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Searching for maps has never been easier. A screen capture of the MapSearch Map view option

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NREL's Geospatial Data Science Team develops maps for various renewable resources and for specific projects. As a benefit to the public, a majority of static maps are offered and Google Map (KML/KMZ) files on a tool called MapSearch.

Biomass Maps

Maps showing the biomass resources available in the United States by county. Feedstock categories include crop residues; forest residues; primary and secondary mill residues; urban wood waste; and methane emissions from manure management, landfills, and domestic wastewater treatment.


Maps showing currently developed and planned geothermal power plant projects, as well as favorable resources for enhanced geothermal systems and identified hydrothermal sites are available.

Hydrogen Maps

GIS modeling is used to analyze and visualize the spatial relationship between resources (renewable and non renewable), hydrogen production facilities, transportation infrastructure, and hydrogen demand centers. It is a powerful tool for manipulating large and complex datasets, siting hydrogen production facilities and refueling stations, and analyzing variety of resources for hydrogen production in the United States.

International Maps

NREL has worked with various countries to create maps and analysis Geospatial Toolkits. You can view a sample of the maps from this page and for more maps, you can use our MapSearch tool to easily find available international maps.

Marine and Hydrokinetic Maps

Maps of marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) resources are available for viable areas in the United States. Some of the maps available are: Nonpowered Dams Assessment, Wave Resource Assessment, Tidal Streams Resource Assessment, Wave Energy Resource Atlas, and Tidal Streams Resource Maps.

Solar Maps

Maps of solar radiation resources are available for several photovoltaic collector orientations in the United States. Some of the maps available are: PV Solar Radiation Maps, Direct Normal Solar Radiation Maps, Map of U.S. Solar Measurement Station Locations, and the United States Solar Atlas. Additional Information: Solar Maps Development - How the Maps Were Made.

Wind Maps

Maps showing wind resource potential based on wind power density. These maps estimate wind energy resources for the United States and its territories, and indicate general areas where a high wind resource may exist.

If you have difficulty accessing these maps because of a disability, please contact the Geospatial Data Science Team.