1995 sarin attack in a Tokyo subway, authorities have recognized that large interior structures are vulnerable to chemical and biological attack. Particularly at risk are venues like subways, airports and government office buildings, where people are concentrated in small areas and quick evacuation is difficult; or enclosed buildings such as convention centers or arenas, where the threat may be high when the facility is occupied. In all cases, early detection and rapid... read more

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MSET: An Early Warning System with Broad Industrial Application

The success of modern industries— especially those that are electricity-intensive—depends on complex engineering systems to ensure safe, productive and efficient operations. System breakdowns can result in millions of dollars in lost time and productivity—and even the loss of life and property. For example, in the utilities industry—where the continuous operation of coolant pumps is essential—the breakdown of a single pump can result in a loss of as much as $10... read more

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Chemical Free Water Analysis with Nanoelectrode Arrays

Electrochemical analysis is a highly sensitive, chemically selective method for identifying and quantifying many different chemicals in water.  Previous art required  field samples be transported to a laboratory where additional chemicals would be added before the analysis could be performed.  Sandia National Laboratories has invented an electrochemical analysis method that has eliminated the need to add chemicals to the testing process while increasing the... read more

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Building Agent Software

Energy savings achieved via occupant behavioral changes could be as high as 25%, and could rival savings achieved by technological measures. For example, energy audits often show that more than 50% of the energy used in a building is consumed at night. Occupants leaving equipment and lighting on after they leave work is a large contributing factor. Similar savings opportunities have been identified when occupants were away from their desks 50% of the time, while most of their computers,... read more

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Scalable and Energy Efficient Computer Systems
Computer engineers have developed a new design to support construction of large computer systems that perform closer to their theoretical peak. This approach emphasizes scalable throughput rather than attempting to tailor systems around the highest performing accelerators, and allows selection of individual components that maximize performance against energy draw or cost. The design makes use of commodity components that are modest in computing power and energy consumption.
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TacNet Tracker
The TacNet Tracker is designed to transport information securely via portable handheld units without the need for fixed infrastructure. The low profile device is easily worn to provide users with real-time location tracking, communication with other users, and shared information along a secure encrypted self-forming and self-healing network. This line-of-sight network is essentially a custom, privately owned Internet with the capability to self-form on a second-to-second basis. If a unit... read more
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Neutron Scatter Camera for Radiaton Detection
Sandia’s neutron scatter camera is an innovative design which combines the benefits of gamma ray imaging with fast neutron imaging. The camera detects special nuclear material (SNM) and rejects backgrounds from naturally occurring radiation sources that can produce false alarms. Additionally, the camera can detect and localize neutrons at greater distances and through shielding since fast neutrons are more penetrating than gamma rays. One of the key advantages is higher signal to... read more
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Hybrid Wide Range Detector Amplifier
Many applications require detection of both very small and very large signals. High gain detector amplifiers provide low noise but are easily swamped by large signals. Logarithmic amplifiers provide a wide range but contributing to distortion. Auto-ranging circuits lose data when switching between low and high gain. Detecting over a wide range is especially challenging for modern low supply voltage ICs (integrated circuits).
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Early Stage R&DImproved Method to Measure Glare and Reflected Solar Irradiance

Sandia has developed a cheap, efficient, and accurate method of measuring the irradiance from solar reflections using a digital camera. Measurements of reflected solar irradiance is of great importance to industry, military, and government agencies to assess potential impacts of glint and glare from growing numbers of solar power installations around the world. In addition, this measurement technique can be used to monitor and maintain system performance for concentrating solar power... read more

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Micro-Pyrolizer for Rapid Bio-Identification
Sandia has developed a micro-fabricated device for identifying different organisms by their unique chemical “fingerprint” based on fatty acid (lipid) content. Applications can include food composition testing (testing the purity of Extra Virgin Olive Oil), microbe analysis (e.g. Anthrax and virulent bacteria), high value/specialty crop verification (designer seeds, bio-fuels), and unknown substance testing.
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Intelligent Grid Technologies

With the increasing demand for new energy distribution methods including increased efficiency and alternative sources, Intelligent Grid technologies are on the cutting edge of demand. The significance is taking the current energy infrastructure to the next level of sustainability, utility, and compatibility with recent advances in the energy field. As a result of the increased carbon emissions around the world, the only option is to explore the balanced integration of renewable and... read more

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Synthesizing Membrane Proteins Using In Vitro Methodology (ANL-IN-06-099)

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have created an in vitro, cell-free system and method for producing several types of protein: membrane proteins, membrane-associated proteins, and soluble proteins.

With advances that can be gleaned from the study of high quality samples of this type, this method is expected to drive advances in membrane protein structural biology and deepen our approaches for characterizing biological activity as cellular interfaces.

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Electron Linac Offers Safe, Affordable Production Method for Medical Isotopes (IN 10-001, IN 04-039, IN 05-107)

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have devised a safe, affordable way to ensure a reliable U.S. supply of selected medical isotopes. The invention has the potential to revitalize the domestic production of critical medical diagnostic materials and make the production process affordable even for small regional hospitals.

The innovative technology combines two Argonne patents, a superconducting cage-like radio-frequency (RF) cavity and a dual electron linear accelerator, or linac,... read more

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For years, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has been used in a variety of applications, from passports to inventory tracking in retail environments. Homeland security concerns have heightened the need for sensitive, real-time tracking of thousands of radioactive and hazardous material packages to ensure accountability, safety, security, and worker and public health. Through the support of DOE, Argonne researchers have developed and tested a patented RFID tracking and... read more

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Devices for radioactive source detection exist but their capabilities and their precision is limited. There are currently no systems which integrate signals from multiple sensors or which provide directional information or discrete source location information. In addition, current systems allow a target to know that they are being tracked.

Present-day devices tend to have a limited range of geometrical configurations in which they can be deployed. Generally, they must be deployed in a... read more

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Tubular Radio Frequency (RF) Cage Field Confinement Cavity (IN-05-107)

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have created innovations in the design and fabrication of radio frequency (RF) cavities that improve acceleration of high energy particles: a “cage cavity” that improves cavity performance over solid wall cavities in several ways. The cage cavity improves the vacuum property, reduces power losses due to higher order resonances in the cavity, and allows use of superconducting films instead of bulk metals. Most importantly, the cage cavity... read more

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Thermodynamic Database Population Software (DBCreate)

Update Thermodynamic Databases for Modeling Geochemical Processes

The DBCreate software quickly and accurately updates thermodynamic databases used in geochemical modeling, based on changes in temperatures and pressures. The software facilitates the production of pressure, temperature and problem specific geochemical thermodynamic databases conveniently and quickly while minimizing the possibility of introducing errors caused by manual entry.

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Duty Cycle Software

Duty cycles capture the influence of one variable in relations to the whole system. This allows for analysis in determining the impact of new variables, which are important in accurately gauging the systems in vehicles. In the collection of large data from fleet vehicles, there still exists a need to easily and accurately quantifying overall fleet operational characteristics (driving speed, distance, amount of stops…). The potential benefits of new vehicle technologies being introduced... read more

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Early Stage R&DNanomechanical Sensor Detects and Identifies Chemical Analytes
ORNL researchers developed a cost-efficient nanomechanical sensor that can
detect chemicals adsorbed to a surface and then quickly analyze and identify
those chemicals. The device is a significant improvement over current detection
technologies, which are not able to perform reliable identification. Rapid
identification of trace amounts of chemicals(e.g., polymers, explosives) is important
for ensuring safety in pharmaceutical, transportation, and other sectors.

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Early Stage R&DPhotoacoustic Microcantilevers for Spectroscopy
ORNL researchers invented a unique microcantilever design that can identify the
chemical structure of minute sample materials using photoacoustic and photothermal
spectroscopy. The design advances current technology, which cannot identify specific
chemicals, and furthers the detection of vapors, cells, and tissues. The technology can
also characterize biomass, biomaterials, and pharmaceuticals.

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Composite Solid-State Scintillators for Neutron Detection

Using a room temperature process, a new type of transparent, crack-free, monolithic
scintillator has been developed at ORNL. This invention uses thin-film, glass, and
fiber-optic sensors, and is based on the preparation of neutron scintillators with a
room temperature sol-gel process. The result is an inexpensive, versatile system that is
compatible with both inorganic and organic dopants for hybrid material processing.
Typically, solid-state neutron scintillators are prepared by... read more

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Early Stage R&DPhotoacoustic Point Spectroscopy
ORNL researchers invented a detector that uses photoacoustic waves to excite a
vibratory sensor coated with unknown molecules. This invention can be used to
identify these molecules and study solid, gas, or liquid samples.

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Nanoscopic Electrode Molecular Probes

ORNL researchers invented a nanoscopic electrode system for measuring the
electron transport properties of a molecule. This invention offers a means of
enhancing measurements of a molecule positioned between two nanoscopic
electrodes for study. Currently, molecular sensing and identification is challenged
by uncertainty in conductance measurements.

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Real-Time Airborne Particle Analyzer

Particle analysis is useful for determining chemical compositions in a wide range
of disciplines, from ascertaining the source of a petroleum sample to duplicating a
fragrance. The technique is appealing to a broad cross section of analytical sciences,
but its applications are limited because, for existing equipment, sample size is limited
and the testing is carried out under a high vacuum.

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Early Stage R&DMicrocantilever Counter Electrode Electrochemical Sensor in a Three-Electrode Cell
Researchers at ORNL have invented a compact, highly accurate system to detect
and measure chemicals in solution. The device can be used to detect ions and other
electroactive species, hostile biological agents, and protein fragments. The device is
a three-electrode cell in which the counter electrode is a microcantilever. The entire
sensor (or an array of sensors) could be fabricated as an integrated circuit on a silicon

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Early Stage R&DStandoff Spectroscopy Using a Conditioned Target Identifies Hazardous Materials at a Distance
A safer method for the standoff (long distance) detection and identification of
molecules on a surface has been invented by researchers at ORNL and the University
of Tennessee. This invention avoids the necessity of close and potentially hazardous
contact. It combines tunable infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy techniques
to target identifying properties of surface residues.

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In-Vessel Torsional Ultrasonic Wave-Based Level Measurement System

At Three Mile Island in 1979, a partial meltdown of the core was caused by a sudden,
undetected loss of reactor coolant water. In the past, a reactor’s high temperature and
pressure environment has complicated the implementation of level measurement
devices. To effectively measure the level of coolant, ORNL has developed a torsional
wave-based level measurement system. This system can be placed within a high
temperature and pressure environment.

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Early Stage R&DRaptor: An Enterprise Knowledge Discovery Engine

Enterprises generate large quantities of information contained in documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and databases. This information is stored across file shares, intranet portals, user desktops, and other business unit applications. Combined with a lack of structured organizational tools, keywords, tags, or other automated retrieval tools, organizations struggle to index, search, and find information across these disparate platforms.

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Early Stage R&DSlow Waveguide Structures for Particle Accelerators
A waveguide design that can save time and money in the construction and tuning of
a particle accelerator was developed by ORNL researchers. Particle accelerators use
electromagnetic fields to propel charged particles to high speeds within a well-defined
beam. The beam line is used for basic science investigations as well as for applications
in biotechnology and energy. This invention can be used in normal conducting and
superconducting accelerators.

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Early Stage R&DComputational Method for Improved Forewarning of Critical Events
ORNL’s computational method for analyzing nonlinear processes provides improved
forewarning of imminent critical events. This is achieved through phase space
dissimilarity analysis of data from mechanical or electrical devices, biomedical data, or
other physical processes. The need to distinguish between similar, yet distinct, states in
a nonlinear process is essential to many engineering, research, and medical applications.

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Early Stage R&DDetecting Temporal Precursor Words and Phrases Using a Learning Algorithm and Wavelet Analysis

Most research on mammography focuses on image data, not textual reports. However, the reports associated with patient visits offer a valuable set of observations. To take advantage of these sequential writings, a robust ORNL learning algorithm assembles, searches, and analyzes cue phrases in radiology reports to determine if they define normal or abnormal traits in mammograms over time.

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Fisheye Video Imaging for Diagnosis and Monitoring

A variety of investigative settings, from medicine to law enforcement, rely on the clarity
of wide-angle images in order to make accurate interpretations. At ORNL, researchers
developed a computerized video imaging process that maps the coordinates of a
moving image to computer-based reference coordinates. This helps to stabilize and
align images for review.

The ORNL invention addresses several current imaging problems. Medical images
usually have low contrast features. The... read more

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Early Stage R&DAgent-Based Software for Gathering and Summarizing Textual and Internet Information
ORNL’s Piranha solves the challenge most users face: finding a way to sift through
large amounts of data that provide accurate and relevant information. This requires
software that can quickly filter, relate, and show documents and relationships. Piranha is
JavaScript search, analysis, storage, and retrieval software for uncertain, vague, or complex
information retrieval from multiple sources such as the Internet. With Piranha, researchers
have pioneered an agent approach to text analysis that... read more
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Giga-Dalton Mass Spectrometry
Current techniques to study large bio?molecules using mass spectrometer require fragmentation for the mass?to?charge ratios to be within the working range of the mass spectrometer. Analysis of the data is complex and often requires simulation supported by fragmentation libraries. Furthermore, the working range of the mass spectrometer is limited to the Kilo?Dalton range and offered by high end expensive instruments. These are major limiting factors in the applications of mass spectrometry for... read more
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Novel Phase-Coherent Programmable Clock

Direct digital synthesis (DDS) technology permits the generation of high frequency-resolved waveforms that can be changed on the nanosecond time scale (4 ns minimum). However when the DDS switches frequency, it occurs at any point in the phase accumulation consequently the output waveform during frequency stepping may be quite different. This randomness of frequency transition is called "DDS frequency transition jitter".

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Risk-Based Sensor Placement Methodology

Current methods for sensor placement are based on qualitative approaches ranging from “best guess” to expensive, customized studies.


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Early Stage R&DAdvanced Credentialing for Trusted Networks
During and following disasters, rapid, valid systems are needed to exchange information—among emergency responders, with others in the community, and with the outside world. ORNL researchers have developed a Web 2.0 credentialing system that offers greater assurance of the validity of information on social networks and media and the potential to thus improve and enhance the unimpeded flow of vetted information and resources during and following a disaster to assist impacted areas and... read more
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Synthesis Method for Stable Colloids of "Naked" Metal Nanocrystals
Researchers at ORNL have developed a unique membrane-assisted thermal electrochemical synthesis (TECS) process for making colloidally stable aqueous solutions of small (<10 nm) metallic nanocrystals that are "clean," stable, and uniform in size. The nanocrystals produced by the TECS process represent a unique class of colloids that could be used in a variety of applications, including coatings, catalysts, and sensor devices.

Metallic nanocrystals have generated considerable interest because... read more
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Enhanced Detection of Toxic Agents
Researchers at ORNL and the University of Tennessee have taken the next step in the development of their AquaSentinel water quality monitoring system by improving the sensitivity of the process using a new electrokinetic enrichment technique.
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New Methods in Motion Tracking to Generate Motion-Corrected Tomographic Images
High quality three-dimensional images from conventional MRI, CT, PET, or SPECT scans require that the subject being imaged remain stationary during the scan. Any motion during the scan significantly reduces the quality of the resulting images. Although sedation and physical restraint can be used to impede live subject motion, both methods have the potential to alter the neurological and physiological processes under analysis. This invention corrects for any motion during a scan, improving the... read more
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Citizen Engagement for Energy Efficient Communities (CoNNECT)
Promoting energy efficiency is a primary focus for achieving sustainable energy. There have been many programs that target the use of energy efficient technologies. But to increase the likelihood of achieving desired energy savings, citizens need to go beyond one-time improvements that are often not monitored and measured over time. By allowing consumers to easily analyze and share their own energy usage data, an effective and sustainable way of achieving energy efficiency goals can emerge.
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Combustion Analysis Software Package for Internal Combustion Engines

Researchers at the Colorado State University Engines and Energy Conversion Laboratory have developed a complete software package for use with National Instruments’ Labview software. The package can be used with National Instruments hardware to measure conditions inside an engine cylinder. The program can measure and compute pressure, combustion mass, heat released, and other properties in real time.

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Thermal Scout Software

A parabolic trough power plant generates electricity using concentrated sunlight as the heat source for its power cycle. A parabolic trough plant is comprised of multiple rows of single- linear focusing collectors concentrating direct beam radiation onto tubular receivers (also known as heat-collection elements [HCEs], absorbers, or receivers) located along the focal line. Receivers are designed to minimize heat loss to the environment while absorbing as much sunlight as possible. NREL has... read more

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Fluid Submersible Sensing Device

The present invention relates to a fluid submersible sensing device and, more particularly, to such a device having sensing structure provided within a fluid-tight housing and an external structure located outside of the fluid-tight housing including a passage through which a fluid sample flows.

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Improved Characterization and Monitoring of Electromagnetic Sources

LLNL's technology is useful in fields such as power systems engineering, security monitoring, and vehicle tracking to identify, locate and monitor a particular source of electromagnetic radiation in a noisy broadband environment.  Conventional broadband filtering techniques are often inefficient in reducing unwanted electromagnetic noise, and this inefficiency results in higher energy and processing costs along with imprecise location, monitoring and tracking capabilities.  The... read more

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Detecting and Analyzing Multiple Moving Objects in a Crowd
While human eyes can unconsciously perceive independent objects in coherent motion patterns such as crowds, automated systems have difficulty detecting and counting independently moving objects. A robust algorithm that works with a video recording apparatus to detect, count, and analyze regions of activity in crowds was developed by computer scientists at ORNL. The algorithm selects regions of coherent motion in both time and space, and then identifies sets of tracks that may contain objects of... read more
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Search Method for Real-time Knowledge Discovery Modeled on the Human Brain
A new computational search method developed by an ORNL researcher detects patterns in digital data by adapting unique information processing properties of the human brain to computational knowledge discovery. The ORNL method follows a new paradigm, the neocortex of the human brain, which has superior speed and insight in processing text, images, audio, and sensory data simultaneously for real-time situational understanding. The technology can be used in situations as diverse as inferring... read more
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Coordinated Garbage Collection for RAID Array of Solid State Disks
An ORNL invention that replaces existing magnetic disks with solid state disks, which have no mechanical moving parts, can more efficiently store, move, or clear unwanted data. The invention uses Global Garbage Collection (GGC) technology to enhance both storage and retrieval performance in future solid state disk-based computer systems. The new technology functions on both servers and mass consumer computers.
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Intrinsic Feature-Based Pose Measurement for Medical Imaging Motion Compensation
Tomographic imaging of awake, unrestrained animals or humans during a scan can result in blurring and unusable 3D images due to movement by the subject. This invention measures and tracks the motion of an awake subject during a medical imaging scan using only the natural appearance of that subject.
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Neutron Detection Using an Embedded Sol-Gel Neutron Absorber
ORNL researchers invented a method for neutron detection that can play an important role in international safeguards and U.S. security. The technology, based on sol-gel chemistry, uses metallic oxides embedded in a glass film that fission when bombarded with neutrons, producing a signature event in the film. Using ultraviolet light, fission products of the metallic oxides and electron emissions can be quickly detected.
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Combined Electric Machine and Current Source Inverter Drive System
This technology is a drive system that includes a permanent magnet-less (PM-L) electric motor combined with a current source inverter (CSI). This integration of these two ORNL technologies opens a new chapter for component function integration, instead of traditional integration by simply placing separate motor and inverter components in the same housing.
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New Vapor-Particle Separator Improves Understanding of Aircraft Engine Combustion and Particulate Emissions

A new apparatus has been developed by ORNL researchers to efficiently separate volatile particles from condensible vapors in aircraft engine emissions. The technology enables high-precision emissions research, generating insightful data that helps improve the scientific understanding of the combustion process of modern jet engines and the formation process of secondary particulate matter in the atmosphere.

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Robust Low-Frequency Spread-Spectrum Navigation System
The Triply Redundant Integrated Navigation and Asset Visibility System (TRI•NAV) developed by researchers at ORNL expands the ability of GPS navigation systems to reliably function under a variety of adverse conditions, as well as detect multipath, jamming, or spoofing-induced errors. TRI•NAV synergistically combines the use of GPS with a ground-based radio-frequency (RF) scheme known as TPS (the Theater Position System) and a low cost, mid-level performance inertial navigation system... read more
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Real Power Regulation for the Utility Power Grid via Responsive Loads
A new methodology for dynamically managing an electrical system was invented by researchers at ORNL. Balancing power generation with load demand is critical to ensuring a stable and reliable power supply. This invention provides a new solution to power regulation that can eliminate operational inefficiencies and potentially save the utility industry significant energy generation costs each year.
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Ionic Liquids as New Solvents for Improved Separation of Medical Isotopes
A series of ionic liquids (ILs) have recently been applied as new solvents for potentially effective separation of different medical isotopes at ORNL. The uniqueness of these ILs includes excellent separation factors using neat ILs without any dissolved extractant ligand.
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Screening Tool for Providers of Double-Stranded DNA
The invention screens purchase orders submitted to DNA synthesis companies.
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Lithiated Glass Scintillating-Particle Neutron Detector
A unique neutron detector developed at ORNL features a matrix material that uses scintillating particles, suspended in glass, to detect neutron radiation. The technology enables a wide variety of non-neutron scintillators to be used for neutron detection, with properties tooled for the specific type of detection required. This detector holds significant potential in future security monitoring, medical technology, and scientific research applications.
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Fiber-Optic Environmental Radiation Dosimeter

All-optical, fiber-optic-coupled remote radiation sensor using NRL’s luminescent, copper-doped quartz material.  The key to the technology is the doped quartz material that produces a luminescence signal that is directly proportional to the radiation dose. Individual sensors have an estimated cost of $50 and a lifespan of decades. The sensor is less than 7 mm in diameter by 10 cm in length and is fiber-optic-coupled to a photodetec-tor that is remotely located away from the... read more

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Computational Method for Detecting and Enhancing Protein Dynamics
ORNL researchers have developed a method that uses simulation and experimental data to detect, analyze, and manipulate protein activity. This approach enables enhancement of the chemical reaction rates of enzymes by many orders of magnitude. More efficient enzymes are widely sought for applications in the biochemical industry, pharmaceuticals, and protein engineering.

Theoretical and computational techniques are particularly useful in discovering and characterizing internal protein dynamics at... read more
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Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles for Rapid, Ultra- sensitive Detection of Environmental Pollutants
A rapid, highly sensitive, inexpensive method to detect and identify specific hazardous environmental pollutants has been invented by ORNL researchers. The method uses gold nanoparticles, modified and positively charged by an amine group, to identify hazards such as perchlorates, nitrates, and some radioactive materials in as little as one minute of real time. Because of its high stability, specificity, and sensitivity to these materials, the technique and substrate reagent can be used for... read more
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Intelligent Software Agents for Enhancing Sensor Networks Monitoring of Changing Conditions
Intelligent software agents developed by ORNL researchers can be used with sensor networks in distributed and centralized computing systems to enhance detection and response by sensors to changing, and potentially hazardous, environmental conditions. The software components are imbedded at the sensor network nodes in surveillance systems used for monitoring unusual events. When an event occurs, the software agents can establish a new concept of operation at the sensing node, post the event... read more
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Nanopost Arrays Anchor Molecules, Improve Ion Yields for Laser Mass Spectrometry
Silicon nanopost arrays (NAPA) in a broad range of geometries are being developed at ORNL. These can be used as matrices to detect and analyze molecules by laser mass spectrometry: A matrix of nanoposts protects the biomolecule from beam damage and facilitates the vaporization and ionization needed in mass spectrometry. The nanofabricated arrays also provide improved laser ionization yields, so that the molecular samples deposited on them can be detected and identified with great selectivity... read more
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Optical Backscatter Probe for Sensing Particulate Matter
To provide emissions information for automotive engines, ORNL researchers developed a technology that enables very rapid measurement of particulate matter in gas emissions. This fiber optic-based probe can be used in engine locations that are typically inaccessible to existing measurement tools. The automotive industry values particulate information to support long-term objectives to reduce emissions, while auto technicians rely on these measurements to diagnose engine problems.
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End-to-End Supply Chain Tracking
ORNL researchers have developed a method for tracking sensitive or hazardous materials through a supply chain across loosely coupled networks. This system enables tracking from manufacturing, distribution, and warehousing to transportation. As international trade and off-shore sourcing continues to transform the global supply chain, it is increasingly critical to be able to track assets across local, regional and international systems.

There are current systems which offer asset visibility but... read more
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Future Air traffic management Concepts Evaluation Tool (FACET)

The NASA Ames Research Center offers the opportunity to license and co-develop FACET, a flexible software tool for air traffic management. With thousands of planes flying overhead in the U.S. at any given time, there is an urgent need for tools that help avoid air traffic incidents and delays. To help air traffic control centers improve airline safety and efficiency, NASA Ames scientists developed FACET, a system software for performing powerful computational simulations for evaluating advanced... read more

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Solid-state neutron detector offers high sensitivity with reduced cost

Neutron detectors are vital in the national security effort to detect special nuclear material at the hundreds of U.S. ports of entry. Special nuclear material emits neutrons which rarely occur spontaneously, therefore detection can be correlated to the existence of special nuclear matter found in plutonium and plutonium based weapons. Currently, the most common type of neutron detector uses pressurized tubes containing rare Helium-3 gas. This 60 year old instrumentation is bulky, costly,... read more

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TOUGH +: Modeling Fluid and Heat Flow in Porous and Fractured Ground
TOUGH+ is a general-purpose numerical simulation program for modeling multiphase fluid and heat flow through porous and fractured media. It is the successor to the TOUGH2 suite of codes developed at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Various modules can be linked to the core of TOUGH+ to describe different fluids and their compositions, or to simulate more complex, coupled processes.
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Distributed Automated Demand Response
Many states are increasing standards requirements for contributions from renewable power generation assets such as solar photovoltaic and wind. Intermittent generation from these devices will require corresponding changes in other storage or generation assets or responsive demand. In addition, the solid state inverters used for these new sources of power generation will decrease characteristic response times, which will present system stability challenges. The new technology developed... read more
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Advanced Analysis Software Key to New, Energy-Efficient Technologies

Supported by funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, other federal agencies, and industry sponsors, Argonne is providing broad-based scientific and engineering expertise to create analytical software tools that will enable the United States to make substantive enhancements in energy efficiency and serve the growing demand for renewable energy.

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Facility Energy Decision System (FEDS™) Software

The Facility Energy Decision System—or FEDS—Software is a user-friendly, menu-driven, Windows-based software program that provides a comprehensive method for quickly and objectively identifying facility energy improvements that offer maximum life-cycle cost savings.

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Battery Life Estimation (BLE) and Data Analysis

Argonne’s BLE Software is a state-of-the-art analytical tool for predicting cell and battery lifetimes on the basis of limited test data. Because hybrid vehicles are so new to the market, researchers don't have data spanning many years. They need a tool to reliably, quickly and accurately predict battery performance. BLE software can make life-cycle estimates using as little as two years' worth of aging data. With this limited data, researchers can use BLE to estimate how... read more

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Mode Meter

Electricity grids have traditionally been monitored using systems based upon dated and slow communications and computational technologies.  A large effort is underway in the electricity industry to replace those legacy systems with high-speed and accurate monitoring units call “phasor monitoring units,” or PMUs.  Real-time phasor measurement systems provide significant opportunity for real-time monitoring of a grid’s stability state. Such monitoring will enable... read more

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KIVA--Hydrodynamics Model for Chemically Reacting Flow with Spray
Fuel economy is heavily dependent upon engine efficiency, which in turn depends to a large degree on how fuel is burned within the cylinders of the engine. Higher in-cylinder pressures and temperatures lead to increased fuel economy, but they also create more difficulty in controlling the combustion process. Poorly controlled and incomplete combustion can cause higher levels of emissions and lower engine efficiencies.
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Gas Exploration Software for Reducing Uncertainty in Gas Concentration Estimates
Estimating reservoir parameters for gas exploration from geophysical data is subject to a large degree of uncertainty. Seismic imaging techniques, such as seismic amplitude versus angle (AVA) analysis, can provide good information about the physical location and porosity of potential gas-bearing sands but cannot discriminate between economical and uneconomical gas concentrations. Using seismic AVA data alone, even with high resolution, it is difficult to distinguish high or low gas... read more
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Decision Support for Operations and Maintenance (DSOM)

The Decision Support for Operations and Maintenance (DSOM®) system is an expert operations and maintenance system that combines online condition monitoring and control of equipment. This allows plant operators, maintenance staff, engineers, and administrators to use one enterprise-wide system to monitor operations in and make adjustments according to streamlined, real-time information.

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EMGeo: Risk Minimizing Software for Finding Offshore Fossil Fuels by Fluid Identification
Berkeley Lab researchers Greg Newman and Michael Commer have developed advanced software for discovering and mapping offshore fossil fuel deposits. When combined with established seismic methods, this software makes possible direct imaging of reservoir fluids.
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Automated Centrifugal Chiller Diagnostician

Researchers and engineers at PNNL have developed an automated, sophisticated, multi-level, real-time centrifugal chiller diagnostician with diagnostics available under partial load conditions. This diagnostician provides auto-analysis of system efficiency and diagnoses the most probable causes of centrifugal chiller operations caused by common failures. It provides a generic diagnostic tool applicable to most major brands of centrifugal chiller units.

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Spatially Resolved Quantitative Mapping for Thermal Analysis Using Scanning Probe Microscopy
ORNL researchers invented a method that uses band excitation acoustic force microscopy for quantitative mapping of polymeric materials. This technique probes thermomechanical properties and phase transition temperatures of materials at the nanometer scale. Data from this method are important for a variety of structural and functional materials, including composites, pharmaceuticals, and coatings.
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Scanning Probe Microscopy with Spectroscopic Molecular Recognition
ORNL researchers developed an innovative imaging method that possesses the imaging capability of scanning near-field ultrasound holography and the chemical specificity of reverse photoacoustic spectroscopy. This imaging method can achieve chemical differentiation with nanometer resolution.
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Band Excitation Method Applicable to Scanning Probe Microscopy
Using adaptive band excitation, ORNL researchers invented new scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques that offer improved data acquisition, processing, and control. These techniques enable researchers to carry out functional imaging and manipulation down to the nanometer and atomic scale.
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Wiki-based Techno Economic Analysis of a Lignocellulosic Biorefinery

JBEI has developed a model for a lignocellulosic biorefinery and posted it on an open wiki, making it the first open and widely accessible tool of its kind. The model can be used to estimate the economic impact of various aspects of lignocellulosic biorefinery processing technology. The model can be used to calculate the economic, environmental, and energetic performance of the corn stover-to-ethanol process, and allows users to model the scenarios that are of most interest to them. For... read more

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Demand Response (transactional control)

The demand response system developed by researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is a transactional response system that determines optimal operation periods for smart electric appliances and devices based on consumer preferences and real-time pricing signals from the electric grid.

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Battery Life Predictive Model

Batteries are one of the leading cost drivers of any electric vehicle project. Current practices require that batteries be oversized by design in order to meet the battery warrantee’s end-of-life (EOL) power and energy requirements. This quickly increases the cost of electric vehicles and can price them out of the realm of consideration for most users. NREL scientists have developed a software model that analyzes the performance of batteries over a lifetime of use in real world... read more

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Regulation Services with Demand Response

Grid Friendly™ Charger Controller or Grid Friendly™ Appliance technology, both developed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), provide regulation services for utilities based on varying loads by water heaters and electric vehicle chargers.

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Bore II - Advanced Wellbore Technology Characterizes Groundwater Flow and Contamination
Bore II, co-developed by Berkeley Lab researchers Frank Hale, Chin-Fu Tsang, and Christine Doughty, provides vital information for solving water quality and supply problems and for improving remediation of contaminated sites. Termed "hydrophysical logging," this technology is based on a new concept for measuring fluid flow that enables characterization of groundwater problems more quickly, more cost effectively, and with higher resolution than ever before.
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Lithium-Ion Batteries

Design. Build. Test. Break. Repeat. Developing batteries is an expensive and time-intensive process. Testing costs the automotive industry an estimated $1 million for every 50 battery cycling channels, with additional costs for designing and building prototypes totaling millions of dollars. To reduce this process and associated costs, scientists at NREL have designed computer models to predict thermal, electrical, and electrochemical battery performance. These models are so advanced they can... read more

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SUNREL Software

Historically, building performance professionals have not had reliable tools for estimating energy usage. This information deficiency has led to building upgrade and retrofit recommendations which may not be reliable or cost-effective. Scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have designed SUNREL, an hourly energy simulation engine which precisely estimates the energy consumed by a residential building. This technology enables auditors to accurately predict energy usage... read more

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Graphical Contingency Analysis Tool

The Graphical Contingency Analysis (GCA) Tool is a visual analytic software tool that aids power grid operators and planners to effectively manage complex outage predictions and helps operators and planners predict potential network failures and take effective actions in response to adverse situations.

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Rooftop Diagnostician

The Rooftop Diagnostician provides fast and effective diagnostics for heating, ventilation and air conditioning units in commercial buildings, allowing you to better monitor the HVAC system to provide optimal performance.

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EnergyPlus: Energy Simulation Software for Buildings
EnergyPlus is a building energy simulation program for modeling building heating, cooling, lighting, ventilating, and other energy flows. While it is based on the most popular features and capabilities of BLAST and DOE-2, it includes many innovative simulation capabilities such as time steps of less than an hour, modular systems and plant integrated with heat balance-based zone simulation, multizone air flow, thermal comfort, and photovoltaic systems.
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VERDE: Visualizing Energy Resources Dynamically on Earth
VERDE is a software application utilizing the Google Earth(c) platform to provide real time visualization of the electric power grid.
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Solar Position Algorithm (SPA)

This algorithm calculates the solar zenith and azimuth angles in the period from the year -2000 to 6000, with uncertainties of +/- 0.0003 degrees based on the date, time, and location on Earth. (Reference: Reda, I.; Andreas, A., Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications, Solar Energy. Vol. 76(5), 2004; pp. 577-589).

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Pulse Analysis Spectroradiometer System (PASS) Software
Flashing artificial light sources are used extensively in photovoltaic module performance testing and plant production lines. There are several means of attempting to measure the spectral distribution of a flash of light; however, many of these approaches generally capture the entire pulse energy. We report here on the design and performance of a system to capture the waveform of flash at individual wavelengths of light. Any period within the flash duration can be selected, over which to... read more