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#tipsEnergy: Saving on Home Heating Costs

November 23, 2012 - 3:37pm


#tipsEnergy: Saving on Home Heating Costs

A feature on the Energy Department's Twitter account, #tipsEnergy highlights ways to save energy and money at home. Once a month, we ask you to share your energy-saving tips so the larger energy community can learn from you, and we feature some of the best tips in a Storify.

Storified by Energy Department ·
Fri, Nov 23 2012 20:37:07

As we head into December, the cold weather
season is officially upon us, and nowhere is that more evident than on your
utility bills. Home heating and cooling uses more energy than any other system
in your home, accounting for about 54
percent of your utility bills
. No matter the type of heating system in your
house, you can save money and stay comfortable all winter long with a few
simple actions and proper heating system maintenance.

This month, we asked our online community to share their
tips for saving energy on home heating costs.

While your home's duct system ensures that air is carried
from your furnace throughout the house, it can also contribute to higher energy
bills if not properly sealed or insulated. Many of the repairs you can do
yourself. Check out our tips for sealing
your air ducts

Duct systems aren't the only place in your home where warm
air can escape, as some Twitter followers point out.

furnace maintenance
 cannot only save you money on your energy
bills, it can also prevent costly repairs. One of the easiest things you can do
is to check and clean your heating system filters regularly to maintain your
system's airflow.

Save energy this winter without sacrificing comfort by a installing
a programmable thermostat
. By allowing you to "set it and forget
it," a programmable thermostat allows you to set temperatures based on the
times you are normally home and your habits. Turning your thermostat back
10-15 degrees for 8 hours, can save you 5-15 percent a year on your heating

Many of Twitter users' tips -- including our own -- focused
on the no-cost ways to save on heating costs. 

For more ways to save energy and money, check out Energy
Saver’s tips on
home heating and cooling
