Cloud & Aerosol Processes: Measurements

Cloud and aerosol processes research relies on measurements of the chemical, physical, and optical properties of aerosol particles from aircraft, ships, and ground sites as well as in the laboratory. By combining these with gas-phase and other measurements, we learn about the sources, sinks, and radiative properties of these particles.NOAA WP-3D

The NOAA WP-3D is used in many of our field missions, and group participating field projects have used the NOAA R/V Ronald H. Brown. Data archived from our major NOAA field campaigns, with instruments on aircraft and ship research platforms, are available with the Tropospheric Chemistry research group (Collaborative Field Missions):

Mission Season All Platforms Location Purpose
FIREX 2015-2019 NOAA WP-3D, Lab western US Understand impact of North American fire emissions on air quality.
SONGNEX 2015 Spring NOAA WP-3D western US Study emissions of western US oil and shale gas basins.
SENEX 2013 Summer NOAA WP-3D Nashville, TN Study interactions between natural and anthropogenic emissions and affects on climate change and air quality.
NACHTT 2011 Winter Ground site Erie, CO Measurements of halogens in the wintertime.
Gulf 2010 Summer NOAA WP-3D Gulf of Mexico Survey Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
CalNex 2010 Spring - Summer NOAA WP-3D, R/V Atlantis, NOAA Twin Otter, Ground site Ontario, CA Study air quality and climate change.
ARCPAC 2008 Spring NOAA WP-3D Fairbanks, AK Study aerosols in the Arctic.
TexAQS 2006 Summer NOAA WP-3D, NOAA R/V RHB, NOAA Twin Otter Houston, TX Texas Air Quality Study
NEAQS-ITCT 2004 Summer NOAA WP-3D, NOAA R/V RHB, Ground site eastern US Study emissions transport and mixing and aerosols.
NEAQS 2002 Spring NOAA R/V RHB eastern US Study air quality prediction and monitoring.
ITCT 2002 Spring NOAA WP-3D, Ground site western US Study transport and chemical processing of pollution.
TexAQS 2000 Summer NCAR Electra, Ground site Houston, TX Study formation and transport of air pollutants.
SOS 1999 Summer NOAA WP-3D, Ground site Nashville, TN Study distribution and production of fine aerosols and ozone.


Field Misison Data archived by NCAR/UCAR

Instruments have flown on the NASA DC-8. Data from multiagency field campaigns led by NCAR/UCAR are available in the NCAR/UCAR EOL Data Archive:

Mission Dates Platform Location Study
DC3 May - Jun 2012 NASA DC-8 Salina, KS Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry project


Field Mission Data archived by NASA

Instruments have also flown on the NASA WB-57. Data from multiagency field campaigns led by NASA are available in the NASA ESPO Data Archive:

Mission Dates Platform Location Study
SEAC4RS Aug - Sept 2013 NASA DC-8 Houston, TX Studies of Emissions and Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys
MACPEX Mar - Apr 2011 NASA WB-57 Houston, TX Mid-latitude Airborne Cirrus Properties Experiment
TC4 Jun - Aug 2007 NASA DC-8 Costa Rica and Panama Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling
CRAVE Dec 2005 - Mar 2006 NASA WB-57 Costa Rica Costa Rica Aura Validation Experiment
Pre-AVE Jan - Feb 2004 NASA WB-57 Houston, TX and Costa Rica Pre Aura Validation Experiment
CRYSTAL-FACE May - Aug 2002 NASA WB-57 Key West, FL Cirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils and Cirrus Layers - Florida Area Cirrus Experiment
ACCENT Mar 1999 - Sept 2000 NASA WB-57 Houston, TX Atmospheric Chemistry of Combustion Emissions Near the Tropopause
WAM Mar - May 1998 NASA WB-57 Houston, TX WB-57F Aerosol Mission

PALMS instrument Data

The Particle Analysis by Laser Mass Spectrometry (PALMS) instrument measures the chemical composition of individual aerosol particles. An instrument reference is intended to provide a convenient interactive data display to foster more collaboration on data analysis from a rich and unique data set: PALMS instrument data (includes NASA ACCENT and WAM mission data).