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Early Fuel Cell Market Demonstrations

Photo of fuel cell backup power system in outdoor setting. Photo of fuel cell forklifts in warehouse setting.

Fuel cell backup power systems offer longer continuous runtimes and greater durability than traditional batteries in harsh outdoor environments. For specialty vehicles such as forklifts, fuel cells can be a cost-competitive alternative to traditional lead-acid batteries.

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Early fuel cell market demonstrations focus primarily on fuel cell backup power and prime power applications as well as material handling equipment (i.e., fuel cell forklifts). Department of Energy-sponsored demonstration projects support fuel cell market transformation activities and help foster the growth of fuel cell markets. The Department of Defense also funds such demonstration projects.

NREL receives and analyzes operational data from these early fuel cell market demonstrations. By aggregating data across numerous industry teams and sites, NREL develops composite data products (CDPs), which provide relevant data results on the performance and status of fuel cell technologies without revealing proprietary information. These publicly available CDPs help the development community understand the current state of fuel cell technologies and identify areas for continued improvement. The CDPs also provide data metrics that can be used to make the business case for using fuel cells in these markets.

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Composite Data Products

The public technical analysis results are generated in the form of composite data products. The following CDPs can be sorted by title, category, CDP number, and date updated.

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Date Updated
MHE Total Cost of Ownership Cost of Ownership MHE 58 3/29/2012
MHE Total Cost Sensitivity Cost of Ownership MHE 59 3/29/2012
MHE Intensive Deployment Total Cost Cost of Ownership MHE 60 3/29/2012
General & Capital Cost Inputs for Class I/II MHE Cost of Ownership MHE 64a 3/29/2012
Infrastructure & Operation Costs for Class I/II MHE Cost of Ownership MHE 64b 3/29/2012
General & Capital Cost Inputs for Class III MHE Cost of Ownership MHE 64c 3/29/2012
Infrastructure & Operation Costs for Class III MHE Cost of Ownership MHE 64d 3/29/2012
Capacity Histogram Deployment BU 14 4/2/2014
Backup Power Fuel Cell Unit Locations Deployment BU 19 4/24/2014
Annualized Cost Breakdown for Three Backup Power Technologies Deployment BU 28 4/7/2014
Fuel Cell Units Delivered to Site Deployment ARRA EM 01 12/19/2012
Fuel Cell Units in Operation: Current and Projected Quantities Deployment ARRA EM 02 4/25/2014
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployment Sites Deployment ARRA EM 03 4/25/2014
Backup Power Fuel Cell Systems Deployed Deployment BU 01 4/6/2014
Deployed kW Capacity for Backup Power Deployment BU 02 4/16/2014
Backup Power Deployment Locations Deployment BU 03 4/18/2014
Overview of ARRA MHE Sites Deployment ARRA MHE 40 3/28/2012
Units in Operation Deployment EM 02 4/24/2014
Locations Deployment EM 03 4/25/2014
Fuel Cell Safety Reports by Quarter Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency ARRA MHE 26 3/26/2012
Annualized Cost of Ownership - Backup Power Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency BU 30 4/7/2014
72-Hour Runtime Annualized Cost Sensitivity Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency BU 31 4/15/2014
72-Hour Runtime Annualized Cost Sensitivity Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency BU 32 4/15/2014
Fuel Cell Capital Cost Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency BU 33 4/16/2014
Annualized Cost by Runtime Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency BU 22 4/16/2014
Annualized Cost of Ownership for Backup Power Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency BU 23 4/7/2014
8-Hour Annualized Cost of Ownership Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency BU 24 4/7/2014
52-Hour Annualized Cost of Ownership Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency BU 25 4/7/2014
72-Hour Annualized Cost of Ownership Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency BU 26 4/7/2014
Operation Time between Fueling Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency MHE 108 3/31/2016
176-Hour Annualized Cost of Ownership Fuel Cell Fuel Economy Range and Efficiency BU 27 4/7/2014
Fuel Cell Operation Hours by Quarter Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior MHE 111 5/7/2015
Operating Time at Fuel Cell Voltage Levels Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior MHE 115 3/31/2015
Operating Time at Fuel Cell Current Levels Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior MHE 116 4/23/2015
Operating Time at Fuel Cell Power Levels Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior MHE 117 3/31/2015
Average Daily Fuel Cell Operation Hours per Fleet Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior MHE 123 3/31/2015
Average Daily Fuel Cell Operation Hours per System Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior MHE 124 3/31/2015
Fuel Cell Stacks Projected Hours to 10% Voltage Degradation Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior MHE 97 4/1/2015
Fuel Cell Units Deployed - ARRA Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior ARRA MHE 01 4/3/2014
Fuel Cell System Operation Hours Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior MHE 102 3/31/2015
Fuel Cell System Starts by Day of Week Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 07 4/2/2014
Number of Power Outages per Year Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 20 4/7/2014
System Operation Hours vs. Calendar Days Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 21 4/2/2014
Average Run Hours per Month Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 16 4/2/2014
Average Number or Starts per Month Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 17 4/7/2014
Continuous System Run Time Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 18 4/7/2014
Backup Power Operation and Grid Outages Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 15 4/7/2014
Mean Time Between Interrupted Operations Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 29 4/4/2014
Fuel Cell Projected Hours to Various Voltage Drop Levels Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior MHE 33 3/28/2012
Fuel Cell Starts by Month, Reporting Systems, and Conditioning Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 04 4/17/2014
Run Hours by Month with Conditioning Time Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 05 4/2/2014
Fuel Cell System Starts by Time of Day Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 08 4/2/2014
Fuel Cell System Continuous Run Time Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 09 4/2/2014
Interrupted Operation Categories Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 10 4/2/2014
Fuel Cell Durability Histogram Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior ARRA MHE 38 3/28/2012
Fuel Cell Operation Hours and Durability Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior ARRA MHE 39 3/28/2012
Time Between System Starts Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 11 4/2/2014
System Start Ambient Temperature Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 12 4/2/2014
Total System Operation Time Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior BU 13 4/2/2014
Fleet Fuel Cell Hours and Voltage Durability Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior MHE 32 3/28/2012
Fuel Cell Power Degradation Over Operation Time Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior MHE 34 3/28/2012
Key Performance Areas by Classification Fuel Cell Usage and Operation Behavior ARRA MHE 63 3/28/2012
MHE Maintenance Event by Mode Maintenance and Safety ARRA MHE 61 3/28/2012
MHE Hydrogen Leaks by Equipment Type Maintenance and Safety ARRA MHE 53 3/26/2012
Fuel Cell Safety Reports by Severity Maintenance and Safety ARRA MHE 27 3/27/2012
Fuel Cell Maintenance by Category Maintenance and Safety ARRA MHE 12 3/27/2012
Scheduled and Unscheduled FC Maintenance Maintenance and Safety ARRA MHE 13 3/26/2012
Fuel Cell Maintenance by Quarter Maintenance and Safety ARRA MHE 14 3/26/2012
MHE Mean Time Between Safety Reports Maintenance and Safety ARRA MHE 56 3/27/2012
Equipment Category of Safety Reports Maintenance and Safety ARRA MHE 57 3/26/2012
Infrastructure Safety Reports by Equipment Category Maintenance and Safety MHE 46 4/14/2014
Infrastructure Maintenance by Category Maintenance and Safety MHE 18 4/9/2014
Scheduled and Unscheduled Infrastructure Maintenance Maintenance and Safety MHE 19 4/9/2014
Infrastructure Maintenance by Quarter Maintenance and Safety MHE 20 4/14/2014
Infrastructure Safety Reports by Quarter Maintenance and Safety MHE 25 4/14/2014
Fuel Cell System Safety Reports by Severity Maintenance and Safety MHE 27 4/14/2014
Infrastructure Safety Reports by Severity Maintenance and Safety MHE 41 4/14/2014
Infrastructure Hydrogen Leaks by Equipment Type Maintenance and Safety MHE 51 4/14/2014
Infrastructure Mean Time Between Safety Reports Maintenance and Safety MHE 55 4/14/2014
Mean Calendar Days Between Safety Reports Maintenance and Safety MHE 56 4/14/2014
Infrastructure Maintenance for Delivered Hydrogen Maintenance and Safety MHE 66 4/9/2014
Infrastructure Maintenance by Month Maintenance and Safety MHE 67 4/9/2014
Component Repair Time Maintenance and Safety ARRA MHE 76 4/14/2014
Equipment Percentage of Monthly Repair Labor Hours Maintenance and Safety ARRA MHE 77 4/14/2014
Histogram of Fueling Rates Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 109 3/31/2016
Histogram of Fueling Amounts Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 110 3/31/2016
Average Daily Dispensing Operations by Site Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 122 3/31/2015
Refuel Events by Day of Week Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 135 3/31/2016
Amount of Hydrogen Dispensed by Day of Week Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 142 3/31/2016
Final Pressure of Hydrogen Fills Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 162 3/31/2016
Details of Back-to-Back Fills Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 165 3/31/2016
Fill Counts per Hours Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 168 3/31/2016
Fill Amount per Hour Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 169 3/31/2016
Tank Cycling Frequency Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 136 3/31/2016
Average Daily Dispensed Hydrogen Map Refueling Performance and Behavior ARRA MHE 21 4/14/2014
Station Usage Sorted by Increased Max Daily Amount Refueling Performance and Behavior ARRA MHE 70 4/1/2014
Station Capacity Utilization Sorted by Increased Max Daily Amount Refueling Performance and Behavior ARRA MHE 71 4/1/2014
Mean Time Between Failure by Equipment Category Refueling Performance and Behavior ARRA MHE 72 4/14/2014
Fueling Events by Quarter Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 103 3/31/2015
Hydrogen Dispensed by Quarter Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 104 3/31/2015
Refueling Time of Day Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 105 3/30/2016
Histogram of Fueling Times Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 106 3/31/2016
Tank Pressure Level at Fueling Refueling Performance and Behavior MHE 107 3/31/2016
Cumulative Hydrogen Consumed by Month Refueling Performance and Behavior BU 06 4/2/2014
Unit Downtime for Refueling Refueling Performance and Behavior ARRA MHE 37 3/15/2012
Overall Fleet FC System Reliability Growth Reliability MHE 28 3/27/2012
MHE Availability Reliability ARRA MHE 54 3/16/2012
MHE Maintenance Labor Hours Reliability ARRA MHE 43 3/26/2012
Fleet Fuel Cell System Reliability Growth by Category Reliability MHE 29 3/27/2012
Fuel Cell System Mean Time Between Failure Reliability MHE 30 3/26/2012
Fuel Cell System Mean Time Between Scheduled Maintenance Reliability MHE 31 3/26/2012
Infrastructure Maintenance Labor Hours Reliability MHE 44 4/9/2014
Infrastructure Reliability Growth Reliability MHE 45 4/9/2014
Infrastructure Maintenance by Mode Reliability MHE 47 4/10/2014
Infrastructure Mean Time Between Failure Reliability MHE 48 4/9/2014
Infrastructure Mean Time Between Scheduled Maintenance Reliability MHE 49 4/4/2014
Infrastructure Reliability Growth by Category Reliability MHE 50 4/9/2014
Infrastructure Failures by Mode Reliability MHE 52 4/29/2014
Infrastructure Reliability Growth Reliability ARRA MHE 45 4/1/2014


The following publications can be sorted by title, author(s), type, and publication date.

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Publication Date
Material Handling Equipment Data Collection and Analysis Chris Ainscough and Jennifer Kurtz Presented at the 2016 DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting 6/7/2016
Material Handling Equipment Data Collection and Analysis Chris Ainscough and Jennifer Kurtz Excerpt from the 2015 U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Annual Progress Report 12/31/2015
Material Handling Equipment Data Collection and Analysis Chris Ainscough and Jennifer Kurtz Presented at the 2015 DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting 6/10/2015
ARRA Material Handling Equipment Composite Data Products: Data through Quarter 3 of 2014 Chris Ainscough and Jennifer Kurtz Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 5/7/2015
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Performance as Telecommunications Backup Power in the United States Jennifer Kurtz, Genevieve Saur, and Sam Sprik NREL analyzed operational data collected from government co-funded demonstration projects to characterize key fuel cell backup power performance metrics and to highlight the business case for using fuel cells in these early market applications. 3/31/2015
Forklift and Backup Power Data Collection and Analysis Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, Genevieve Saur, Matt Post, and Mike Peters Excerpt from the 2014 U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Annual Progress Report 11/30/2014
Backup Power Cost of Ownership Analysis and Incumbent Technology Comparison Jennifer Kurtz, Genevieve Saur, Sam Sprik, and Chris Ainscough This cost of ownership analysis identifies the factors impacting the value proposition for fuel cell backup power and presents the estimated annualized cost of ownership for fuel cell backup power systems compared with the incumbent technologies. 9/1/2014
Forklift and Backup Power Data Collection and Analysis Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, Matt Post, and Mike Peters Presented at the 2014 DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Annual Merit Review Meeting 6/19/2014
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA): Quarter 4 2013 Composite Data Products Jennifer Kurtz and Sam Sprik Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 6/17/2014
Spring 2014 Composite Data Products: Backup Power Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 6/17/2014
ARRA Material Handling Equipment Composite Data Products: Data Through Quarter 4 of 2013 Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, and Michael Peters Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 6/17/2014
Next Generation Hydrogen Station Composite Data Products: Data through Quarter 4 of 2013 Sam Sprik, Jennifer Kurtz, and Michael Peters This report includes 25 composite data products produced for next generation hydrogen stations, with data through quarter 4 of 2013. 4/1/2014
Forklift and Backup Power Data Collection and Analysis Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Genevieve Saur, Chris Ainscough, Matt Post, and Mike Peters Excerpt from the 2013 Annual Progress Report 12/1/2013
Fall 2013 Composite Data Products – Backup Power Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, Chris Ainscough, Genevieve Saur, Matthew Post, and Michael Peters Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 12/1/2013
U.S. Department of Energy-Funded Performance Validation of Fuel Cell Material Handling Equipment Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Genevieve Saur, Chris Ainscough, Matt Post, and Mike Peters This presentation for the UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association Webinar provides information about NREL's performance evaluation of fuel cell forklifts. 11/27/2013
ARRA Material Handling Equipment Composite Data Products: Data through Quarter 2 of 2013 J. Kurtz, S. Sprik, C. Ainscough, G. Saur, M. Post, and M. Peters Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 11/1/2013
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Performance in the Key Early Markets of Material Handling Equipment and Backup Power Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Genevieve Saur, Chris Ainscough, Matt Post, and Mike Peters This presentation, given at the 2013 Fuel Cell Seminar, provides information about fuel cell performance in early market applications. 10/23/2013
Technology Validation of Fuel Cell Vehicles and Their Hydrogen Infrastructure Jennifer Kurtz This presentation, given at the 2013 Fuel Cell Seminar, provides information about NREL's technology validation of fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen fueling infrastructure. 10/22/2013
National Fuel Cell Technology Evaluation Center Jennifer Kurtz Fact sheet describing the purpose, lab specifications, application scenarios, and partnership opportunities for the National Fuel Cell Technology Evaluation Center at NREL's Energy Systems Integration Facility. 9/1/2013
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA) - Quarter 1 2013 Composite Data Products Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, Chris Ainscough, Genevieve Saur, Matt Post, and Mike Peters Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 5/9/2013
Forklift and Backup Power Data Collection and Analysis Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, Genevieve Saur, Matt Post, and Mike Peters Presented at the 2013 DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Annual Merit Review Meeting 5/1/2013
ARRA Material Handling Equipment Composite Data Products: Data Through Quarter 4 of 2012 Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, Chris Ainscough, Genevieve Saur, Matt Post, Michael Peters, and Todd Ramsden Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 5/1/2013
Spring 2013 Composite Data Products – Backup Power J. Kurtz, K. Wipke, S. Sprik, T. Ramsden, C. Ainscough, G. Saur, M. Post, and M. Peters Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 5/1/2013
An Evaluation of the Total Cost of Ownership of Fuel Cell-Powered Material Handling Equipment Todd Ramsden Report on NREL's total-cost-of-ownership analysis of fuel cell-powered and traditional battery-powered forklifts 4/1/2013
Performance and Reliability of Fuel Cell Systems in the Field Chris Ainscough, Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Leslie Eudy, Genevieve Saur, and Todd Ramsden This presentation, given at a Fuel Cell End Users' Forum sponsored by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association, provides information about the performance and reliability of fuel cell systems 2/4/2013
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA) - Quarter 3 2012 Composite Data Products Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, Genevieve Saur, and Matt Post Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 1/1/2013
What We've Learned from 2.5 Years of Early Market Fuel Cell Operation J. Kurtz, S. Sprik, T. Ramsden, G. Saur, and C. Ainscough Presented at the 2012 Fuel Cell Seminar 11/6/2012
Hydrogen Storage Needs for Early Motive Fuel Cell Markets J. Kurtz, C. Ainscough, L. Simpson, and M. Caton Report on NREL's analyses of hydrogen storage performance needs and technology gaps 11/1/2012
ARRA Material Handling Equipment Composite Data Products: Data Through Quarter 2 of 2012 Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 10/11/2012
Fuel Cell Backup Power Technology Validation Jennifer Kurtz, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, and Genevieve Saur Presented at the 2012 International Telecommunications Energy Conference 10/1/2012
Fall 2012 Composite Data Products: Backup Power Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 10/1/2012
ARRA MHE Composite Data Products for Data Through 2011 Q4 Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by the NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 4/4/2012
Spring 2012 Composite Data Products - Backup Power Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 4/3/2012
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA), Quarter 1 2012, Composite Data Products – Deployment Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, and Chris Ainscough Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 3/8/2012
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA), November 2011, Composite Data Products – Deployment Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, and Chris Ainscough Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 11/30/2011
Fall 2011 Composite Data Products: ARRA Material Handling Equipment Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 9/30/2011
Fall 2011 Composite Data Products: Backup Power Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 9/30/2011
2011 Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA) Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 9/30/2011
State-of-the-Art Fuel Cell Lab Data Durability Analysis CDPs Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 8/2/2011
Analysis Results of ARRA Fuel Cell Early Market Projects Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, Genevieve Saur Presented at the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Conference 5/17/2011
Analysis Results for ARRA Projects: Enabling Fuel Cell Market Transformation Jennifer Kurtz Presented at the 2011 DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Annual Merit Review Meeting 5/12/2011
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA) - May 2011 Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 5/10/2011
ARRA Fuel Cell Deployments: Operation Data Overview Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Presented at the Hydrogen Safety Panel Meeting 4/7/2011
Spring 2011 Composite Data Products - ARRA Material Handling Equipment Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 4/6/2011
Spring 2011 Composite Data Products - Backup Power Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 3/29/2011
Analysis Results for ARRA Fuel Cell Deployments Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Presented at the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association Conference 2/16/2011
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA) - February 2011 Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 2/10/2011
NREL's Technology Validation Activities Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, Todd Ramsden, Chris Ainscough, and Genevieve Saur Presented at the FCHEA Winter Meeting 12/10/2010
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA) - November 2010 Jennifer Kurtz, Keith Wipke, Sam Sprik, and Todd Ramsden Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 11/30/2010
ARRA Fuel Cell Deployment and Operation J. Kurtz, K. Wipke, S. Sprik, T. Ramsden Presented at the 2010 Fuel Cell Seminar 10/20/2010
Analysis Results of Lab and Field Fuel Cell Durability J. Kurtz, K. Wipke, S. Sprik Presented at the 2010 Fuel Cell Seminar 10/20/2010
Data Analysis for ARRA Early Fuel Cell Market Demonstrations J. Kurtz, K. Wipke, S. Sprik, and T. Ramsden Presented at the National Hydrogen Association's 2010 Hydrogen Conference 5/5/2010
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: ARRA; Quarter 2 of 2010; Composite Data Products, April 14, 2010 J. Kurtz, K. Wipke, S. Sprik, and T. Ramsden Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 4/14/2010
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: ARRA; Quarter 1 of 2010; Composite Data Products, February 19, 2010 J. Kurtz, K. Wipke, S. Sprik, and T. Ramsden Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 2/19/2010
Analysis of Real World Fuel Cell Degradation J. Kurtz, K. Wipke, S. Sprik, and T. Ramsden Presented at the 2009 Fuel Cells Durability and Performance Conference 12/1/2009
Early Fuel Cell Market Deployments: DLA; Quarter 4 of 2009; Composite Data Products J. Kurtz, K. Wipke, S. Sprik, and T. Ramsden Composite data products produced by NREL's early fuel cell market demonstrations team 11/6/2009
Data Analysis of Early Fuel Cell Market Demonstrations J. Kurtz, T. Ramsden, K. Wipke, and S. Sprik Presented at the 2009 Fuel Cell Seminar 11/1/2009
Data Collection and Analysis for ARRA Fuel Cell Projects J. Kurtz, T. Ramsden, K. Wipke, and S. Sprik Presented at the Recovery Project Kick-off Meeting 8/1/2009

Presentations Containing All CDPs

  • Current CDPs for Backup Power, Spring 2014 PDF
  • Current ARRA Material Handling Equipment CDPs: Data through Quarter 4 of 2013 PDF
  • Current ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA) Deployment CDPs, Quarter 4 of 2013 PDF
  • Archived CDPs for Backup Power, Fall 2013 PDF
  • Archived ARRA Material Handling Equipment CDPs: Data through Quarter 2 of 2013 PDF
  • Archived ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA) Deployment CDPs, Quarter 1 of 2013 PDF
  • Archived ARRA Material Handling Equipment CDPs: Data through Quarter 4 of 2012 PDF
  • Archived ARRA and Combined (IAA, DLA, ARRA) Deployment CDPs, Quarter 1 of 2012  PDF
  • Archived CDPs for Backup Power, Quarter 4 of 2011  PDF
  • Archived ARRA CDPs for Material Handling Equipment, Quarter 4 of 2011  PDF
  • Archived ARRA Deployment CDPs, Quarter 3 of 2011  PDF
  • Archived ARRA CDPs for Material Handling Equipment, Quarter 3 of 2011 PDF
  • Archived ARRA CDPs for Backup Power, Quarter 3 of 2011 PDF
  • Archived ARRA Deployment CDPs, Quarter 4 of 2010 PDF
  • Archived ARRA CDPs for Material Handling Equipment, Quarter 4 of 2010 PDF
  • Archived ARRA CDPs for Backup Power, Quarter 4 of 2010 PDF
  • Archived ARRA Deployment CDPs, Quarter 4 of 2010 PDF
  • Archived ARRA Deployment CDPs, Quarter 3 of 2010 PDF
  • Archived ARRA CDPs for Material Handling Equipment, Quarter 4 of 2010 PDF
  • Archived ARRA CDPs, Quarter 2 of 2010 PDF
  • Current DLA CDPs, Quarter 4 of 2009 PDF
  • Archived ARRA CDPs, Quarter 1 of 2010 PDF

Contact: Jennifer Kurtz 303-275-4061